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About Takaholic

  • Birthday 01/19/1950

Takaholic's Achievements

  1. Here's how I created an HD Character using the CCC Cards: To start the Character build, I chose Open Character and picked the Characteristic Card I wanted to use. In this case #4 - Dexterous. To add the other cards, I just chose Load Prefabs and chose the card file I wanted to use, then went to the appropriate tab, clicked on Prefab sub-tab, chose the now-loaded prefab and selected it to add it to the build. It wasn't exactly intuitive, but it seems to work, and I had a rough build of my desired character in just a few minutes. I hope this helps everyone who is as confused as I was.
  2. Here's how I created an HD Character using the CCC Cards: To start the Character build, I chose Open Character and picked the Characteristic Card I wanted to use. In this case #4 - Dexterous. To add the other cards, I just chose Load Prefabs and chose the card file I wanted to use, then went to the appropriate tab, clicked on Prefab sub-tab, chose the now-loaded prefab and selected it to add it to the build. It wasn't exactly intuitive, but it seems to work, and I had a rough build of my desired character in just a few minutes. I hope this helps everyone who is as confused as I was.
  3. Thanks again, Simon. I was trying to import the prefabs, thinking that would do it. But when I chose the Open Character option in HD, I could select them. Now to see if the system will let me build a multi-card option.
  4. First, I tried to import the hdc file directly using HD... but they didn't show up when the folder they were located in was selected. 2nd step was to go directly to the folder and I selected and tried to open the hdc file with HD, and that's when I got the notice. Thanks for the quick response. I just updated Java and finished downloading the Aug 2018 HD file, and preparing to reinstall it. Maybe that will help. Thanks again, Simon
  5. I just tried using the CCC HDC files, and my HD program says the file is not a valid Win32 file. And my relatively ancient computer is running Win 7 64-bit version. Any ideas what's going on?
  6. Sorry, the Cover Date of Action Comics #1 was June 1938... That's the month when the newstand vendors were supposed to replace that issue with the new one, if there was one. Mike's Amazing World of Comics gives the Approximate Release Date of Action Comics #1 as 3 May 1938. Hmm, that was a Tuesday. But if you could hop in the old time machine and go back to Star Wars Day 1938, the Fourth may be with you. http://dcindexes.com/features/comic.php?comicid=5 Mike's site Is an amazing place to give yourself a massive dose of comic book nostalgia. Unfortunately he stopped actively updating his data base about a year ago.
  7. Speaking of Hover Bikes, here's one of the all-time comedy classics. I may have to tinker around with the build in the Vehicles Supplement and spring it in a game sometime. Urusei Yatsura OVA 04 - Raging Sherbet The intro is good for setting up the situation, but Benten, the Alien Biker Goddess starts getting agitated about 8 minutes into the story, and things go to hell quickly afterwards. Warning: Since this was produced as an original Video episode of the manga it's based on, they show a bit more skin than the TV Series bothered showing. Nothing horribly explicit, but I thought a notice might be in order.
  8. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? Her 3rd (and rumor has it the final) Invasion attempt has been deadlocked by a young rascal from a Tokyo suburb... it's still going on, but that Moronboshi kid just won't surrender to her.
  9. Re: The HERO System 6th Edition Duh! Thanks guys... Didn't think of that approach!
  10. Re: The HERO System 6th Edition Steve, Any chance we can get Black and White PDFs for page printout that won't drain our color ink cartridges? Thank you for keeping my favorite Superhero game system alive and kicking! Champions fan since first edition.
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Should be fun to run with Hero System players... Been on CoH/CoV since the start... At last count, over 100 chars in the game. Champions servers is full (12 chars, 2 are 50s). Global is @Sugoi_chan. Normally on during mornings and late in evening, Eastern time. (W@rk gets in the way of heroing, darn it!) Got a minimum of 6 chars on any given server in the game... levels dependent on how much action they've seen on that server. Definitely going to have to try converting some of the (wacky) Cites powers over to the Hero System.
  12. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished re-reading Robert A Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land... Well, it's been 40 years since I first read it. Still a classic, and fun. Before that, just read the Saga of Seven Suns books (5 of 7 out so far) by Kevin Anderson... Feels like a Babylon 5 style story... Various races and human factions dealing with personal / racial problems all taking place in the background of an Elder Races war going on. Thought I'd give the first volume a try, and kept reading, and reading, and reading. Great characters and looking forward to the last two books.
  13. Re: Anime series as a campaign Lum merely accepted Ataru's "Proposal" during the original tag game... and has repeatedly show her ignorance of Earth customs during the series. She wasn't pushing herself on him, merely accepting his request to be married. Benten.. my fav girl of the whole series for a multitude of reasons... In CoH, she's a Assault Rifle / Energy Manipulation Blaster... Shoot em at range and kick their butts when they get too close... Sound familiar? Of course I really should get rid of the Accuracy enhances.. but not sure my teammates would like that... But in the series, that girl can't hit the broad side of a barn.... But dumping a box full of grenades overcomes that little problem... heh Ataru does have some good points... and he is faithful to his own conception of what is "right". Even when no one else agrees with him. Granted, Males lust after her (can't blame em)... Females tend to be friends very easily... Even Shinobu, after their rocky introduction... and the other aliens (who probably don't lust after her, due to nothing in common sexually) still want to help her out and be friends... Charisma... Lum's got it in spades.
  14. Re: Anime series as a campaign Urusei Yatsura's Lum insanely jealous? Methinks not... Jealous, yes.. and rightfully so.. Ataru (her boyfriend/fiance/husband) hits on anything cute and female that crosses his path... Rightfully jealous.. yes. Now about the insane part... Yep, she's insane.. for sticking with him, after all he's put her (and their mutual friends) thru. But that's Takahashi for you. Lum is a contradiction in terms.. a charismatic, caring Demon... whose main ability isn't flying or tossing lightning bolts, but in making anyone or anything that runs into her care about her unreservedly. Not Lust after her (in most cases), but actually CARE about her happiness. The closest I've come to RPGing UY is creating some of the key UY girls in City of Heroes... Pity the poor villains.. they don't stand a chance. But I would love to see a Hero Games writeup of Tomobiki and it's inhabitants, or it's unofficial mirror image follow up series, Tenchi Muyou. Time to start plotting the "Crisis of Infinite Tenchis" storyline... Guest-starring the Anti-Tenchi... Ataru Moroboshi. And "Anime" isn't a type of story... it's a medium of expression/exposition.
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