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Sgt_Pedro's Achievements

  1. Re: Malazan Hero Are all Teblor resistant to magic? I was always under the impression that Karsa was unique in his resistance. There are bits in Reaper's Gale about his will being so strong he could just ignore most magic. As for the Disads, the Social might also take "Not Limiting In Some Cultures" so would end up being 0 points? I like throwing Unluck in the Bridgeburner's package deal, nice touch
  2. Re: 1970s-era Police Campaign Mustaches. Lots and lots of Mustaches.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This may be a "you had to have been there" moment, but bear with me. The setup is a small group of supers, one of whom is a former Bad Guy who happens to be a lich. Full on skeleton guy, walking around in a robe, talking a few decibels too loudly. So, we're trying to sneak into this doctor's office to confront him about the Nefarious Deeds he's been committing. The Blaster goes in as a normal patient, my martial artist just Stealth's his way in, and I suggest to the Mystic Lich "You should just teleport into his screening room, take off your robe, and stand at the position of attention in the corner!" Let's see who doesn't get it
  4. Re: XM25 Individual Air Burst Weapon XM25 Individual Air Burst Weapon: (Total: 97 Active Cost, 39 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (79 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 21) plus Penalty Skill Levels: +12 vs. Range Modifier with a single attack (Real Cost: 18) 12 PSLs makes it no penalty out to 256" (512 meters), which is good enough considering the text says 16-600 meters with almost perfect accuracy. Indirect gets it past barriers to explode right above or behind the target hex. The kill radius of a real grenade is about 5 meters, with casualties ranging out to 15 meters. So there you go, my take on an XM25 IABW. Edit: I reread Explosion, and for RKA's it doesn't need the extra radius to do the level of damage I thought. The dropoff is only 1 DC per 1", so using the second option in the book (2 damage per 1" dropoff) should be sufficient. Or you could use 4d6, and make it more lethal out to a "realistic" range. Edit: On third look, I'd do 3d6 with a -1 DC/2" I think. Grenades are not your friend.
  5. Re: Hancock's STR Comic book physics ftw. Otherwise every Brick that tried to pick up something larger than a truck would just break right through it.
  6. Re: Starting points? I agree with Ghost on this one. A Marine goes through quite a bit of training, both physical and mental. As an example, my unit used to have weekly sessions with our XO where we'd role play real battle scenarios as exercises in small unit tactics. We're not talking the officers either, the Privates would be given command decisions to make. As a Sergeant, I'd usually end up as a grunt in some Private's Squad. Even the lowest ranking Marines had Tactics 11- in no time! I'd second 100 points as a Private fresh out of training, with combat veterans and Special Forces pushing 150+. And besides, adding the adjective "Space" adds a whole laundry list of extra stuff to learn.
  7. Re: Malazan Hero Anomader Rake is 7 feet tall. Along with descriptions of some of the others, I'd say they're a good bit taller than humans on average, 4-6" at least. I would assume there are a large number of non-combatants because: I'm about to start Bonehunter's myself. I read the first 3 books as they were printed in the US, and recently reread them all up to where I am now. These would make the top of any favorites list I made. Not my favorite moment in the series (that would be one of Kalam's moments, or perhaps something during the Chain of Dogs), but one that stands out as I write this:
  8. Re: Malazan Hero To anyone who hasn't read this series: Do so. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one, providing input when I can. One thing though, should you throw a spoiler warning in the first thread maybe? On Karsa: I've been torn as to the height of the Toblakai for a while. When he gets his prologue at the beginning of House of Chains, he jumps a city wall with his horse. I "think" they might have mentioned the height of a Jhag horse at the end of the book, I'll have to go back and check. But if they gave a "hands" height, we could estimate the height from the ratio from a normal horse maybe?
  9. Re: Handling day and night on infinite plane? Baloo wins the internet.
  10. Re: Liquid Armour The Future can't come fast enough for me. I love hearing about this kind of thing, good find!
  11. Re: Traveller Hero Core Books Now Available! Why are the PDFs missing all the art? The blank spaces are there, so it seems like there would be pictures in the print edition. If there aren't many pictures in the print, that's fine, just due to the spaces it seems like they are missing.
  12. Re: Limited STR: Only for Pushing, Pulling, Lifting, etc Actually, page 65 of TUB has Stronger Than A Locomotive: +40 STR (40 Active Points); Only To Stop Moving Objects (-2). Total Cost: 13 points. So maybe (Only To Move Objects) would be -1.5 or -1, assuming No Figured is included.
  13. Re: Falling Asleep While On Watch This butter bar has Lightsleep and a decent Ego! Besides, watch standing is for PFCs =P
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