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st barbara

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    st barbara got a reaction from Gary Miles in Good Pulp Movies to watch   
    I don't know if it has been shown where you are but "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries" is worth a look (set in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920's) is another good Pulp crime detective show.
  2. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Gary Miles in Good Pulp Movies to watch   
    Has "Cast A Deadly Spell" been mentioned ? Horror/detective with a hero named Phil Lovecraft in a world where magic works, what's not to like ?
  3. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from pinecone in Good Pulp Movies to watch   
    I don't know if it has been shown where you are but "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries" is worth a look (set in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920's) is another good Pulp crime detective show.
  4. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Cancer in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    Oh yes and"Happy Saint Barbara's day !
  5. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in What "Pulp" have you read lately ?   
    Not currently reading any pulp fiction, but a useful book for any pulp gm that I have started is "Last Talons Of The Eagle" by Gary Hyland and Anton Gill. It is about the various Nazi experimental (and some not so experimental) aircraft that were developed during (and sometimes before) World War ll  Certainly the helicopters developed by Flettner  (some of which were used during the war) could be of use in a pulp campaign. I have just reached the section on the Horten Brothers and their "flying wings'. Lots more to come I am sure !
  6. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from wcw43921 in RIP: Stan Lee   
    Along with Julius Schwartz he made the "Silver Age" of comics what it was. He was an important voice in the development of the superhero comic and has left an important legacy for those that come  after him..
  7. Like
    st barbara reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    People have often complained that Trump has never stopped "campaigning" since he won the last election. I suspect he's not campaigning at all. One of the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (of which Trump displays several) is a need for constant adulation. On the campaign trail Trump experienced crowds worshiping him, and I believe he's addicted to that.
  8. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Doc Shadow in Wild Wild West (TV Series)   
    I have the box set of "Wild Wild West' (the T V series) and it is fun. As far as I am concerned the movie version was an absolute travesty, done by people with no taste or appreciation of the source material that they were bastardising !
  9. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Certified in Poll: Superhero Day Jobs   
    "Saint Barbara " was an erotic model and then worked for UNICEF before gaining super powers.
  10. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from assault in If the Japanese won World War 2 how would the United States be changed?   
    Whether Japan would have invaded Australia is debatable (and has been debated). I also can't see them invading the coast of the U S A, they simply didn't have the manpower to take the country. What IS more possible is that they would have turned West with India as the glittering prize. Possibly the U S A could have been forced to negotiate with the Axis powers had Germany got the bomb first and Japan could have kept its Asian possessions while Germany controlled Europe and Africa, leading to a cold war between a Germanic Europe and a Japanese dominated Asia, with the Americas as a neutral (and Neutered) "third power" and trading partner for the two great powers.
  11. Like
    st barbara reacted to Doc Shadow in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    We need a laugh.
    I found this and thought it might do.

  12. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in What "Pulp" have you read lately ?   
    I got some more books via the internet recently , including a" WPA Guide To New Orleans". This gives me four of these guides, New York, Washington,San Francisco and New Orleans. Interesting thing is that a previous owner of the New Orleans book has included a hand written note about "Storyville".,
  13. Haha
    st barbara got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think that Trump's affairs have all been with Americans, but his wife is foreign born.
  14. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Bazza in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Saw "Antman and The Wasp" last friday. Not bad; the size changing ability was used quite well.
  15. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from tkdguy in What happened to markdoc?   
    Is hunting the wild Markdoc anything like hunting Snarks ? Does one need to threaten his life with a railway share or can he be charmed with smiles and soap ? The world wonders !
  16. Like
    st barbara reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    AIUI he recorded way more than that.

  17. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I will have you know that our wildlife (generally) doesn't eat tourists ! (Bite, sting and poison them to death yes, but EAT , not usually !)
  18. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from assault in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I will have you know that our wildlife (generally) doesn't eat tourists ! (Bite, sting and poison them to death yes, but EAT , not usually !)
  19. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from death tribble in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  20. Haha
    st barbara got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  21. Haha
    st barbara got a reaction from Certified in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  22. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from assault in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  23. Haha
    st barbara got a reaction from csyphrett in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  24. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from wcw43921 in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  25. Like
    st barbara got a reaction from Ragitsu in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The dog barks and his Pavlovian canine friends at Fox news salivate !
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