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  1. Re: Mutants and Masterminds Paragons While I was thinking about it I will just say there are some Paragons' pdf previews on the M&M site. You can check them out. They might give you a bit of info to help you decide whether you might be interested in the book or not. http://www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/gimmicks_gadgets/cat_paragons.php
  2. Re: Mutants and Masterminds Paragons You are not allowed to have an opinion. Go away so we can talk behind your back.
  3. Re: NightHawk version Deviant Art It saves fine for me as well. Thanks TheQuestionMan for posting the links. I look forward to using many of these characters in my games!
  4. The No DEF rule was put into place to keep players from purchasing 15 or 30 AP Side Effect that they would be immune from. A 3d6 EB is an 11 on average. Few Champions characters have less then 11 DEF, few have less then 20 DEF! So with the No DEF rule it makes it possible for supers to be damaged by the Limitation. That being said, common sense should be the norm. The Limitation needs to be limiting to the character in some way. If they can immediately heal from the Limitation then it's not really that limiting. My personal preference is to use Drain for damaging Side Effects with the Delay rate being set at 5 per 5 minutes. Thus a 15 point SE is 1d6 Drain, a 30 pt is 2d6, and a 60 pt is 4d6. This works well for Characteristics or Powers. It's limiting to the character and makes more sense then just assuming the character takes 3, 6, or 12d6 damage.
  5. Personally I just call this a plot device. If I want Miranda Chen under Interface's control I just say she's under his control. The same for a PC. If I want the character to be under Interface's control then I just tell the PC in an email or telephone call before the game that his character was captured and what happen to him. Then I expect the player to act true-to-form. That being said, you construct is as good as any I have seen and seems to do that job. A Transformation would be the most correct way to deal with a long-term mentally-controlled character or NPC.
  6. That's my point. The CU does not change. There are no CU:2003 or CU:2004 updates telling us all the major events that happened within the CU during those years. The CU only grows through the designs and adventures of each GM who picks up the books. We all start from the same place but we all end up somewhere different. The campaign world can evolve to bring in anything, up to the point where it starts changing CU history. When you are at the point where you've deviated that much from the common norm then you're playing a "mutant" CU campaign. If in your CU game Dr. D died in 1990 then he was not there to blow up Detroit, which leads to no Millennium City, no reason for the Champions, and no reason for UNTIL to be allowed to work within the US. When you change the history that much you are changing the entire tone of the CU as it is currently written. There's nothing wrong with that, but you're then playing a dramatically different CU game then everyone else. Your playing a "mutant" game which is as much homebrew as it is CU. By me adding in the Psi-Kin or Deathstroke to the game I'm not altering the course of the CU because there are already 200 villains we know nothing about except for names within the CU. I'm playing within the same CU game, and anyone can easily use my material within their own CU games without it also forcing them to alter their history or storylines. I guess that's the real difference to me. Anything which alters starting-point continuity leads to a "mutant" CU game. Yes, all the villains introduced in the books are considered part of my CU whether I choose to use them or not. The thing about most villains though is that they are written so as not to have a major impact on the CU. They are CU-Generic. 80% of all the villains produced are generic enough that it does not matter if they are in a CU game or not. You can use or not use most of them without any CU continuity issues. I also assume that just because I'm not using a particular villain doesn't mean that the other 12 superhero teams in the US are not encountering that villain. It makes for nice news blurbs when the players can read about the Bay Guardians and their run-in with Takeofane or the Sentinels fighting Eurostar over Greenland. Having the other characters around allows me to build continuity with the CU universe without ever having to worry about using something I don't like.
  7. OH MY GOD!!!!!! You mean you're one of the Jaguar likers?
  8. Once a GM starts playing in the CU it stops being "official" because each campaign evolves from that point. The CU does not evolve by itself. The CU is static, with new books being added to the static universe. What each GM does with it from the point of buying the book determines what the CU is in his own game. We all work from the same baseline universe. A true deviation from the CU would be a GM deciding that Terror, Inc was not destroyed from within, or that the battle of Detroit never took place. It's when you change the history of the CU that it really becomes something different, not when you just evolve it from a common beginning, IMO.
  9. I think you'd find that a fairly large percentage of gamers use the CU as their game starting point. I'm currently running my game in the CU in Millennium City until the time that I can finish writing my New Cairo campaign city, then I'll be moving the players there. But we'll still be within the CU. There's a lot of good stuff in the CU for those interested in running a standard four-color game. I do agree that it's not a major issue to bring back 4E characters into a game though. The CU is just a common starting point. Where each GM takes it after that is up to them. For example I use Anarchy from EoSA, Deathstroke, Factor Four from Freedom City, The Psi-Kin (modified and renamed the Kindred), and several homemade villains and groups. There's always room for expansion.
  10. I think Killershrike is basically correct. 3 was chosen to make the number for odd dice calculate easier. Easier to figure out that a 13d6 attack does 39 STUN then to figure it does 45.5. There are some advantages to Standard Effect, and in some small degree it changes the dynamic of combat. The advantage is that you now can set true immunity levels. Because you know how much fixed damage something does you know at what level you need to set the defenses to be immune to it. If you know bullets can do 35 STUN then you know you can buy a 35 DEF and be immune to them. One aspect of the game that many people seem to dislike is the randomness of the die rolls. Thanks to things like STUN Lotto or exceptionally good rolls it's possible to unjure people with relatively low dice attacks. It's possible, for example, for someone with an 8d6 attack to actually do STUN to Dr. Destroyer with the randomness factor. Whereas with Standard Effect only someone doing 14d6 had any chance of injuring Dr. D. In a mainstream game there is not that much immediate effect. Most Champions characters are designed to be beaten in 2-4 hits, with an average being 3. Assuming a 11d6 attack, 20 DEF, and 35 STUN the difference is being knocked out with 2 hits instead of 3. That's not that much of a change when you consider how time consuming gathering, rolling, and adding damage dice are to the flow of combat. I'm not a big fan of Standard Effect. I think if I wanted to play that way I'd just play the old Marvel Superheroes game. But it does have its uses and advantages.
  11. I used Sanctuary as a neutral ground for villains. It was a place where villains could meet, find work, sell goods, etc. I never cared for the idea of heroes and villains mingling on a social level. I just can't see the Avengers and Ultron vacationing together.
  12. I like this idea. In the future the Mandarrians vanish but they visited Earth in 1973, 79, 84, 91, and 99. Part of their reason for the visit could be to check on the Stargate, which the US Government learned about by accident during their 1999 visit. So now the Government has access to the Stargate but is unsure exactly how to use it. They have been sending tentative teams through the gate to learn more. The Government is mostly hoping to use it to learn about, and then stem the tide of, any future alien invasion forces. After all, it has been 20 years since a major alien invasion and it might be time for another. The Government wants to be prepared.
  13. You can preroll Pushes too. I go to every game with a chart that has some 40 prerolls for damage classes 8d6 to 15d6 (more if I have more powerful villains). A villain that does 12d6 gets marked off the 12d6 column. If he decides to Push his attack then gets marked off the 13 or 14d6 column. No problem and slows nothing down. Most of my combats involve 7 heroes and 5-12 villains, and we get through them very quickly because all my time is saved from rolling damage for those 5-12 villains each Phase.
  14. If your patient you can find many great deals on eBay. http://toys.listings.ebay.com/Role-Playing_Super-Hero_W0QQsacategoryZ2548QQsocmdZListingItemListQQsocolumnlayoutZ1
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