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  • Occupation
    Grad Student

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  1. Re: Looking for HERO stats for: "Bullseye" Holy Thread Comic-Book-Death, Batman! Is six years a new record?
  2. Re: My Failed Project
  3. Re: My Failed Project
  4. Re: Domino costume All I meant was...ah, nothin'. I wasn't trying to argue, so much as share my own thoughts on general superhero disguises and the "realism" of them. Anyways, never mind. Didn't mean to come off snarky, don't want to keep going and come off as even more snarky, so I'll just bow out. Had a long day, guess I'm coming off as crankier than I mean to.
  5. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality? So would you go by Wolverdevil, or Dareverine?
  6. Re: Domino costume
  7. Re: Domino costume What works, scientifically and forensically, in real life only works in comic books when the writer wants it to. Methods Batman uses to track down a bad guy and move the plot forward don't necessarily work when a supervillain is trying to figure out Batman is Bruce Wayne, in other words.
  8. Re: I'm curious, why is Dex still more expensive than other characteristics? Well, in fairness, his answer is right there in that sentence. "So they are all [of?] comparable value."
  9. Re: Supers vs. Military Why would Kitty have to phase through the ground, when she can just phase through the explosion? And don't forget, the (recent) X-Men are one of the most mobile teams in comics. They've got a plethora of teleporters, capable of moving the bulk of the team at pretty long ranges in a single jump. They'd be a tough nut to crack.
  10. Re: Champions Universe PDF And CP In Store Sweet!
  11. Re: "Leadership" multipower I recently made a Cap homage, and gave him "Tactical Leader: Aid OCV 3d6, AOE 4m radius, Selective, Requires a Tactics Skill Roll, Limited Power (affected allies must be able to hear command and must follow it), Incantations" So as a 1/2 action he can shout something for his teammates (within 4m of him) to do, makes a Tactics Skill roll (and you can ditch that part if you want, to cut down on rolling), and if it works everyone gets 3d6 cp towards their ability to punch the bad guy in the face (for almost always a +1 to hit, and really good odds for a +2). For the points, it came out pretty well, I think. Something similar might work for what you have in mind.
  12. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality? I'd say the answer depends on (a) your general thoughts towards the morality and decency of humanity in general, ( your thoughts on the morality and decency of the specific person/character in question, and © the tone of the game you're wanting to run.
  13. Re: room filled with water So, in all seriousness, pretend you're GMing a Champions game. You have a character that wants the power "fill a room with water." How do you have him stat it up, what power does he use for it, and how many points does he pay for it?
  14. Re: Supers vs. Military The problem with trying to model comic book reality is that...well...comic book reality varies wildly, and not even Age to Age, or even month to month, but just title to title. Writers are far from consistent, even with the same character(s). So many of them power their characters to exactly the level the plot needs, there's very little you can do to mimic "comics" just right. Sometimes Batman holds his own against Karate Kid, sometimes Batman gets whacked in the head by one of Penguin's lame umbrellas. Sometimes Wolverine heals himself from a few scraps of meat left on a skeleton (in just a few panels), sometimes he flounders and struggles against a large number of mundane ninja. Individual issue? Individual story arc? Sure, maybe. I'm all for grabbing Winter Soldier or Batman: Year One as a stand alone, and trying to settle down to make a character. But when you try to do the same thing with all of Cap or Batman's history -- including crossovers and team titles where their power level fluctuates even more as they suddenly hang with guys like Thor and Superman -- is when it gets pretty teeth-gnashingly impossible. Better to stick to a single example of a character you like, one good fight scene, a few specific feats or fights, IMHO.
  15. Re: room filled with water I'm sure I'm about to sound more dickish than I mean to...but seriously, is anyone else having trouble following Ayinde?
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