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Everything posted by A.C

  1. They got arrested and sent off to Stronghold, and the world breathed easier in their absence. They were forgotten about, and the world moved on. The problem is, no one thought to tell them that they were irrelevant. They couldn’t, wouldn’t stay in Stronghold forever. They couldn’t, wouldn’t stay in hiding once they escaped. They’ve relaxed long enough, they are rested and rejuvenated. It's time to let the world know they are back and they are ready to return to their old ways. It's time to put fear in the hearts and minds of the world. The time for their deathly return is now, the world will tremble, and The Conquerors and Deathstroke will smile. Available with or without Hero Designer files!
  2. S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed. It has become a full time job to try and keep track of them as well as update information about them, that is the purpose of this database. This collection contains a bookmarked PDF and Hero Designer Files from the previous S.I.D.s Report & Bulletin Supplements: SID Report # 20 - Evil Mutant Society, Sid Report – Necronus, Sid Report – Serpent Collective, Sid Report – Conquistadors, Sid Report 24 – Reapers, Sid Report - PsiKing SID Bulletin 11 – Graviton, SID Bulletin12 – Night Shadow, SID Bulletin 13 – Madame Trouble, SID Bulletin 14 – Screwball, SID Bulletin 15 – Odin Son Includes PDF, 198 pages, with Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.
  3. New S.I.D. database, this installment introduces a new organization: Mr. Big & The Red Devil Gang. This organization has taken over a section of the campaign city. No one has seen Mr. Big, some wonder if he even exists. However The Red Devil Gang is known and feared by many. Can the heroes discover the truth and stop the Red Devil Gang?
  4. Hello Heroes! There are currently three Hero Games bundles available at Bundle of Holding! First up we've got the revived Hero System 6e and Champions 6e bundles. Get all the rulebooks and major supplements for HERO System Sixth Edition for as low as $9.95, and get the entire Champions Complete selection for as low as $12.95! Hero Plus is a new bundle that just launched today, featuring 22 quick mini-scenarios for Champions and Pulp Hero and starting at $5.95! With this offer the Bundle site has nearly completed a years-long effort to present every title Hero Games published from 1981 to about 2019. Whew! https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Hero6-2023 https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Champs6-2023 https://bundleofholding.com/presents/HeroPlus
  5. WE ARE HERE TO DEFEND HUMANITY! The Institute for Human Advancement is one of the most insidious villain organizations in the Champions Universe. Any super mutant who has a positive public image has had to defend it, and themselves, from the IHA at some point. And anyone would develop a hatred for an organization if they had to routinely fend off the combination of frivolous lawsuits, hostile “newsmen,” hate websites, front groups, lethal poisons, and occasional armed assassins created by it! However, most of the public doesn’t consider the IHA to be evil. Just slightly annoying. They don’t have flashy uniforms like VIPER or DEMON. (Though they’re happy to use them as disguises when needed!) They don’t go around making big speeches about taking over the world or subjugating humanity like Dr. Destroyer. In the minds of the public their peppy commercials and boring midday talk show appearances make them appear more banal than anything else. But the truth of this clever and genocidal organization is much, much more sinister. And its dark history, methods, structure, agents, and equipment are to be found within the pages of this book. Links below! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/414913/The-Institute-For-Human-Advancement-Pride--Prejudice?src=newest
  6. Darren Watts has passed away as of New Years Eve. In the words of our General Manager, Jason Walters, "Darren Watts was a singular person of the sort that comes along once in a generation. His accomplishments are too many to list here: author, editor, publisher, and promoter all come to mind. He was an amazingly enthusiastic and interesting man, and there is no one that can ever replace him." Darren worked on many projects throughout his lifetime, with the purchasing and revitalization of Hero Games in 2001 being just one of his accomplishments. He also devoted much of his time and effort supporting smaller and independent creators through his work with our sister company Indie Press Revolution, and was a well-known figure at many TTRPG conventions. Our condolences go out to Darren's wife, Diane, as well as their families and all of Darren's friends. We will miss him greatly.
  7. The Institute for Human Advancement is one of the most insidious villain organizations in the Champions Universe,well known for destroying mutants reputations while protecting their own shiny image. IHA: Pride & Prejudice is a deep dive into the dark history of IHA, as well as a look into their current evil activities. You can buy a physical copy on Amazon through the link below! https://www.amazon.com/Institute-Human-Advancement-Pride-Prejudice/dp/1583661549/ref=sr_1_1?crid=K1O49PE3U1DS&keywords=the+institute+for+human+advancement&qid=1671158758&sprefix=%2Caps%2C1250&sr=8-1
  8. Extinction Event is a science fiction conspiracy campaign guide compatible with the HERO System 6th Edition and Champions Complete rules that immerses you in a near-future alternate Earth rising from the brink of extinction! https://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Extinction-Event-Print-PDF.html
  9. Every fantasy hero campaign needs magical treasures for the adventures to find. This series houses information on varies information on just such treasures. Figures of Power – Wonderful magical item that can summon forth a creature to fight, carry, or simply accompany an adventurer. These figures can summon various creatures with various abilities, some are even from other planes of existence. 30 different figurines and 9 creatures will be given within this product. Link below!
  10. We've got a new installment in the S.I.D. database, introducing a new mastermind PsiKing. PsiKing is a powerful mentalist that like to enslave people with his mind. He does this with the help of a mutant called Drainer, a mutant with the ability to drain the EGO of others. Link below!
  11. The 2022 End Of Year post is up on the Hero Games' forums, link below! https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/103857-2022-end-of-year-update/#comment-2898872
  12. Extinction Event: Hero Designer Pack includes over 80 Hero Designer template files for use with the Extinction Event Campaign Setting for HERO System 6th Edition and Champions Complete. It includes templates for: PALADIN, Acolytes, and Outcast Characters Psychic Powers Armor, Weapons, and Equipment New Skills Adversaries and Allies Link below!
  13. SID Bulletin #14 - Screwball and SID Bulletin #15 - Odin Son are out now! S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed. S.I.D. Bulletin is a flyer that highlights solo villains that have come onto the scene. The same care will be taken with their entry as with those in S.I.D. Reports. All known history and abilities will be given. These bulletins offer new villains for your Hero campaigns, links below! https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1042-sid-bulletin-14-screwball-pdf-hd/ https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1043-sid-bulletin-15-odin-son-pdf-hd/
  14. The Jolrhos Codex contains almost a thousand new spells, songs, and rituals for Fantasy Hero, unlocking magic for GMs and Players alike. This collection is designed for the Jolrhos Fantasy Hero Campaign, but can be used in any campaign or fantasy setting. This companion to the Jolrhos Player Guide gives the details to all those summary spells, songs, and rituals mentioned in the Guide, and so much more, link below! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/408546/The-Jolrhos-Codex
  15. A.C

