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Kaze9999 last won the day on November 2 2013

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About Kaze9999

  • Birthday 03/11/1966

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    ...really like Hero System...abandoned all other systems for it in 1984.
  • Occupation
    Office worker

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  1. thank you! I have requested access through Google drive. 5th Ed is fine!
  2. Link seems to be broken; is this still available @tkdguy? I am interested! :)
  3. Still interested!Thinking about a wizard!
  4. I am interested! Probably like any experiment, a lot of opportunities for fine tuning will arise in play. I am totally up for it!
  5. Yes I’m maxed out and playing catch-up with players applications! It’s my hope to develop a community on the site with many more hero System games, that i get to play in too!
  6. FYI I have committed to rpg crossings; I love the community and have accepted the challenge of trying to develop and support a Hero System 6e presence on the site! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
  7. Now I’m wondering, are there ANY Hero System sixth edition games playing out on YouTube? Ongoing committed games as opposed to quick one shots? I’m personally running games for new learners on a big rpg play by post forum and get a decent trickle of people who heard of the game and want to try it out. I end up making their characters with their input throughout the process and let them learn through playing. To be honest I don’t own Champions complete, just the two big volumes of Hero System, and some players have expressed some frustration with the smaller selection of options and the examples they seem to have in the “Complete “ books. Also it would be SO helpful if we could get a mobile app version and or browser based version of Hero Designer.
  8. Never mind. I reinstalled, and everything is working fine.
  9. I upgraded my laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10. It's got the full installation of Java on it, and that's the only change that I am aware of, but now hero Designer gets to the "Loading Plug Ins" and just doesn't get any further even when I let it run for over an hour...so is it an issue with Windows 10?
  10. Hi! Does anyone have a simple, one or two page list of all of the Powers in the Hero System 6th edition books that are marked with the "Caution" or "Stop" sign for GM's?
  11. I am really interested in seeing your character sheet! And proactively wishing for a Google sheets template!
  12. I am really interested in seeing your character sheet! And proactively wishing for a Google sheets template!
  13. Oooo! So what is new in the version that was added this year?
  14. If you’re open to online play by post I’m running a 6e Hero System Monster Hunter game that is always open to new players, and is largely for the purpose of building a community of people who know Hero System, so they can run games on the site that I can play in too!
  15. That is a template I would like to get!
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