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Everything posted by DreadDomain

  1. There is also Destined, a superhero roleplaying game based on Mythras (aka RuneQuest 6e) published in 2022.
  2. That's fair. I do not mind Hero Machine for a fan product. For a paid commercial product, I prefer no art over Hero Machine. But that's just me.
  3. That's ok, much better than Hero Machine art.
  4. Is the book graced with Hero Machine pictures?
  5. Sadly, the answer has to be no. I only came to realize it a few months ago while answering "What are the Top 10 Tabletop Roleplaying Games of All Time (that you have personally played)?" on RPG.net. I instinctively started asking myself who would rank first, HERO or GURPS but when I went through the though process, the real question was if it would even finish second (it did) or would it slip to third. No doubt I still love HERO but nowadays, if I want to play fantasy, modern action, supernatural horror, post-apocalypse, science-fiction, etc, I will probably consider one, two or half a dozen games before HERO. In the past many years, it was my go-to only when it comes to super but If I was to start a game now, I am not even sure I would choose it. It also pains me to say that the last book published by HERO that I enjoyed and found "professionally" done was Golden Age Champions, must have been 5 years ago now. If DOJ doesn't pick up their game, or sell the property to someone who will do the system justice, I am afraid the next time I answer a similar question in a few years, it may slip to third or maybe not even make the top 3.
  6. Yes, we are on the same wavelength here.
  7. How dare you contradict me! Honestly my comment was more about expressing support for what would come next than expressing a desire for a new edition. What I would really want to see are professionally published books, to today's standards. I want much better organised character write-ups instead of the wall of stuff we sometimes see. The character sheet is the player/GM interface. It needs to be organised, it needs to be easy to read, it needs to look good. HERO 6E is a powerful toolkit. I would like to see this toolkit used to create games. And by using the toolkit I mean introducing concepts that are built using the toolkit but presented as a game element. One game could introduced figured characteristics (with primaries cost appropriately), another could remove MCVs and END and add COM. Another could add a list of talents using the toolkit but without writing them with all the lingo (-1/2, +3/4). MHI and Extinction Event (I know it's not from DoJ) were steps in the right direction. Western HERO is a step in the right direction when it comes to content but it needs a much better presentation, better art, better organisation, better look. And the character write-ups in the book are the same wall of stuff. Edited to add: This last point is not a critique of Christopher's work. He has done what I want writers to do with the system. I feel like DoJ didn't come to the party to develop, edit, organise and publish the book. I want Champions Complete revised and republished to today's standards. This book should be the flagship of the line. I want Danger International and Justice Inc. I want HERO to be able to attract new players.
  8. To answer the question directly, the last time Champions was fun for me was 6E. Do I think 6E is perfect? Of course not. Do I approve all the changes that 6E brought? No. Do I believe it's a bloody good game. Hell yeah! What is my favorite edition? Probably a blend of 4, 5 and 6. Given a choice between all editions, which one would I choose? 6E. But if I could, I would play 7E
  9. In this alternate universe where everything else is being equal, I would have started my RPG life with l'Oeil Noir first edition, then moved on to Pendragon and thereafter to RuneQuest, Chaosium and Stormbringer. While trying a bunch of other games, HarnMaster, Talislanta, WFRP, Bushido, Rêve de Dragons, Empires et Dynasties, Rolemaster and more I forget at the moment, RQ3 would have remained my go to game until I would have discovered GURPS and then HERO. Both games would come to dominate my gaming life for 2 decades until BRP would come forward once more with Mythras, Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest and join GURPS and HERO as my go to games. I guess this alternate universe wouldn't be much different than this one after all.
  10. Now we want to know, are you still with that girl today? Assuming the disappearance of Champions would have left everything else unchanged, my early start would have been through SuperWorld and DC Heroes. Then I would have moved on to GURPS Supers. I would have dabbled in DC Universe, M&M and Marvel Heroic. The question is would I have stuck with GURPS Supers. I think so.
  11. It's because I have not attached it! I was refering to the .rtf files that comes with the download linked previously. Thx.
  12. Hi Chris, It would be super useful to provide a screenshot so people can quickly see the style of the sheet. Also, would it be possible to use the word character sheet I have attached as an inspiration to create a .rtf file? In a nutshell, organise the sheet by functions (primary characteristics, movement, offensive, defense, skills, talents, perks, skills powers, complications) No values for advantages and limitations (no +½ or -¼). No real cost for characteristics, skills, talents, etc. The rest might be more difficult as I abbreviate many redundant terms but if it's a .rtf, it's easy to manually modify. I hope it helps.
  13. I think it wants it but I know it needs it!.
  14. Sorry, I was unclear. I meant that the format/flow seen in the word character sheet attached is more or less what I am after. I actually use one of the .rft extract and bring it in Word for final massaging.
  15. You can use any of these if you want As an aside, the word character sheet is more or less what I am after. In a nutshell, organise the sheet by functions. Primary characteristics, movement, offensive, defense, skills, talents, perks, skills powers, complications. No values for advantages and limitations. No real cost. I hope it helps.
