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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Speculation: What will those who are being supported by Trump do on the extremely high possibility that he fails the upcoming election and is found guilty in this current criminal trial?
  2. Q: Are we about to be blasted by a white hole? A: Your verdict has been determined.
  3. Stories abound about heroes performing feats that most people think impossible, even if they are normal humans. They will usually perform these for reasons onto themselves. Cap America is usually said to be the ultimate patriot, Hulk for reasons of simple might challenge, Batman a combination of justice and vengeance, among many other. However, at times heroes will wonder why they are doing this. Spidy is frequently attempting to quit (only to get pulled back), Bats occasionally committed that he has more impact on the economy than the villains. There are other times that such problems occur among other heroes in different stories. Have you ever addressed this issue? Any other times that it has come up? How would either you or your players deal with it? Any other issues to address?
  4. One concept: SIMPLE plan NT: You have been timeported 150 years into the future. What is the main thing that you do?
  5. Q: What is Trump's latest reason for not testifying at his trial? A: That star is a zombie .
  6. In a reality where normally harmful items (eg radiation) can grant beneficial mutations, what is to stop other conventionally harmful effects from being beneficial?
  7. If you have powers through some manner other than conventional human mutation, then will not show on any detection device. This will be an example of one thing that remains invisible, same with Stark's power suit derived powers. Since all his powers come from the suit, the detectors will register him as normal human.
  8. If I were to make some character get any illness, I would ignore their ability scores and declare that they have the problem. Effects would be along lines of temporary drain that last until I say otherwise. Abilities affected would include CON, SPD, INT, STR, effective all (include powers). This drain will be strong, like reducing to half start levels. This might sound overkill, but consider how you respond to similar IRL diseases. Those that exist in a superverse should have a more powerful effect on those they infect.
  9. Q: What was the method that Cesar used to silence the Egyptians? A: The algorithm will deal with you.
  10. Rings - as in Green Lantern's
  11. Luyten b How many - 10 for problems + millions more embryos Nuclear Drive NT: You are told to travel to a historic period. When do you travel to?
  12. Different games have brought in a different view of how death operates. In the Schlock comic and game, they have a standard system that allows one to resurrect anyone at anytime. This is in addition to other games that have created other methods that make resurrection possible.
  13. Adventuring is a tough and difficult life for those who desire to take that way. Frequently things will take a turn against the hero and they have a great possibility of death. When that happens, can they be resurrected? If yes, what is the method - tech/magic/other? What is the price for being brought back? Are they fully healed or still need healing? Is there a limit to resurrection? Any other problems with this?
  14. Q: Are we going to a burlap sack race? A: A caffinated turtle.
  15. This works not that well on beings with highly variable abilities such as those mutants, but in a sci-fi game, aliens could have similar enough traits for such a package to operate properly. I have made my (HEAVY EMPHASIS) my version of Vulcans, Skulls, Klingons, and other aliens. The closest I came to such a package for mutants is when they are in a closed origin campaign. Then all their abilities will be close enough that a package might be workable.
  16. Q: Why is the school condoning rpgs in all their classes? A: Phasers are set for tickle.
  17. The way I worked things was if one had innate powers that were not intrinsic to the creature (bird's flight, fish's waterbreathing) then they will register as a mutant. It will not matter if the mutation occurs from birth or is induced by something later. In this case, Cyke, Cap America, Ben Grim will all register the same despite the difference in how they obtained their powers and operate. Since each of these characters had their DNA modified, mutant detectors will not be able to tell the difference in how they obtained their power. An alien character will not register on the detectors, so someone like Superman would be able blend in, have DNA samples taken, and no one will be able to call them out on those grounds.
  18. I have always disliked those "magic wand" detectors, like I described in the original post. Instead, I used a method similar to what Dean described where someone needs to obtain a DNA sample for a lab test. The suspect can refuse to give the sample, there is no way to generally scan a room, along with more problems. The rationale used was that mutants possess a marker in their genes, but to detect it one needed to obtain that sample and pull it out to find. No remote detection system can locate them.
  19. A staple in most supers games (especially those with mutants) will be something that will allow another person to identify the mutant regardless of their disguise. They will always work perfectly, identify the mutant no matter what problems are presented, how many people around, disguise used, or other issues. Even more, when there are multiple mutants in the area, the detectors will be able to say the exact number and location of each. For some (eg Nightcrawler), they are obvious mutants, but most will look the same as mainstream human. How have you dealt with the issue of these detectors? What principle do they work from? How have the mutants attempted to counter them? Anything else that you would like to comment about them would be appreciated.
  20. Q: What are the troops - wolverines? A: The verdict is in - Earth is given the death sentence.
  21. Q: What is the most quarky thing about Chuck Nice? A: All their cash is made of water.
  22. Purpose of government: serve the people. Trump's government: people serve Trump (you're all fired!!!!!! 👹👹👹🥳🥳🥳)
  23. This goes for anyone attempting assistance - medical, s&r, grief, counseling, etc.
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