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Doug Limmer

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Everything posted by Doug Limmer

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's been a long week. And welcome!
  2. Re: URBAN CHAMPIONS: Shinjuku I may have missed something in there, but did the character ever re-connect with her earlier (good) foster family? Either way, you could probably get a story hook or two out of it.
  3. Re: Hunted -- Everyone It sounds like the main character from the manga/anime Scrapped Princess. Well, except for the Distinctive Features.
  4. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #4: Deflection, Reflection, And Range If you were using laser beams from people's eyes as the special effect for your Life Support: Diminished Sleep, then yes, I wouldn't be fine with it.
  5. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #4: Deflection, Reflection, And Range
  6. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #4: Deflection, Reflection, And Range Block (and Missile Deflection) have bugged me for some time. This thread, and re-watching a certain Bleach episode, have clarified for me what my problem is. I'll start off with a faux-motivational poster: Now for what troubles me: 1. I usually don't mind varying special effects, as long as the game effect remains the same. But, it does bug me when someone describes a 'non-contact block' as something only an expert martial artist should be able to do. Because, as the poster above says, anyone can block. Would you allow Joe Normal on the street to describe his block of a sword as 'I block the edge of the blade with my finger'? 2. I particularly don't like the 'chin block', because mechanically it's a block, but visually it looks like invulnerability. This is what I think of as misleading special effects, where the special effects look like a totally different ability. Would you allow Joe Normal to describe his block of Grond's fist as a 'chin block'? I guess it boils down to wanting special effects to match the person using them. You may all use special effects appropriate to the various characters (e.g., only allow nigh-invulnerable people to 'chin block'), but it doesn't get brought up in the conversations very often.
  7. Re: Order of the Stick New one is up! "Don't worry, honey, I make that mistake ALL the time."
  8. Re: Order of the Stick Unfortunately, not me. Dramatically, he has to fail.
  9. Re: Order of the Stick I don't see it.
  10. Re: Useless Hero Facts A mere 5 levels of Density Increase makes you denser than the densest material found on Earth. (The densest I could find, anyway.)
  11. Re: Order of the Stick Something else pointed out on the Giant in the Playground forums: re-read the following comics. Comic 182, panel 4 Comic 188, panels 2 and 3 Comic 572, panel 7 Let the speculation begin.
  12. Re: Order of the Stick To get even closer, the 1st ed. DMG had a large table summarizing of all the monsters in the Monster Manual. It included a column labeled "To Hit A. C. 0".
  13. Re: Body swapping! That doesn't seem a whole lot like body swapping to me. It does seem a whole lot like it could lead to Virtual Reality...
  14. Re: Susano's Song-Based DC NPCs No one's done a Boy from New York City yet?
  15. Re: R-O-L-E or R-O-L-L It's "roleplaying", like playing a role. Some people use the word "rollplaying" disparagingly for when one is using roleplaying rules, but is actually playing a war/strategy game (and not playing a personality).
  16. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing I think I may have it now. There's this Thing. And we're supposed to use it to kill the Dude. Right?
  17. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing I'm confused; what are we supposed to do again?
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