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  1. Maybe it's the typical notation that's throwing you off, BamBam - here's how I think about it: Advantages are listed as +x : the positive sign reminds you it is a real-cost increasing effect Limitations are listed as -x : the negative sing reminds you it is a real-cost decreasing effect. However, in their respective formulas, they're both treated as using their absolute value. (Look at many examples in the books to see this in action.) Yes, the formula is stated as Active Cost / (1 + total value of limitations). And all the individual limitations are listed with negative values like -¼, -½, -1, etc. However when you put them in that "total value of the limitations" use their absolute value: ¼, ½, 1, etc. The literal wording of the text in the rules doesn't say absolute value; but it does say "total the Limitations as positive values, even though they’re listed as 'negative' numbers" in the paragraph above the formula. (6E V1 page 365) So a power with two -¼ limitations winds up in the formula as "Active Cost / (1 + ½)", Thus a 60 active point power comes out to a 40 real cost. Or with a -1 limitation, a 60 active point power comes out to a 30 real cost. (It has to work this way, or a power with limitations literally totaled as negative values that totaled to less than -1, such as an OAF (-1) with 4 charges (-1), and thus a literal total of -2, would actually cause a power to have a negative real-cost total.) The use of absolute value and structure of the formulae effectively makes limitations have the same proportional effect as advantages with the same value: for example, a +1 advantage doubles the active cost of a power, 20 active points become 40 real; while a -1 limitation halves the cost of a power, 40 active points becomes 20 real. A +½ advantage adds "half-again" to the cost of a power, 20 active points becomes 30 real; while a -½ limitation cuts it by a third, 30 active points become 20 real. Proportionally, it works.
  2. Thanks! Never heard of that. Huh. Well it may be gone but it left some footprints.
  3. Thing I like most about 6E books (Champions Universe stuff, anyway) is the updated/additional lore, the color art - the creative content stuff, not just the new stats. 5E and 6E are so close that they're easily interchangeable given my experience with the system, and I don't really sweat the cost differences - there's more to balancing encounters than points, after all. Sometimes the re-working of a characters' powers is a solid improvement, too. Still, the new lore & art are the highlights. But the creative content stuff is the expensive stuff - time from writers, artists, editors, who generally like to get paid. 🤑
  4. So, since .hdc files are stored as XML, I was examining a few with a text editor to get a little more under-the-hood insight. I noticed many element attributes directly related to controls & toggles in the software UI, but a few that stumped me. Particularly, seems like these two appear in every list item (characteristic, skill, perk, power, disadvantage, etc.) but don't seem to relate to any software interface or feature: GRAPHIC="Burst" COLOR="255 255 255". ...that suggest some kind of white burst... somewhere? I'm using a pretty dated version, Hero Designer 6 build 20120127. Maybe those tags had been introduced into the file format for supporting a feature of a (then future) subsequent version? Maybe adding some icons to print export formats or something? Thanks -
  5. In the various Champions villains books, villains who have martial arts with NND damage types will have a parenthetical notation in the maneuver notes - usually a (1) but sometimes other numbers. A great example is Eurostar leader Fiacho, since he has three of them - Choke Hold - Grab one limb, 4d6 NND (2) Low Blow - 4d6 NND (3) Vital Point Strike - 4d6 NND (1) Where are these parenthetical notations documented? Can't find'em anywhere. I presume they are meant to indicate the type of defense that is effective vs. the martial strike at issue, since I've seen (1) on various forms of Nerve Strike and (2) on various forms of Choke Hold. Not sure on Fiacho's "Low Blow" which appears to also be a nerve strike. Were these ever listed anywhere?
  6. Ah, HERO rounding. Well I was afraid that’s what it was, since that’s what you’d want for other potential uses of MATH container. So...Javascript in my export, hmm? Hahaha who need 2 digit precision kgs on the items they’re *not* carrying anyway! Our players can just have rounded non-carried weight and they can LIKE it!
  7. One more, on a related topic - any way to control the number of decimal points displayed in the output of the <!--MATH--> container? Looks like when I use MATH to find TOTAL_WEIGHT minus TOTAL_CARRIED, the output is rounded to the nearest unit instead of carrying 2 decimal places like individual items have on their EQUIPMENT_WEIGHT or that either of the totals tags have on their own. I'm creating a table that lists all the Carried items first then shows a row with the total_carried, then lists all non-carried items and uses MATH to show that lists total weight, then finally a row showing the grand total with total_weight. Everything except that MATH output is showing numbers in 0.00 kg format. I can add the " kg" for the MATH output with HTML but would like to show that output with two decimal places just like the other weight functions. Thanks!
  8. Perfect, the IF_CARRIED container was exactly what I needed. I'd tried incorrect things like EQUIPMENT_IF_CARRIED, IF_EQUIPMENT_CARRED, etc. but hadn't stumbled on the correct form. It works. Thanks!
  9. I've run some forum searches but can't find an answer on this. I'm editing an export template for a Heroic campaign to include equipment weights. I've been able to add a column for the weight of each item of equipment, and add total rows for total carried weight and total of all equipment weight. But the one thing I can't figure out is how to include an indicator for each item of equipment showing whether it is carried or not. It seems like there would be some kind of export tag associated with the "carried" check-box for equipment, but I can't find it in the documentation (and have not had an luck with taking some reasonable guesses based on other equipment related tags). Anyone know the tag(s) for carried equipment? Or if no tag, any other ideas on how I could separate/sort the carried and non-carried items? (Other than manually organizing them into separate lists in the HD program's equipment tab, which is my current but sub-optimal solution.) Thanks!
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