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Christopher R Taylor

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  1. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Techwitch1 for a file, Sixth Edition Conversions   
    The full list of hdc files for 6th Edition Conversion of 4th edition and older characters done over the years.  Most are from published adventures, some from books such as "Kingdom of Champions"
  2. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from AlHazred for a file, The Greatest Guns of History   
    From Bass Reeves to Wyatt Earp, and all points in between, this is a file packed with dozens of real-life gun fighters, lawmen, Native American heroes, and much more.  This packet includes a folder full of Hero Designer files as well as a pdf with all the write ups and as a bonus, the details of how the special talents in Western Hero were constructed.
    GMs can use these as NPCs of history the players encounter  and templates for NPCs under different identities. Players can use them as examples of how various types of characters can be built or inspiration for their own character.
    This is a companion file with the Greatest Guns Who Never Were, free for use and play with Western Hero!
  3. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Beast for a file, Champions Begins Player Character Files   
    These are the HDC builds of each character, by their chapters.  So there's 5 chapters of each character, showing how they were built at each chapter of the adventure.
  4. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Derek Hiemforth for a file, Champions Complete 3-Column Character Sheet   
    This is a character sheet for Champions Complete done in the 3-column style used in 4E. It is in Microsoft Word format, built with each column of the sheet inside a different table in Word (so that you can add or delete rows from any column without affecting the other two). The bottom of the third column has room for additional powers and skills. Manually re-size a row in each column as needed to make the bottom border of the sheet line up as the size changes.
  5. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Derek Hiemforth for a file, 6E 3-Column Character Sheet   
    This is a character sheet for 6E done in the 3-column style used in 4E. It is in Microsoft Word format, built with each column of the sheet inside a different table in Word (so that you can add or delete rows from any column without affecting the other two). The third column includes the Hit Location chart and a space for miscellaneous notes. Manually re-size a row in each column as needed to make the bottom border of the sheet line up as the size changes.
  6. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Bizarnage for a file, Hero Campaign Sheet   
    This is a rebuild of the old Campaign Rules sheet that was offered in 4th Edition Champions. It gives the GM a single sheet to fill out with all the things players may need, including power level ranges, point bases, optional rules, house rules, everyman skills, and so on.
  7. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Khas for a file, The Greatest Guns of History   
    From Bass Reeves to Wyatt Earp, and all points in between, this is a file packed with dozens of real-life gun fighters, lawmen, Native American heroes, and much more.  This packet includes a folder full of Hero Designer files as well as a pdf with all the write ups and as a bonus, the details of how the special talents in Western Hero were constructed.
    GMs can use these as NPCs of history the players encounter  and templates for NPCs under different identities. Players can use them as examples of how various types of characters can be built or inspiration for their own character.
    This is a companion file with the Greatest Guns Who Never Were, free for use and play with Western Hero!
  8. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Khas for a file, The Greatest Guns Who Never Were   
    A pack of Hero Designer builds and pdf write up of dozens of characters for Western Hero, drawn from books, radio shows, television, and cinema.  Useful for your games as examples of builds, pre-mades, or used as NPCs in a game.
  9. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Beast for a file, The Greatest Guns of History   
    From Bass Reeves to Wyatt Earp, and all points in between, this is a file packed with dozens of real-life gun fighters, lawmen, Native American heroes, and much more.  This packet includes a folder full of Hero Designer files as well as a pdf with all the write ups and as a bonus, the details of how the special talents in Western Hero were constructed.
    GMs can use these as NPCs of history the players encounter  and templates for NPCs under different identities. Players can use them as examples of how various types of characters can be built or inspiration for their own character.
    This is a companion file with the Greatest Guns Who Never Were, free for use and play with Western Hero!
  10. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Gary Miles for a file, The Greatest Guns Who Never Were   
    A pack of Hero Designer builds and pdf write up of dozens of characters for Western Hero, drawn from books, radio shows, television, and cinema.  Useful for your games as examples of builds, pre-mades, or used as NPCs in a game.
  11. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Starshield for a file, The Greatest Guns Who Never Were   
    A pack of Hero Designer builds and pdf write up of dozens of characters for Western Hero, drawn from books, radio shows, television, and cinema.  Useful for your games as examples of builds, pre-mades, or used as NPCs in a game.
  12. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Payback for a file, Champions Presents rebuilds for 6th edition Set 2   
    This is the second set of character remakes for 6th edition from the Champions Presents adventure book. Includes a paper miniature page for printout.
  13. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from ned-kogar for a file, Simplified Champions Sheet   
    This is a stripped down, simplified character sheet designed for new players. Its meant to have only the most basic info, without costs, modifiers, etc and show the 11+OCV roll for attack maneuvers rather than bonuses. Each section is color coded for easier reference: red for combat, green for characteristics, blue for complications, pink for movement, etc.
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