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Everything posted by Astromath

  1. Reduced Penetration says, "splits the attack into two equal parts..." It seems by the example, it splits the dice and not the DCs. My problem is how to split something odd like 1 1/2 d6 HKA into two equal parts. By the rule, it should be two 3/4 d6 HKAs, but Hero System doesn't deal with anything other than 1/2s.
  2. Never mind. I found the errata. You are correct. Sorry for the question. Just count it up on lack of experience of searching for the answer before asking.
  3. On 6E2 260 (example character) you have Hur’shaas's claws as "Claws: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) Reduced Penetration (-¼)" According to the rule on 6E1 242, you add +1d6 (or 3 DCs) per 15 STR (or 1 DC/5 STR). If this is the case, then shouldn't the claws be "Claws: HKA 1 point (1d6+1 with STR) Reduced Penetration (-¼)"? I can't find anywhere that adding STR is limited to double the DCs of the HKA (like previous editions). EDIT: Never mind. I found the errata for this. Since this is the case then Hur’shaas's write up should be errata'd for his claw attack.
  4. If that is the case then the example character Hur’shaas on 6E2 260 is incorrect. It puts the extra damage from STR as 2 DCs instead of 4. I'm going to Steve's forum and ask about it there.
  5. (I now have the latest version.) There seems to be a problem with 1 point HKA (1 DC) and adding STR doesn't double the DC for 1/2 d6 HKA (2 DCs), instead it adds 3 DC for 1d6+1 HKA (4 DCs). I believe the rule is that STR cannot increase KAs damage more than double the KAs' DCs. I'm attaching a screenshot. The character's STR is 15 using the Heroic template.
  6. Is there a link to all the BBCodes these forums use?
  7. I'm trying to add a line to Penetrative and Partially Penetrative enhance perception powers. This is what I have: <PENETRATIVE DISPLAY="Penetrative" GROUPCOST="15" SENSECOST="10" DURATION="PERSISTENT" TARGET="SELFONLY" RANGE="SELF" USESEND="No" INPUTLABEL="Can't see through" OTHERINPUT="Yes"> <TYPE>SPECIAL</TYPE> <TYPE>SENSORY</TYPE> <DEFINITION>A Fully Penetrative Sense can perceive through all types of blocking objects, substances, or phenomena, but the character must define one or more reasonably common substance(s), or a group of uncommon substance(s), he cannot perceive through.</DEFINITION> </PENETRATIVE> What I want is the ability to add the material(s) that can be seen through/not seen through. However, the input box I was expecting doesn't appear. I'm adding this to the <POWERS> section of a template that extends superhero6e.hdt. EDIT: Never mind. I found out what I was doing wrong. It does appear. I was just using the wrong saved template.
  8. Odd. It shows this behavior for both 5th & 6th edition templates. Maybe there's an update I'm unaware of? I'm using: Build 20171016
  9. What I want to do is to choose Autofire with 4 shots. I've tried adding it with 5 shots, then modifying the Options box from 5 shots to 4 shots. The final power display still shows 5 shots. All other modifiers with options, you can modify the option boxes and the final display will be correct (e.g. changing 8 charges to 7 charges). But for some reason, you can't do that with autofire.
  10. If you look at 6E1 60 Sample Everyman Skill Lists, Transport Familiarity can also be an everyman skill. However, under the Transport Familiarity skill as it stands now, there is no way to indicate that. My suggestion is to add a checkbox for the TF skill that must be checked before choosing a vehicle. When you choose that vehicle, all other vehicles will be grayed out. If you choose TF again, then the everyman checkbox and the vehicle checkbox you chose the first time would be grayed out so that there can only be one vehicle as an everyman skill. WF has the same problem. Suppose I want a pistol as an everyman weapon. There's no way to do it other than a Custom Adder. P.S. The workaround I'm using right now is adding a Custom Adder called Everyman Skill with a -1 value.
  11. Still having problems. Here's the new file. I've deleted all SOURCE containers and changed to builtin.Superheroic6E.hdt. It seems to load the template ok, but the list from the EXAMPLE containers are still not showing up. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in HD itself? I'm using under the Current Character tab, Add Extension Template. Skills6E.hdt
  12. I suppose. You must forgive me, I'm a literalist by nature (I have Asperger Syndrome and being literal is a symptom). If I see something that says its 5th edition, then the template must be 5th edition. But, it's your program. P.S. I'm asking for some clarifications from Steve in his forum that may or may not impact HD. If it does, I'll make a new post.
