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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. Maxwell Smart, Texas Ranger. "Would you believe I am the master of 4 different martial arts?" "No"..."Would you believe I am the master of Two martial arts?"
  2. Certainly "inspired by" But the demon barber is a different story........
  3. Well, the good ole USA was founded by political violence, so yeah...I suppose.
  4. Sounds like you have a NPC for your Traveller game.
  5. Capt Nemo from league of extra ordinary gentlemen, but with some sci fi swagger...
  6. So I want to play a Zhodanni PK expert who uses his powers to focus a plasma cutter into a blade...hey! what did I say?
  7. Well, yeah! How else to keep the Space Monsters at bay?
  8. I want to suggest it will be a gold man-kinni! Yeah I just saw it on cable. Was very "meh" for me. The acting and cgi are top notch, but the story just did not work for me somehow.
  9. Hah! Missed again! Loser...Looooser......
  10. Well...if Peppa Pig goes....that will be the final blow.
  11. Fair enough...so something like Psych lim:" Hackles up" easily offended by aliens, then buy it off, if you want to be more easy going.
  12. I'd just use Enraged, if you want to reduce it, you buy it down till it is gone, then you are "Fully tolerant"...
  13. It is a Silly place! Player in a game that does not track encumbrance.....
  14. Have you never heard the legend of Bo Bo BoBoBo?
  15. Bo Jackson, one of the greatest atheletes in USA history (almost) He played pro baseball, and pro (american) football at the same time. Sadly he suffered a severe injury before he could achieve much on the pro stage.
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