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Everything posted by Amorkca

  1. Buy reduced Endurance on his Str. +1/4 for half end; +1/2 for 0 End
  2. Would you consider Instant change, with the SFX of him being able to move etc. If it doesn't limit the character, stops attacks etc, just do Instant change and say that the SFX are a bubble of protection or whatever
  3. Are they Naked advantages? Super-tough Body: Resistant (+1/2) for up to 50 Active Points of PD/ED (25 Active Points) So the prices for Super Tough Body match correctly. Resilient Body: Hardened (+1/4), Resistant (+1/2) for up to 50 Active Points of PD/ED (37 Active Points) But adding Hardened should be more than what the book shows. I would go with whatever numbers come through Hero Designer as it correctly does the math for you...
  4. Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping, into the future....
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