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Everything posted by Kaze9999

  1. I had been waiting for it! Thank you! It's been exciting seeing the older version material become available in PDF!
  2. Version HDC 5e


    Character submission for a Silver Age Champions game: StarKnight is an amnesiac alien whose powers work by dancing moves. S/he is a martial artist with Teleport and Shapechange who has white hair and an unidentifiable accent no matter what form s/he is in and has no base form or gender. Height: 5' 6" Hair: White Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Varies Appearance: A shapechanger, without fixed gender or physical characteristics except for consistently white hair. Always good looking, and sometimes absolutely stunning due to "Makeover" Sapeshift ability. Background: StarKnight is an alien who came find himself on Earth with no memory of how, but very strong convictions and an accented knowledge of the spoken English language. Starknight is sure that this is the place s/he should be...until it is not, and follows her/his code of wandering, helping, and living large.
  3. Here's the live thread: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=33450
  4. Also off the beaten path (and DEFINITELY not Young Adult!) are two oldies but goodies using psuedo science in fantasy type settings: Killer Drake, David Northworld Trilogy (Northworld, #1-3) Drake, David
  5. Been on a YA kick recently, this is a good, quick read that I really enjoyed (where 'enjoyed' means, 'inspires me to run a game'): Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) Cashore, Kristin
  6. Well, for Strikeforce 6e, I guess it's worth waiting a little longer!
  7. How's it coming on the update? Really liked Fantasy Hero Complete btw!
  8. LOL! By the way, with all the number crunching and rules, and the general reputation for being really hard, the way I introduce Hero System is by saying, "it has more rules for building things (characters, abilities, etc.) and far, far fewer rules for using them in actual game play, then say, any version of D&D which would be much easier and quicker to create a character but have much more time spent looking up obscure rules on who they work in each situation in the middle of actual battles and such! i.e. once you understand how to build a multi-power and the basic effects like energy blast or forcefield, you have much less to remember then memorizing all the different spell and ability descriptions in a D&D game!
  9. Version HDv3


    Player character: Duplicater Teleporter Martial Artist 350 points
  10. http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141274/Evilution-Unchained-Hero-System?manufacturers_id=7646
  11. I got all the electronic books and Hero Designer packs that were out there for the public for TH, but missed out on the physical books! Actually I've had a chance at some of those floating around too, but just haven't had the money yet. Anyhoo, if the Hero 6th edition license is cheaper (free?), maybe there could be a Print On Demand for a TH6?
  12. Version 6e Champions


    NPC for Champions Game
  13. So far the gaming group is trying hard to dispatch a single zombie that stumbled into their gaming night! Apparently, it's harder than it looks in the movies!
  14. Cyclops and Havok also are immune to each other's powers! Personally, I would do it as a zero point limitation on the power, "Not vs [name of sibling here]", and if it were going to really be a limitation (or advantage) I'd adjust the value accordingly.
  15. Version ABT


    Template for a fantasy game I'm running based on the MHI descriptions
  16. Version ABT


    NPC (Sample Minotaur) for my Fantasy Hero campaign
  17. Version ABT1


    Sample Orc for Fantasy Hero game based on Monster Hunter International rules
  18. Version ABT


    Sample Elf for Fantasy Hero game based on Monster Hunter International rules
  19. Version ABT


    Sample character as NPC for Fantasy Campaign based on Monster Hunter International rules
  20. Version ABT1


    Sample character as NPC for Fantasy Campaign based on Monster Hunter International rules
  21. Version ABT


    Template for a fantasy game I'm running based on the MHI descriptions
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