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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Well, that's why I mentioned the ambush prep thing, yes, that's where dark avenger types tend to work best. Just like Bricks tend to work best in the 'in your face, hand to hand right now' situation. There are exceptions of course. And yeah, there is a "Batman is the bestest" clique among fanboys that takes it to extremes, but I don't think that's why Nighthawk has a chance. Compared to the other characters: Better SPD than Defender, Ironclad, and Witchcraft. Good Defenses and his martial arts with DCV makes him harder for them to peg. Versitile powers to tailor to the other champs. And good Dex so he is likely to go first. That doesn't mean Nighthawk wouldn't lose. Heck, Witchcrat might turn him into a frog if she made her Ego roll. But he could definitely be "a contender"
  2. Don't sell Nighthawk short... Ben could be right, especially if Nighthawk has a chance to prepare and ambush. He's very versitile.
  3. You too can rule! For Sale:The Province of Alberta Canada Now you can be the hidden master of your own disguised Empire. Secure behind your veil of anonymity, play it smart and you'll be ruling this area for many years to come. You'll be provided with: 1.Our handy dandy Mindcontrol wave generator 2.Three TV Satalite companies for cover of your nefarious control. 3.A list of who's who in Alberta, and what to black mail them with. 4.And of course, our "How To Rule Alberta" instruction manual. Highest bid will win, but no offer below $6 million (U.S., sorry, no loonies please) will be considered. -The Secret Masters
  4. Sadly, I never had the chance to play or run either of those, but here's a bump for your thread
  5. I sort of thought that's what this was, in a funny animal in long underwear kind of way
  6. Hey, I resemble that remark! Ah shucks, thanks. Still, no transition for your characters? No "Monowhale" or anything? (EDIT: Hmm, maybe Monolark... keep the L part that way) You mean there are those that DON'T? Oh poor lost generation....
  7. And it's why we luv the Bat... One of my favorite Batman:tAS episodes is where Bruce has been doped up on the Scarecrow's fear gas, and decides to fight hallucination with his own personal borderline psychosis. "I am not a failure. I am vengeance. I am the Night. I am BATMAN!" And the amazing thing is, Conroy really pulled it off well! As for the Robin thing, I agree. "The Shadow of the Bat" is more than merely reputation, Batman is such a powerful personality that those under his tuteleague can't help but be altered by it... for better or worse, usually, I think better.
  8. Nighthog looked down on the streets below Menagerie City's Renaissance Center; the gleaming technopolis was abuzz with its usual night sounds. The city's porcine protector ham-radioed to the others, "All clear here. Anything on your end of things, Duckfender?" Elsewhere, over the Theatre District, the metal clad mallard answered, "No fowl play here either, Nighthog. That doesn't mean much, if Doctor Dogtoyer is in town, he's got a thousand ways to hide." Meanwhile, in a tree in Mammal Park, Witchcat wondered if she'd need to get back up. Sure, she could just fly down, but she had made the mistake of looking first. Well, at least Witchcat had a good view of the area, she decided to call in, "Hey guys? I'm at Mammal Park, nothing here but trees and statues." Her whiskers twitched as she spoke. "That is well," IronConch replied, the crab like alien patrolled the northern part of the city, its heavy shell threatening to dig a trail in the concrete. "I still do not understand why he would return? Did he leave something here when he destroyed Dogroit?" "Let's hope not," Duckfender quacked his response, "If he did, this city could be built over a ticking time bomb. Calf-fire, report." "All's clear amigos,"Calf-fire's lulling voice oooed and mooed on her cowmunicator, "Afraid the docks are quiet as a churchmouse, quieter even.Wish K9ek was able to help." "You realize what this means?" Nighthog's snout twitched with frustration. "Yup," Duckfender agreed before the thought was even spoken, "He's gone underground all right." And deep in the shadowy under udder of what had once been Dogtroit, Dogstoyer yipped his curse, "Curses! I had hoped the source of this anoymoly was ruffly here, but no trace. Am I the only one who sees how reality has been tampered with again? Whoever did this will pay, mark my tree, they will pay." The pug-nacious professor of peril tripped over another rock, causing his heavy helmet to flip him over. "They'll PAY!" His howls of fury (or is it furry?) echoed. ............... So, what would your characters be like if they were done in a Captain Carrot and the Amazing Zoo Crew Style?