  13. If that is the case, maybe it should be deleted in a future update? The SOURCE used here seems to be a copy and paste from the AI.hdt template.
  14. Under <TALENTS> you list the source for the PROGRAM talent as "Fifth Edition." Shouldn't it be "Sixth Edition" since AI6E is a 6th edition template?
  15. I copied the Superheroic6e.hdt file (which is basically a blank template) and renamed the copy to Skills6e.hdt. I then copied the science Skill xml section from the Main6e.hdt and added the copy to the Skills section of the new Skills6e.hdt. I then added <EXAMPLE>[name of science]</EXAMPLE>. I made sure that there is a </[command]> for every <[command]>. It seems to import ok, but the science list doesn't appear, only a blank fill-inable box as if there was no science skills to choose.
  16. I'm having trouble with a template. I've created an extension template Skills6e.hdt with a list of science skills (found in 6E1 87). However, when importing, the sciences do not show in the dropdown box. See attached. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Skills6E.hdt
  17. Ah. So, that's how it's done. Thx.
  18. So, you make a prefab and not a template?
  19. 6E1 37 The rogue template has a hunted by fellow rogues (infreq, watched, as pow) for 5 points. However, that is not correct. From the table on 424: As Powerful: 10 Infrequent: +0 Watched: -10 Total: 0 There is no errata for this yet.
  20. I'm sorry if this has been asked before (I can't find any posts on it). How would I do something along the lines of choose x points in Skills from the following list? Example: Choose 6 points of Skills from the following (if any of the following comes from a different source, add 1 skill level to the skill instead): Climbing, AK: Mountains of the World, AK: [Specific Mountain], KS: Mountains [general knowledge & history as opposed to Area Knowledge], KS: Mountain Climbing Equipment, PS: Mountain Climber, any Background Skill related to climbing. The AK: [Specific Mountain] would have a note that it can be taken more than once, each time being a different mountain.
  21. In 6e1 242 Sidebar, the semiautomatic .45 handgun has an active cost of 34. When I tried to duplicate that in Hero Designer, it came up with an active cost of 31 (25 x 1.25 = 31.25 rounded to 31). This is where I have the problem. I reverse engineered the active cost of the handgun and came up with an original cost of 27 for 2d6-1 (27 x 1.25 = 33.75 rounded to 34). Now for the question: Is the sidebar correct where d6-1 is +12 points (making 2d6-1 27 points)? or the main text of the power correct where 1 DC is +1 (5 points) and 2 DCs is 1/2d6 or 1d6-1 (10 points) (from table on page 462). P.S. Even the Equipment Guide uses +12 points for d6-1. P.P.S. This is an artifact from previous editions. Opinion: If each d6-1 is +12 points, then Hero Designer needs to be updated. If not, then the published books need an errata on this. EDIT: 6E2 98 Damage Class Table has 2d6-1 as 25 points. Question still stands: is 6E1 242 sidebar correct with 2d6-1 being 27 points (in order to get the active cost according to the sidebar)? or 6E2 98 DCT 2d6-1 is 25 points?
  22. The sidebar I used did not have the +1 OCV. Here's the whole text from page 195: Colt M1911A Semiautomatic Handgun: RKA 2d6-1, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼) (34 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (9; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add Damage; -1), Beam (-¼), 2 clips of 7 Charges each (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼). Total cost: 9 points. If you notice, the active point cost is 34 points after applying the (+¼) advantage. The only way to get the 34 active points is if 2d6-1 is 27 points. I'm not sure where you're getting the +1 OCV. Also, if you backwards calculate all weapons with d6-1 from any source they will be +12 points. This is why I'm confused. Nowhere does it state in 5e revised that d6-1 is +12 points. But it does state on page 403 that it is +10 points, same as 1/2d6 and that is what Hero Designer uses.
  23. Here's the problem: The powers that be uses as a cost of 10 for d6-1 in Hero Designer 6. Looks like it takes the cost from the table on pg 403.
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