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Everything posted by JohnnyAppleseed098

  1. What did you expect? Did you expect for me to lie about my age?
  2. Isn't AOL a respect term meaning "Above Our Level"?
  3. Say I have this power (the limtations aren't important for the question) Blast 8d6 (40 APs) and I have two naked advantages Armor Piercing (+1/4) for up to 40 APs of Blast. 0 END (+1/2) for up to 50 APs of Blast. Applying them Armor Piercing then 0 END, do I still pay end for the Armor Piercing Effect?
  4. I like both of these ideas. I believe that using them in conjunction is a great idea. The Multipower idea is great too, but I may increase the power level to maybe 8d6 Major, 12d6 Minor, 6d6 Severe. Cosmetic, really for me, isn't necessary.
  5. What's wrong with the build? It fits the description perfectly, it doesn't violate any rules, and it clearly states its effect. Now, the 20 points for Resurrection is a good adder on just normal Regen. The reason that I justify -2 for Ressurection Only is because you are buying a stable regen and limiting it to a very uncommon situation, death. This means you will almost never be able to use it.
  6. Specially, what level of transform? I've got it down to Minor and Major, but I cannot decide which.
  7. Actually, no. The Tracking skill is used for people who know how to cover tracks. The "actively trying to cover" is more SFX.
  8. Really, it is just more like a Skill vs Skill contest. Tracking vs Tracking.
  9. For a weird conspiracy game I may or may not run in the near future (circumstances pending), I am wanting to make the memory wiper from the MIB series. Any idea how to do this?
  10. DT's nickname is Salogel. One time he tried to shoot the ground and ended up hitting an electrical outlet, thus electrocuting himself and turning him into his profile pic. OOC: I hope someone catches the reference I made here.
  11. DT has truly has had 18 lifetimes, absorbing the soul of the next body he chooses to embody. He retains the memories of the new person and his old memories. Makes for some pretty awkward situations.
  12. L Marcus is a carrier of a condition known as selective vision. It eventually leads to blindness. The worst part is that it spreads like a virus. Blind people spreading.a virus? Disaster.
  13. Bazza's dream in life involves a crab, a genetically modified tree that speaks, a wok, and a lollipop. Take it where your heart desires.
  14. One of the best things I have done with Longevity (especially Immortality) is that I can use previous PCs as NPCs in later games, except much more powerful. Many of my players liked that. They consider it like this: I really like this character. Do I want to make him immortal so that I can use him or he appears again? Investment is the name of the game involving Longevity.
  15. You are correct. Buying shapeshift for the Hearing Group allows for the copying of a voice. Seeing that you have Sight as well, the only thing you need skill wise is Acting.
  16. Q: So you are telling me that man is smart, strong, and a linguist? A: Several sources have confirmed this.
  17. Sorta rethinking this. My main objective was to create a character who, despite being blind, was completely able to sense fully his environment around him, colors, letters, everything. I'm thinking to just put that as SFX and remove these modifiers.
  18. Going along with the rule that STUN can be used as END, my question is: Does using a Drain END that pulls END into the negative have an effect on STUN?
  19. https://youtu.be/jrqpD3NIMc4 In the attached, I want a power from it. (0:17-0:20 is the duration) I have no idea on how to make this. Any suggestions?
  20. I'm building a blind character for a Champions game. To replace his lack of sight, I bought touch group with the modifiers in the title. My question is: What exactly would you allow this character to "see"?
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