  9. Hmm, the boards hiccuped when I posted.
  10. Opps... Poor Lonestar.
  11. Re: Hermetic Vision? I think you'd need N Ray perception for it to do that, unless the image was naturally transparent. Our eyes allow us to sense physical objects, but that doesn't mean we can just bypass them. IMO You could glance at the image and go "It's faker than Pro wrasslin!" but you couldn't go "It's fake, and behind curtain #3 is..." unless you had the N Ray.
  12. Choo Choo Bear is boneless, and thus I'm not sure the gun would be a threat... by the time he pointed, the cat might have melted away to another location.
  13. Apex: He'd grab the gun's muzzle, let it fire... it won't likely hurt him. Lone Star: "Mister, here in Texas, we put up with a lot of things, but you just don't go chasing other men's wives, you don't rustle cattle, and you don't shoot another person's cat. You put that gun now, or Ah'll flatten you so hard, you'll feel like Houston Asaphault in summer heat, comprehende?" (PRE attack the guy, then move fast ) Recluse: Web his hand and gun up. SLAMMER: Touch the kitty, and protect it with my forcefield. "Fire away, that kitty is now bullet proof" SURGE: "Cat threats? You're kidding, right?" Then fry the guy trhough a conductive material... or flash attack him. Wildcard: Kill the cat "I'm more of a dog person, and it's got 8 more lives punk. Now, come along quietly or you're next." Pay for the kitten later, and take PETA as as a Hunted
  14. Australia, where a man can wear his mask? Heh, sorry Alan, but hey, if nothing else, it could lead to some interesting RP between native Australian super heroes, and the 'interlopers from the north'
  15. One of my favorite DC heroes, ever. I loved that series, at least the first two years of it.
  16. "Crikey, it's Grond! Now, I'm going to sneak up on him, and you have to be reeeal careful about his arms, or SNAP, he'l yank you up just like that."
  17. Australia, where a man can wear his mask? Actually, I've been thinking that with Australia in the official 5th CU having no Registration policy, and a low (for now) super population, it may be due for a sudden influx of American, Europeon, and other nations' supers fed up with the restrictions in their homelands.
  18. Not that i know of, but if you have a copy of Millennium City you can find the write up for Mr. X. Detroit's Pulp age hero
  19. Not all my characters are in the CU5th, but if they were... I think their reactions and answers would be like this: Apex: "I registered. I have... family, and if Apex goes missing, I want the govt to be able to help my family. This doesn't mean they will, but it's a chance. I know they might get hacked, but frankly I doubt I'm that important." Lone Star: "Ah keep meaning to register, but I also keep forgetting... doggone it. Suppose Ah best, Ah'm a rolemodel for young folk, and you can't expect them to follow the law if you don't respect it yourself." Recluse: "How to best phrase this? Heck no. The most frightening words in the English language are 'Hi, we're with the government, and we're here to help'. I like my privacy, and I have a right to it. Annoymous tipsters are not required to reveal their identity to the police, and good deeds should not have to have the 'stamp of approval' on them, super powered or no." Slammer: "Sure thing, the Slam man will register, but that's because I'm Slammer 24/7, I don't have a secret ID like some. However, I think the idea reeks. You're going to force people to submit to this sort of profiling when they haven't even done anything? Just because they have powers? It's wrong... and I'm going to say so at every event. This thing came up because Dr Destroyer used a lot of lesser villains, right? So... if this works so well, why isn't Dr. D in Stronghold? I rest my freaking case." Surge: "I respectfully decline. No system is 'tamper proof' and it's the height of hubris to claim yours is.That's titanic talk. With the geniuses out there, you could have been hacked 30 ways to sunday, and never know it. If the government really wishes to withhold information that can help save lives, just to force folks to give into this, they should be ashamed. Besides, recently, I was played by an FBI agent... The gov isn't exactly earning my trust here. Sorry." Wild Card: "Sure, I'll register. Superhero Name: Wildcard, Secret Identity: George Bush Jr., Powers, I shoot monkeys out of my butt. Weaknesses: Too honest for my own good... really."
