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Everything posted by Toxxus

  1. I've purchased the pack and it's good, but what would really make it awesome would be a Fantasy Hero specific character export format for Hero Designer. I'd like something that allowed for sectional armor and tracking weight / encumberance.
  2. It's going to be pretty tricky to balance mathematically. You're going to have to trust your gut to a large degree because only you will have the level of campaign-specific knowledge to decide that. Example: Which stat is more important STR, DEX or INT. STR: Really depends on how often strength-based weapons are used and heavy objects are encountered. If there are a host of monsters with str-based entangles then the value goes up. If everyone is using magic wands and laser rifles it goes down. DEX: How important is it to go first to win the fights? Is the most important aspect of combat offense, defense or resource management? INT: Are the most powerful players wizards? Are there INT based devices and challenges that come up frequently? I am interested to watch this thread though.
  3. I really liked the Entangle idea, but I'd be concerned with characters in a Fantasy Hero setting (where I generally run games) breaking through a 1 DEF/ 1 Bod entangle with a casual CON roll. What I normally do to balance out the abilities of Pathfinder / D&D converted modules is allow the ability to be defeated with an attribute roll contest vs. the strength of the spell or ability. So in this case because it is DC 13 and I translate that to base roll +1 in difficulty (rough estimate for pathfinder is every +4 DC = 1pt shift in skill rank for Hero) I would have my player make a CON roll vs. the enemies funky stench using a 12 or less for them. If the player succeeds by the same or more points than the creature then they would be immune to the effect for 24 hours. Otherwise entangled. Not keeping the skill roll contest in play to simulate saving throws tends to make the converted enemies VERY strong. I like to add it to the limitations of converted monster/NPC spells as a -1/2 for abilities that are at 1/2 effect with a save and as a -1 against abilities that are completely negated by a save.
  4. Good stuff. Hope I can find a Fantasy Hero version of this.
  5. I'm currently taking my Saturday group through a pathfinder adventure path, but we're using Hero system rules and characters. It's working very well. Mostly I just adlib my creature / NPC conversions since there are so many good examples in the Hero Bestiary that I have a good rough-estimate for almost anything I'm trying to work with. Coming back to Hero system hits me squarely in the nostalgia button. I remember picking up champions when I was like 10 years old.
  6. So far I like the following ideas best: 1- Persuasion vs. Persuasion. 2- Persuasion vs. INT roll. 3- Persuasion vs. Analyze: (Motive / Honesty / etc.). Thanks everyone!
  7. I've recently returned to Fantasy Hero after a couple of decades away. Which skill helps a hero sense the motivation of an NPC or determine if that NPC might be lying to them? I'm looking for the equivalent to D&D's Insight or Pathfinder's Sense Motive. Thanks!
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