  16. DreadDomain


    Is this your work!? man it's great and belongs in a Hero book.
  17. What!? That is the first I hear of this. Can you point me somewhere with more info?
  18. That's pretty much how we have been doing it for a long time. As a player, even if they don't know their opponent's DCV, they can still roll like they would for any other skills and declare "I succeed by X" which is the same as "I hit DCV X".
  19. Hi Foklin, If it helps, you can find a write-up of Colossus here It's 99% based on the Book of Templates I.
  20. Agreed. It's an implication and (I don't believe) the value of the limitation is stated anywhere.
  21. Good points regarding Cumulative vs DoT. Regarding DoT, you are correct, it requires the GM to waive the "Maximum Effect". It mentions waiving the "Repeated Use" of Healing but not Maximi Effect specifically. Ok, it's probably a bridge too far and DoT is not appropriate to increase the Maximum effect of Aid. And probably too clunky anyway. It's the other way around, in my opinion. Bringing back Increased Maximum Effect (as an Adder, not an advantage) removes ambiguity on how it's supposed to work. In 4th, there was never any confusion about it. It was right there in the write-up of Aid. True, I was bending the rules with Cumulative as well because it felt appropriate even if specifically forbidden. I undersatnd why, it can easily be abused. Apparently, there are no ways to increase maximum effect in 6th, or at least not clearly started.
  22. It's only yesterday I was looking at the Jade Brute in the HERO System Templates and I was wondering why his "Strongest there is" power was built that way (essentially a few STR+5 with various delays). Surely this is what Aid is for, I thought. Buy enough Aid to get a standard effect of +5 per phase, increase the maximum to whatever you need and add the appropriate advantages and limitations required and done. Easy. I was flabbergasted to realize the adder to increase maximum effect on Aid was last seen in 4th Edition! Looking at the advantages, I thought the most appropriate would be Cumulative or Damage Over Time, which specifically states it can be used as Effect Over Time. The write-up with Cumulative ends up costing 15 points to potentially increase STR by 72 over 15 phases while the write up with Damage Over time costs 24 points to potentially increase STR by 60 over 12 phases. One huge difference is that Cumulative doubles each +¼ while Damage Over Time works in increment. The Strongest There Is! (38 Active Points, 15 Real Points) Aid STR 1 ½d6 (standard effect: 5 points), up to + 72 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/2), Cumulative (up to 72 points; +1 1/4) Only to Aid Self (-1) Power Fades Upon Recovering From Enraged (-1/2) The Strongest There Is! (61 Active Points, 24 Real Points) Aid STR 1 ½d6 (standard effect: 5 points), up to + 60 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/4), Damage Over Time (12 damage increments, damage occurs every other Segment, +4) Only to Aid Self (-1) Power Fades Upon Recovering From Enraged (-1/2) Now what if we use an Adder similar to what was in 4th (+2 to max by +1 pts)? The short of it, it becomes even more expensive. While I prefer the Adder method from 4th, +2 per 1 pts is probably not the right cost. When you think about it, I could buy STR+60, Only when Enraged -½ for 40 points instead and have the whole +60 available the moment I because enraged (well, not me, my character). The Strongest There Is! (96 Active Points, 38 Real Points) Aid STR 1 ½d6 (standard effect: 5 points), Increased maximum to + 61 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/4), Only to Aid Self (-1) Power Fades Upon Recovering From Enraged (-1/2) Any thought on which approach (Cumulative or Damage Over Time) gives a more balanced cost?. As an exercise, by using STR +5 with Only when Enraged -½ and with limitations similar to the Extra Time table. Assuming an extra +5 plus be triggered each phase for 2 Turns (which means the limitations for the second turn is topped at -1½), the cost comes at 23, 24 points. It feels like it is more in line with Damage over Time than it is with Cumulative. Which also brings the question, are DoT and Cumulative trying to accomplish the same thing but in different ways?
  23. I am very tempted to buy these POD if only to provide copies that are a bit easier to handle than the hardcovers. Not that I would ever part with my HCs...
  24. It looks good. While I am a long term HERO player and GM I prefer when games using it avoid writing talents or spells using the full write-ups (including modifier values). The Springback write-up gives me all I need. I saw somewhere else you have Field Guide available. Do you have a pdf preview for it?
  25. Of course. But if this thread would lead to a revised or updated CC, I can only assume the feedback would be diligently proritized, as 1) reasonable feedback that can be reasonably be implemented, 2) reasonable feedback to is too difficult to implement or going against the objective and 3) rejected feedback. One big misconception about feedback, is that it must, and will be implemented. This way lies madness and often leads the requester of feedback to only want to receive opinions that fall under the first category and perceive opinions of the second and third categories as "too much feedback", "feedback I do not want" or "people are just complaining". It totally defeats the purpose of feedback. Anyway, moving on... And this is something I really appreciate of CC in contrast of 6E. I suspect by only cutting similar statements in 6E, you can probably cut 50 pages right there... 😉
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