  20. Glad you folks like it, and some of you even want to use it.... (Just don't tell your Players who mentioned this idea to you if you think they hold grudges ) I like the reverse idea Pteryx thought of for those that are normally robots etc.
  21. In the 5th Edition Champions Universe, in 1980, the American Superhuman and Paranormal Registration Act was passed with (it seems) strong public support but an unwelcome reception among super heroes. Identies are required, but only 'authorized' personel can gather that info from the data base. It is claimed that it has NEVER Been hacked. It's not heavily enforced, but if you're not registered, it would seem police and govt officials won't raise one finger to help you beyond putting the prisoners in jail. Now, OOC (Out of Character) I am not too crazy about this set up, but I'm trying to go with it. However, I'm curious just how many characters are registering (or would register if in the 5th CU ) So, In Character, what do your characters think of the Act? Do they comply? Do they refuse? Do they protest? Have they found ways around it?
  22. No, not yet Though it's very close to what I had planned for the 'rematch' between the PCs and their opposites. Nice idea!
  23. If it's any consolation, Lemming, I like the pic.
  24. Re: What would your character do? In character eh? APEX: My second wife... well, it had been a few years since my first's death (it would have to be). She'd have to understand he has to be brought to justice. That her brother in law just took the life of a man who may have a family of his own. However tempted I would be for his betrayal of my wife's trust in him, I'd just bring him to justice , no more force than I have to. LONE STAR: "Uhm, Darhlin...Ah'm afraid your brother in law shot a man in a bank robbery today. Now, Ah know Ah shouldn't have gotten mad, but AH beat the tar out of that boy, and Ah'd do it again ifn' Ah had to. He's in custody now, and ...Ah'm a sleeping on the couch, ain't I?" RECLUSE: Oh crap, more people hurt because of my ignorance. Great, just great. WHy'd I get married in the first place if I'm just going to make the woman I love miserable AND deprive some family of it's father? I suck. I quit. Oh, wait, Grandmother Spider won't let me. This whole THING Sucks. (Mope, Angst, etc, then try to redeem self) SLAMMER: Married....whoooah. Well, considering the girl he married is likely a mentalist... hey, if she says he wouldn't do it, I'd check for a frame up. I'd make excuses to the press after checking iwth my agent for the best line... but secretly I'd be blaming myself. Damn it, why do I always have to think with my ####? SURGE: I get angry, angry at myself, angry at my wife (and feeling guilty for that anger) angry at the idiot bro in law (Who's going to get his hair standing up funny), but since I can't really direct that anger at folks I love... I'm going to look for whoever he was pulling the heist for. I'm going to bust their whole #$#$ing cartel or organization. WILDCARD: Who told my wife I was a super hero? You mean she didn't buy the "It's a fetish" excuse? Dang. FIrst, I wouldn't have gone easy on him in the first place. Being nearly killed puts the whole 'soft on crime thing' in perspective. Mind you, I might have just knocked him out and mailed him to Bangkok in the first place, but no no no... letting criminals go leads to the drowning and the hurting and the bullets and the hey hey hey... we're the monkeys.
  25. Actually, it's probably closer to number 10... but heck with it. Your character is on another patrol, where he ends up facing an incredibly dangerous villain with some form of cutting attack (be it laser, or mono sword, or what have you). During the last phase of the battle, you manage to take the bad guy out, but at the same time, the villain lashes out and chops your character's hand off. Your character looks down in shock, rather than seeing a bleeding stump, he/she sees circuits and metal sparking with electricity where there should be cappilaries, muscle, and tendons. What would your character (Who may even doubt that he/she IS his/her self now) do? (Of course, if your character is a cyborg or robot normally, this might just be another day .. )
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