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Files posted by lou_tennant

  1. Westerlands Calendar

    The Westerlands calendar for the year 5000SE. Based on the description and information provided in the Turakian Age sourcebook.  
    I had been looking around for one but in the end created my own.  Including:
    Holy Days and Wyretha (the 6th Holy Day) Moon cycle showing Full & New moons * Months names are colour coded for the seasons.  
    As mentioned on the calendar the Holy Days divide the year into 5 parts. When a year is divided like this a single part is usually referred to as a "Quinary" (plural is Quinaries). I imagine that having these divides in the year would be something that the populus might make use of.
    *  included for "The Druids" given the entry on p.206 under Almandre;
    Obviously the following years will need new calendars in order to show the correct moon cycle given the Wyretha at the end of the year on every fourth year.




  2. Turakian Age World Map (colour)

    A colour version of the world map - this is as high a resolution as I have.




  3. Turakian Age World Map

    A black/white world map - this is as high a resolution as I have.
    I have been working on overlaying the colour versions of the map but the scales are different - perhaps the source files will be able to allow someone to do this - I don't have Adobe Illustrator nor Photoshop.




  4. Turakian Age maps 1

    This is a zip of the TIF files used in the book itself.


    1 comment


  5. 6eHTML_UltimateCharacterSheetv1_4.hde

    6E HTML The Ultimate Character Sheet v1.4
    This version 1.4 has been updated and a few corrections to some broken maths by lou_tennant, 14th May 2014.
    This character export sheet looks different than the plain black and white sheets. It is styled to match the colours of the rule books and is done in a fun highly legible style. It has the functionality of the default character sheet, but has the following differences:
    Collates all combat information including Attack Powers, Defense Powers, Sensory Powers, Equipment and Martial Maneuvers in a special page block. Along with useful combat stats, combat values, combat modifiers, and hit locations tables.
    Powers, Equipment, Talents, Martial Arts, Skills, Perks, and Complications are in a wider single column format.
    Any notes you've included in the Hero Designer will be now be visible!
    Respects any formating you've done to your powers or abilities. Numbered list titles and numbering.
    Skills, abilities rolls, and Endurance costs clearly visible along the left hand side. Point costs on the right.
    Split into 4 pages for cleaner printing.
    The character image is on the 1st page with characteristics, personality, quotes, background and descriptive information.
    The recommended picture size: 288px wide. The image should be anywhere from 352px to 442px tall.

    The file "herologo.png"; needs to be included in same directory as the export file.
    If the character has an image associated with it and you want to have that image included in the HTML output, you will need to save that image into the same directory as the HTML file when you export (the export wizard will prompt you to save the image).
    --Earlier versions (v1.3-) of this character sheet were modified from the Default character sheet by desaturated. v1.3 can be found here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/files/file/66-6e-html-the-ultimate-character-sheet-by-desaturated/.




  6. 5eHTML_SupersUltimate_CS_v1_1.hde

    5E HTML Superhero Character Sheet
    This template (created in February 2014, by lou_tennant (aka David Dobson)) is based on the 6E Ultimate CS (uploaded by Hyper-man, originated by desaturated - which was based on a file by Dan Simon).
    This character sheet looks very different from the plain black and white sheets. I have adjusted the colours and elements of the layout - including reducing it from four sections to two sections.
    I have removed and simplified certain areas to focus on a Super-heroic/Champions style of game. So things like Hit Locations and the Combat Manoeuvres charts have been removed.
    Whilst I have made changes, using the 4-colour comics for inspiration, it still maintains a clear connection to the original styling/layout of the 6E Ultimate CS (uploaded by Hyper-man, originated by desaturated - which was based on a file by Dan Simon), on which it is based.
    Collates combat information including Attack Powers, Defence Powers, Equipment and Martial Manoeuvres. Along with useful combat stats, combat values, and combat modifiers.
    The layouts for Powers, Equipment, Talents, Martial Arts, Skills, Perks, and Disadvantages (was Complications in 6E Ultimate CS, but this is for 5th Ed) have been amended, to provide a two-column section in places to aid with usability.
    As per 6E Ultimate CS; notes are included, and it will respect any formatting you've done to your powers or abilities. Numbered list titles and numbering, etc.
    Skills, abilities rolls, and Endurance costs clearly visible along the left hand side. Point costs on the right.
    The character image is on the 1st page with characteristics. The recommended picture size: 288px wide. The image should be anywhere from 352px to 442px tall.
    The version (timestamp) of the character is included in the footer of each section to help with multiple copies.

    IT DOES NOT currently include the Hero Game logo (I am working on making space) as the previous location I felt could be better used in the reworked layout. Once it has been included The file "herologo.png"; needs to be included in same directory as the export file.




  7. D 3-ColumnCompressed.hde

    This is a modification of the Champions3-Column Compressed. I have removed the champions logo and move the picture (if there is one) under the name in the left column.
    In particular I have added a 'version' on the character sheet giving you a date and time stamp to help you know if it is the most recent copy.
    The ".jpg" file should be placed in the same location as the character is being exported to.
    If the character has an image associated with it and you want to have that image included in the HTML output, you will need to save that image into the same directory as the HTML file when you export (the export wizard will prompt you to save the image). The image should be no wider than 240 pixels and no longer than 348 pixels.
    Modified by David Dobson (Joel Mason (sorackmage@hotmail.com) [original by Derek Hiemforth])




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