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Everything posted by frogboy_1101

  1. I think this is about what have in mind for the weapon. Very much like thors hammer just different type. May tweak it a little but essentially that's it. Thanks guys
  2. Hey working up a character who uses a spear both thrown and spartan style. I was wondering how would I make it able to return when thrown. Like thors hammer.
  3. Also a big thanks to Christopher for breaking it down into even simpler bites. The basic idea of Exalted to me is simply superheroes in a asianish fantasy setting. Not really reinventing the wheel on hero system much imo
  4. Thats what i meant. Not directly convering mechanics but feel. I was just curious to see if anyone had done such a project to see if i could jumpstart my own. Though after reading above posts and taking a more simple look over both systems i dont think this will be too difficult. Thanks all
  5. Hey guys. Im working up to doing a conversion of the Exalted rpg. Was wondering if anyone else here had done one and if so would be interested in seeing how they did things. Just looking for different opinions on spinning the wheel. Thanks
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