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Everything posted by FrankL

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Have you had to abandon Masks or is that just the players who decided not to come back?
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Vitus vs. Wolverine. 2 anti-hero loners with attitude go into the Iron Dojo. Only 1 leaves.
  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Geeking out this morning. Was my turn to play in Words with Friend, and I noticed I had the letters for GRUES. S would be on a triple letter, G was on a double word, and the S (3x) would connect to JEAN. I thought, "No way is grue going to be in the dictionary." Decided to try it. Accepted for 36 pts!
  4. Re: The cranky thread And when things might be improving on the home front, you get to work and get kicked in the jimmy.
  5. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Lu-Tze, maybe? Rule One states "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men".
  6. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) That would explain why Lucius had sandy-colored hair and Dr Hoz had a long beard.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. At church my wife was showing our head pastor's wife possible programs for next year's children's program. That way there won't be the rush we experienced this year as they realized at Thanksgiving that we didn't have one. One of them had famous superheroes seeking the newborn greatest hero. I looked over the cast list. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Catwoman, Hulk. Me: Oh, this is so wrong! Wife: What? You like superheroes. Me: Hulk is Marvel. These others are DC. Pastor's Wife: And you are OCD!
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Years ago I worked at a cafeteria while going to seminary. Most of my coworkers were students at a college affiliated with the seminary. One of them was Indian, as in from Delhi, India, and had only been in the states for two years. One day, I was assigned to the dishroom and was setting things up. She comes in. P: Frank! I need you to define a term for me. F: If I can, sure will. P: I heard this in class today but didn't get a chance to ask what it meant. "Double Entendre." F [blushing just a little, which she did not notice]: That's when a phrase has two meanings. P: Like a pun? F: No, not exactly. One of the meanings will be innocent and the other will be... not innocent. P: I don't get it. You need to give me an example. F [blushing furiously which she still doesn't notice or at least care about]: Okay. Here's one. If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? P [Eyes get wide. Huffs.] We need to get to work!
  9. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. The other night my wife was talking about how the kids had just been bouncing off the walls that afternoon. Wife: And it just makes me feel like I'm going... [hands moving like her head is exploding] Me: Like you're blowing your SAN rolls. Wife: Blowing my whats? Me: It's a gaming term. It means- Wife: Never mind.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Regarding the X-Men poster. I don't get it. Who are those people and why did Rogue's top disappear?
  11. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I had a dream last night that I would love to experience. I was at an orchestra concert and the entire orchestra was deaf. They played beautifully, and there was a coordinated laser-light show so that deaf people could experience it. There were flashing bulbs for drum beats where the brightness indicated the volume (same for tubas). Whenever the violins played, there was a laser that moved along with the artists. It was awesome!
  12. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that gave several of you faces. I am sure that the faces are not correct, but I was sitting at a table discussing gaming, writing, and stories with DrHoz, Lucius, and McGinty's player. We were talking about ways to put the screws to characters and just keep turning up the heat. It's probably true to life that when I told McGinty's player, "You are simply evil minded," that he took it as a compliment.
  13. Re: Wishful Thinking... Bolt - consider his wish that any woman he is attracted to reciprocate, feel guilty for thinking of that, reconsider. THEN start to think that there are going to be huge, catastrophic consequences for the people who have made wishes.
  14. Re: My characters It's been a while since I had a piece commissioned, and here is the latest! I choose this board's GoldenAge to see what he could do with Twindove the wild elf. He worked up this piece of Twindove in action. He said he is available for other commissions. I will be using Edd again as soon as I figure out which character is next. I gave GA the same description of Twindove that I gave Juggertha but specified nothing about pose. This is what he came up with. I'm busting with glee! [ATTACH=CONFIG]45306[/ATTACH] Twindove features as a supporting character in the story "The Contest" which can be found in this collection. Shylocke Averyson features in all three of my stories. He meets Twindove in the second and Granish in the third. My next story featuring Twindove keeps getting pushed back in the writing queue, but, after seeing this pic, I'm inspired to move it up!
  15. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Oklahoma chickens cross the road to show the armadillo that is can be done.
  16. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished Summa Elvetica and saw that a book set in the same world has just come out. It has traditional fantasy races along with a powerful, medieval church. It explores the question of whether or not Elves have souls. I like the characters (esp. Marcus Valerius and Bessarius). The world is well developed and designed. The novellas in the appendix are stellar also. I particularly like "Master of the Cat." Figuring out what dangerous item Bessarius was examining with magic was a treat. I give SE 4 out of 4 elves with souls naturally united to them.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Not a gaming story, but related. It has to do with my current short story, and I often use RPG source books for setting and trait ideas. Cast: Father Phaeus - male dwarf, priest of the Dwarven Orthodox Church, former shadow mage Derke - male human, former necromancer Syantere' - female elf, astrologer Early on, Syantere' joins them in their quest to take down the world's oldest vampire, Lord Sanuto. This is conditional on her not using magic. Derke has been widowed for more than 10 years and never felt attracted to any woman since Kelestria died. He is strongly attracted to Syantere'. This leads to him having feelings of guilt and betrayal of Kelestria's memory. I had to decide if the heroes were walking or riding between cities. Mounts would let them carry more items and they could go further in a day. If riding, Father Phaeus would have a mule or donkey and Derke a mare or gelding. Syantere' would have to ride double with someone. There wouldn't be room with Father Phaeus so she would have to ride with Derke. Derke has enough trouble keeping his thoughts about her marshaled without touching her. Me (thinking): If she rides behind him, he'll be reduced to gibbering before they get a furlong from the city. If she rides in front, it'll be even worse. Me (sighing): They have to walk. Derke can't make that many SAN rolls.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures I first remember seeing Tim Curry in The Shadow (mid-90s with Baldwin). What does that say about me?
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures Speaking as the boy/teen who never got to tell his dogs good-bye,* be there with him for me if it doesn't work out. *Neighbor shot several. We had to put one down for killing cows, but that was done without warning when I was gone for a week.
  20. Re: For whom the (dinner) bell tolls... Bolt - teenager, eats like it. Likes to take dates to either Mi Casa, Su Casa, or a French place that means the same thing. Garett - military man. Three square meals a day. No junk food between meals. Allows himself one small dessert per day.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Is your brother one of those who left? Last I recall he was playing the perpetual student, but I lost track of the name long ago. Sorry, I missed a few posting and lost track of who was there and who wasn't. Quinn, Einstein, Frontbottom, Rondale (though in the USA and sending messages over the Atlantic), and the student were the last ones I knew of. Though I kept reading and wondering which one the student was and thinking he may be gone.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Must spread rep... Can someone get DT for me? He sends you a letter suggesting you get together for lunch and, oh yes, he wants to introduce you to a friend of his known as "teh bunneh."
  23. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I just found that Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar is on wikisource! I can access it anytime I'm connected and not just at home with the paper version.
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