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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. The mute button is your ally.
  2. I knew there were reasons I liked crocodiles.
  3. Never play cards with an entity that you can't watch shuffle and deal. It will always cheat.
  4. 53 years. Not quite as far back as the 1960s.
  5. Death Tribble pleaded guilty of strip-mining the Devon hillsides for linguine.
  6. I actually prefer that to some other alternatives. I swear I have encountered people who could not be stopped from speaking for 20 minutes at their own funeral.
  7. New manufacturer for MLB jerseys ... is not popular.
  8. On 23 February 1987, the first naked-eye supernova in nearly four hundred years had its outburst in our sky, SN 1987A. I was on the telescope that night. With equipment that was on the fritz. And during a snowstorm. And I was in the wrong hemisphere (SN 1987A can't be seen from Arizona).
  9. Actually, you may late in an entirely distinct meaning of "late". If you didn't show up because you're dead...
  10. "They're all over at <player name>'s house playing Humans and Hangovers."
  11. It's worse, because my basement and my late father-in-law's garage also look like that, in addition to the storage unit.
  12. Q: How can we get set up for a heartbreak scenario now that our characters are all in vacuum suits until the station gets repaired? A: Don't light that match, son.
  13. By Clyde Tombaugh of Lowell Observatory in Arizona; probably to be the last significant discovery of an astronomical object that can legitimately be attributed to a single person.
  14. So, should I replace mud wrasslin' with Friday Night Spaghetti Wrestling in my superdraft concepts?
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