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About MikeyMitchell

  • Birthday 09/05/1966

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  • Occupation
    Database developer

MikeyMitchell's Achievements

  1. Re: Trying to evade con-stun I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned Damage Reduction, only vs. an attack that does > 30 STUN...
  2. Re: How would you simulate this power?I tend to agree on the CSL as the basis for the build. The most obvious implementation I can think of would be to use Extra Time Limitations on the CSLs. Maybe with an extra Limitation, "cannot start time increment outside of combat" (to prevent starting the countdown before the battle). Probably worth no more than an extra -1/4 (beyond the Extra Time value).
  3. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to?I had a player once request to play Football Hero. This was a powered armor character, except the armor looked like a football uniform (complete with shoulder pads). His attack was an energy "football" formed from power conduits built into the suit, which he would throw at enemies. He was also allegedly fond of Move Through. The character was supposed to be an ex-football jock who just couldn't give it up.I said "no".
  4. Re: Robotic ConstructsAs a (very) loose rule of thumb, I tend to think of anything with sentience (i.e. an artificial intelligence that is self-aware) as being a "normal" character, and anything below that level of sophistication as an automaton. Reason? The STUN stat represents consciousness, and, if the robot is "conscious", then he can be knocked out, stunned, etc.Is that the only way to do it? No, of course not. In fact, you could build a non-technological character who is sentient and still has some of the automaton powers, given a sufficient justification. Or, you could build a sentient AI that still can't be stunned or knocked out because his internal structure is too tough to allow it. It's all about what you're trying to simulate.
  5. Re: Special Drain - Is this possible? Most obvious method is to Drain DEX. When the DEX is reduced, so is the CV. Easier to hit. Viola.
  6. Re: The Unusual SuspectsMy current campaign has one definite blended character, and one who might qualify. The definite is a character who is a (literal) cross between Wolverine and Jean Gray, and has appropriate powers - adamantium skeleton, claws, and a VPP of psionic abilities.The other is a brick / shapeshifter / stretcher. Think Odo (from DS9) crossed with high strength and toughness. Not sure that qualifies as a blend, but I think it does.
  7. Re: [Newbie] Is desolidification truly unbalancing ?
  8. Re: Superhero Images I don't have my CKC handy, but don't the Yu'unta (Nebula's race) have red skin? Might be a starting point - Andromedan galaxy alien?
  9. Re: Help with "Brick Fu"......Please Well - that's at least one way you could break the archetype: Give Tiger Brick a higher-than-normal DEX.
  10. Re: House Rules?I have only two house rules. Pulling a Punch in a superheroic campaign imposes a flat -1 OCV penalty (instead of the -1 OCV / 3 DC). Basically, to encourage strong characters to act like heroes and try to avoid injuring people.The second is that the standard STUN multiplier for a KA is 1D6 - 2, rather than 1D6 - 1. An attempt to balance the effectiveness of KAs vs. normal attacks. (And please - let's not start that thread again!)
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