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Everything posted by AnotherSkip

  1. Re: I'm working on Roman Era campaign Falls under "go team"
  2. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model an uncontrolled perhaps Thath should do it or a trigger autorestting when unconsious.
  3. Re: speeding up character creation v0.9 Kinda Looks like White wolf.....
  4. Re: Was this removed in 6th or am I missing it? Isn't there a multiplier for having a spirit as a contact in 5th?
  5. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model Useful the next time I am swallowed whole by large critter from the HSB.....
  6. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM BESTIARY: What Do *You* Want To See? As soon as you are ready for Weird conspiracy Hero, let me know, i have many things allready built.....
  7. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model End reserve Visible (-1/4), possibly with a Floating advantage to allow various powers to draw from the reserve.
  8. Re: 6th edition Min Str Uh there is a reason why People have a Knife Axe Spear throwing competition and not a sword in the bunch (or maces ) you wanna call an AXE unbalanced?!?!?!? Yeah, no. Swords and (many other weapons) get the unbalanced rules (at best if the Gm allows you to hurl iron) The problem is Swords have +2 Str Min and are missing other benefits. (yes this ia Creative Anachronism opinion) Really each weapon class should reflect some leve of historic usage that is at least documentable rather than "whatever Goes" Similarly Some GM's may not want Guns to be Killing Classes reserving that for truly unique killing powers in his game.
  9. Re: Building an Urban Fantasy Setting Those things we would call Elves Come from the other side of the Dream State. their powers are different and based upon understanding and matter/ energy projection (but not like fireballs still). they are not called but are instead found. they cannot be collected as they are merely expenditures of energy that can have their conduits ended from the other end.
  10. Re: Danger room Excellent writeup, However I would keep in mind that a danger room is probably just an encounter area set as part of a base.
  11. Re: Dog of War Yeah, just tells me what kind of low grade crap they are building cop cars outta these days. Gimme something like the classic 80's cop car and the bulldog would be missing teeth!
  12. Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves Silver backed mirror box for keeping witches bones in.....
  13. Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves well Duh! Vampiric galdiators versus Ninja Werewolves.
  14. Re: Science Fiction League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Assembled by the mathematician from Asimov's Foundation Series....?
  15. Re: Acronyms Okies so build a newbie sheet with training wheels and we'll show it to them and see how they run with it.
  16. Re: What if... What if Bruce wayne accepted Sinestros ring?
  17. Re: A Master Trapper Pretty much the character needs to do similar things to the Set snares ability however with a few modifications the character could do this by changing it to Say: RKA 2d6 Trigger (Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; Someone Steps On The Snare; +1/4), AOE Accurate (One Hex; +1/2), 16 Charges (+0), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Set Effect (Feet Only) (-1), No Range (-1/2), Physical Manifestation (Snare; -1/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 52 Active/12 real Delayed effect may be a suitable alternate to trigger especially for bigger traps that take more time to build. If you need description suggestions read OwlFlight by Mercedes Lackey. oh yeah if he buys a single power he could buy a POwer Skill : traps to make variants there of w/out needing a multipower.
  18. Re: Insipiration: Doc Strange on Project Rooftop Marvelands....
  19. Re: Public ID or Secret ID Uh.... actually, I have one. He is the Hireling of the Butler for the mega villians of the campaign. the Butler alone has had at least three hours of the team dealing with him.... The super agent Paparazzi hasent gotten that much time yet but it should only be a matter of time before he rizes to Bullet in the Head level of annoyance.....
  20. Re: Assigned Cities... and stuff. How about a biker gang moves into town.... Isn't there a thread that covers all the tropes of Superhero gaming NPC's (like incompetant guards et al.)?
  21. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? Lucious, its too late, the Palidromedary is allready exploiting you..... FOR YEARS!!!!!! Hmmmm... Keeping the Dog in on piece could be difficult. pratially need a Vet to allow it to survive...
  22. Re: HERO Morrowind Shouldnt this be HERO Elder Scrolls incorporating everything from Arena to Oblivion?
  23. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) So in AD&D I have the worst names-luck Celimbor Became Salad bar on another character they branded the name so hard i dont even remember what i originally called the character but he became fat ass.....
  24. Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense Hi! As Logues Gm I would like to chime in here. A few things: testing has determined that... It is limited to organics with brains on the property of the company and some of the residences they have provided to their employees. It Is reversable so long as the individual admits to exactly what they have done wrong to Warthaw. Mechanically speaking it is a Transform but does not have Sticky (+1/2) Attached.... Shooting someone on the property from outside of the property does not turn them Pink. Logue himself (Playing the versatile Mr Zero) has determined that stretching to say accquire objects/files would turn him pink. in essence the power has a warning setting. However it WILL cross over Shapeshifting * It is Known.... Part of the contracts for this group in particular include clauses agreeing to surveilance while at their wokplace and at other company provided locations. in addition to a reasonable measures to prevent moral turpitude clause. It is not known: if there are pink pigeons out there. (the Campaign notes are here... http://www.criticalfumble.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16797 ) * and Multiform and Dulplication powers. This is a puzzle to be solved by the team. So there are several details i feel i cannot share. At least one player has the abilities to solve this easly. However I certainly have no ill will for the player posting this. Good job Logue
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