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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Well, they really haven't explained exactly how it works. My guess is that it isn't the framework doing the memory tampering, that she tampers with their memories then sticks them in the framework. So, without access to their brain, she can't really brainwash them. But I only think that because it's the only way that makes any sense. The show hasn't spelled it out. Skye and Jemma seem to think they can get the others to snap out of the brainwashing by interacting with them in the framework, which implies that at least the characters think the framework is responsible for the brainwashing.
  2. Daisy and Jemma inserted themselves. I'm assuming that Aida needs them in her own machinery to reprogram them.
  3. This is according to a coroner's report by one Dr. Frank N. Stein.
  4. What Elan lacks in common sense, he makes up for with dramatic sense. Kinda.
  5. I suppose you'll have to watch the movie and see how she got that kind of power. Judging by the look on Thor's face, that wasn't the expected result of throwing Mjolnir at her. Since it's the lead up to the Infinity War, I'm going to guess one (or more) of the Stones is involved.
  6. IMO, inhumans are better than mutants in the context of the MCU anyway. I'm fine with the X-men being in their own contained universe, as a single origin of powers works better with their story.
  7. I don't think this is a uniquely American trait. I'd say more a sign of the times in general.
  8. We've spent trillions on pointless conflicts in the Middle East that could have gone to a great number of more worthy causes, why start counting now?
  9. I'd say that's a fair assessment. Murderous rages don't have to end in murder. He'd likely have pulled back. To the second point: A lot of things could have averted the huge misunderstanding leading to the gratuitous hero fight, but they wanted to have one, so they did. That's keeping in line with comic book tradition, though, so I tend to let it slide, as long as it doesn't rise to the level of overt stupidity that kills immersion.
  10. Don't get carried away, I never said "I will never kill," that's a far leap from killing or just pulverizing a victim. Step off the high horse before you get thrown off.
  11. I think "establishing their extremely complex relationships" may be a bit too much to hope for from the DCEU. I'll be happy if the Wonder Woman movie and the possible Batgirl movie avoid getting the stink of the rest of the franchise on them.
  12. The sad thing about Lucas, is I think he actually believes his revisionist nonsense.
  13. Going straight to wanting to murder Bucky, who was also a victim, is an unheroic level of overreaction. He didn't simply want to beat him up, he wanted him dead. If he had any streak of morality, the strongest response should have been, "Get him out of my sight," not murderous rampage. Even if they did set up the murderous rampage properly (which I can see arguments either way for), they sure as hell weren't doing the character any credit there.
  14. Lots of good stuff here, Hermit. Keep 'em coming.
  15. Well, it only took them two days to resolve the bugged AT issue. They ended up putting enough zen in my account to buy the AT, since it didn't unlock properly. That's a huge improvement over past tickets, so I'm happy.
  16. They haven't announced the spin off. So far, there's an unconfirmed rumor that Whedon is talking with the studio about doing a spinoff. I don't quite see the cause for concern. The Batgirl film isn't anything more than a rumor, which if true, still makes it unlikely to get into production at all, let alone before the Batfleck film gets made. Edit: Which isn't to say that I disagree with your overall point that they should do a bit more setup. That'd certainly be a good thing. I just don't see the Batman/Batgirl order being an issue until we know more about the status of each. If the rumor about Whedon Batgirl talks is true, then maybe they are trying to plan ahead a little. I do think it'd be fine if they made a stand alone Batgirl movie without any more Batman movies. People know who Batman is, so a Batman-inspired heroine should take all of two minutes of setup to explain to people who don't know who Batgirl is. I think Batgirl's pretty well-known by the public at large though. She may not have as much exposure to the general public as Supergirl, but she's already been on screen more, between the Adam West Batman show and the horrible Silverstone version.
  17. They're just using the Ultimate version of Aunt May. The MCU has drawn a lot of other stuff from the Ultimate titles, and done well with it, so I don't mind. As long as the movie's good.
  18. Yeah, I usually think of the son of an Atlantean woman and a lighthouse keeper version, since that was the current backstory when I was a kid. I knew he'd been around a while, just never thought much of his prior version or looked into it until fairly recently.
  19. Do we know that the Batgirl movie is coming out before the solo Batfleck movie? I'd assume that the Batfleck one is further along, given that they haven't formalized the deal for Batgirl yet.
  20. My mother was the 7th of 9 siblings (holy crap, I just realized my mother is 7 of 9!), and her oldest sister was older than my father's mother. So, it's possible for aunts to be a lot older than someone's parents. Of course, there's no indication that Peter's parents came from a big family, so it does look a bit odd. On the third hand, May could be a great aunt, which is what I just kind of mentally filled in over the years.
  21. And starting things off and right doesn't require a bunch of Bat-movies prior to the Batgirl movie.
  22. We've had plenty of Batmovies, I'm sure audiences will get the gist. It's not even the first time Batgirl's been on screen. Not that the other time is worth thinking about.
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