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Everything posted by HeroTina

  1. HeroTina

    VIPER Watch

    we got our office copies Monday and will be sending out review and artist copies tomorrow. T.
  2. Re: SHADES OF BLACK Now Available! And I'm on the cover...... T.
  3. Buy Shades of Black.... cuz, I'm on the cover so there T.
  4. Well last Gen Con, our new release was Champions and we sold out in like 4 hrs. So tell your friend to go there first.
  5. We just got our two personal copies... You can come by and drool over it (just don't get any drool, on it) Ben will be here while Darren and I are in Indy.
  6. We got ours OK so we here at Hero West were not in the office at the crack of 9:30 this morning, so we missed the fed ex guy BUT he just came back. I opened the box and said HOLY BAZOLI THAT'S A BIG-ASS BOOK. Darren just said damn it's too heavy to hold. So you guys better start working out so you can handle this book.
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