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Everything posted by Magmarock

  1. Magmarock Here is the original Magmarock pic. It is very close to what the miniature looks like. Acrylics, painted right on to the character sheet. I didn't clean the picture up first, sorry. Edit: I uploaded a cleaner pic. Hope its ok.
  2. Let's try this again... Skedaddle. Pencils.
  3. Skedaddle the Speedster This is Skedaddle. I did this pic in colored pancils.
  4. Malachite Here's one I did a long time ago. Not great. I used acrylic paint over an old template.
  5. More Monkey Mayhem from me! Heya guys, Thought you might like some more monkey-themed names for the Apes of Wrath: Furious George's evil ape-gents: codename "Barrel o' Fun" Lemurderer (serial killer, excaped from a French zoo) Ape-X (the apex of monkey-dom) Gorillazilla (think Monsta-2000!) Monkeyshine (my own monkey M/A villainess) The Silver Simian (alien monkey on a flying, silver banana) "Right Turn" Clyde (don't stand on his right...) Fling Shui (He ain't arrangin' furniture!) Armegibbon (the last monkey, courtesy of my brother) Bubbles- The Dark Chimpion (he ain't gunna take it no more!) and (drumroll please...) BaBOOM! (Guess what his specialty is?) Cheers, all! Magmarock
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