    New SID Title!

    S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed. S.I.D. Bulletin is a flyer that will highlight solo villains that have come onto the scene. The same care will be taken with their entry as with those in our S.I.D. Report. All known history and abilities will be given. This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for your campaign. This installment will introduce a new villain – The Reapers A villainous group with ties to Muerte & Terror Inc. This group consists of five superpowered individuals who are Supervillains for hire.
  16. The Hero Games Roll20 project is nearly completed! Carlos Castaneda has submitted both products to Roll20 for approval, and if you would like to know more about what exactly we're putting up for sale on there you can check out his project thread through the link below!
  17. It's been five months of the Hero Patreon and we have gone through all our chapters of Gaslight! If you've been interested in checking out the Patreon, now is a fantastic time to hop on as we're starting to post chapters of The Last Orc. The Last Orc is a novel written by Scott Bennie before he passed earlier this year, and his family has graciously given Hero Games permission to post it on our Patreon. And a huge thank you to all the heroes who have joined us since the last update post! Mark Haynes Ben Harrison Lennon Conson Greysword Kaze Anson Sauer Robb McClune Jason Reid Ronald Miller Gary Garrard Lew Maestas Join the Hero Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/hero_games
  18. At 270 pages, The Jolrhos Codex is a huge compilation of Christopher Taylor's Fantasy Hero ideas and work spanning several decades of gaming and writing. The first part is an introduction, containing an examination of the Hero rules in a fantasy campaign, detailing thoughts and methods of creating spells using the Hero Toolkit. When combined with the detailed Spell System outlined in the Player Guide GMs and players have everything they need to have magic in their fantasy campaign. Link below!
  19. We've got another weekly update on the Hero Games Roll20 Project, link below!
  20. Carlos Castaneda is back with another weekly update on the Hero Games Roll20 Project, link below!
  21. Champions Begins has been nominated for an ENnie in the Best Free Game / Product category! Voting is now open as well, so please go vote for it! Champions Begins is a tutorial adventure designed to teach both Game Masters and Players how to play Champions, the Super Role Playing Game! This introduction to superhero roleplaying puts you in the costume, fighting villains and saving lives from evil plots. All character designs and illustrations are included, with full maps and information. ENnies voting is here: https://vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2022/ If you haven't checked out Champions Begins yet you can download it, for free, here:
  22. We've got three new entries to the SID titles! SID Bulletin #12 - Night Shadow This installment introduces a new villain – Night Shadow. Night Shadow hates all heroes with a passion, to say the least. He uses numerous gadgets to extract a pound of flesh from every hero he can track down and attack. https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1032-sid-bulletin-12-night-shadow-pdf-hd/ SID Bulletin #13 - Madame Trouble Another new villain! – Madame Trouble. She has magical pouch and a love for old cartoons. She can perform several funny cartoon tricks and is very good at driving people nuts in the process. https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1031-sid-bulletin-13-madame-trouble/ SID Report #23 - Conquistadors This installment will introduce a new organization, the Conquistadors. This group of villains operates out of South America. They have become a strike team of sorts for Muerte and Terror Inc. They perform crimes on their own as well. https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1033-sid-report-23-conquistadors-pdf-hd/
  23. Need some villains for your Champions campaign? Just pop open this PDF and get a whole team ready to go instantly! This PDF contains a full write-up of Duke Dread. Each issue of Instant Villain: Includes full stats, background story, support cast write-up, and tactical and plot suggestions, link below! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/400198/Instant-Villain-6?affiliate_id=545030
  24. A small nation on the Atlantic coast of South America, wedged between French Guiana and Brazil, Chíquador has long been known as a hotbed of corruption and crime. As the long-ruling Presidente for Life, General Lorenco João Garrastazu e Silva, nears the end of his life, who will replace him — and how badly will the struggle for the presidency tear the nation apart? Link below!
  25. A.C

    50 Patrons!

    We've hit 50 patrons over at the Hero Games' Patreon account! Thank you to everyone who has joined up, this is week 10 of content and we've got plenty more to go. A big shout out to the heroes who have joined us recently: Jay Goodfader Ray Arrastia Bob Vincelette Neil Edmond Christopher Hackler Chris Larkin FanSteve If you're interested in joining the Hero Games' Patreon and getting access to exclusive chapters of unreleased Hero content you can check it out through the link below! https://www.patreon.com/hero_games
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