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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I got it down to 26k. Right now, I plan to finish the goblin tree arc for Dial H. Then do the date night. Then have Mr. Warner show up to give some advice on things. Jack making the Enterprise D is up there with things that he should have thought about more, but at least one of his patrons will be happy. Then maybe I will do a Society visit. I have almost three hundred K invested in this so far. Thanks Hermit for the advice. I need to switch around more like I used to do, but right now I have a flow sort of thing going on, so I am going to go with it before switching back to Million Words and Hodgepodge. CES
  2. How long is Marvels going to be in the theater? It's already made half of its budget in one week. CES
  3. Need 33k to finish the race. 6 five k days with a three k day remainder. CES
  4. It probably didn't help that the guy playing Kang is in legal trouble. That probably forced the production part to sit down and say we are going to need someone new and move away from the time travel parts for a while until we can get the FF up and running CES
  5. Rumor is someone tried to kidnap/carjack Biden's granddaughter. He escaped the secret service trying to punch holes through him. CES
  6. I need 7 5k days. Dial H is at the point where Jo and Fass's FIghters are going to splinter cell the enemy government in the next few chapters The Nano forums shut down because apparently one of the mods was abusing the kids in the young writers program. Complaints have been filed and the board that runs the nonprofit have put everything on hold until they have things sorted out. There are 800 replies in the public thread talking about this. Didn't know about any of this. I am an adult and don't use the program or deal with anything there on the forums. CES
  7. Apparently the people who run the Nano got a lot of complaints and shut down the board while they are fielding things. CES
  8. It's a fairly decent song too. Radio lady said Yoko Ono and Peter Jackson made it happen. CES
  9. I have about ten k. I am going to try to write some more Dial H as Jack decides if he wants to Spectre a country. CES
  10. Farron Cousins said he was amazed that large media is not covering the fact that Trump admitted he committed fraud on the stand. The prosecutor asked him if he knew what the numbers did. He was like we moved them up and down as needed. it should be in the transcript if anyone here can get a copy. CES
  11. Finished Ben Tennyson Studies Magic. Ben and Levin arrest Marty Hacks for parole violation and lets the ADA set up a plea deal which Ben sweetens by telling Hacks that he knows who really killed his sister and he had went around and killed five innocent men for nothing. Hacks agrees to the deal for that information. CES
  12. Wrote a chapter for Dial H as Jack and Josie try to prevent the coming of the Lich Queen and one for Ben Ten as Ben and Levin arrest Marty Hacks for violating his parole and trying to steal the refurbished water tank his sister died in. Can they make him confess to the murder they think he committed? CES
  13. Moving slow. I need to do errand and then work. Then I need to buckle down and finish the chapter for Dial h with a magical surgery. CES
  14. Wrote a thou. Started later than intended then drama with the wife's dogs at 3 am. Will try to do better tonight. Only need 5k a day to get done in ten days. Ghost Angel used to do that all the time. CES
  15. they have been doing this in call of duty for a couple of years. What is that? Double claymore on a drone? FUUUU.... boom CES
  16. I have never heard of either one of these but today I have made my quotient of learning something new. Thank you very much. CES
  17. I dreamed I was at work. I was taking food out of the oven and sending it down the line to be chopped up and packaged by the people I work with. CES
  18. The fact of the matter is Bob Iger stepped down and he was the head of everything. He was replaced with Bob Choprak. Choprak didn't want multiple movie contracts, pay for the productions, and only cared about how much money the studio was making on the streaming end of things. He is the guy who lost the law suit from Scarlet Johannson (which I can't ever remember happening before this), and pissed off the people at Pixar. Chopak was the guy who gave the Inhumans to Perlmutter and Buck and watched them crash. Chopak installed a guy to basically tell the movie division they couldn't make movies. This joker lost almost two billion dollars on the streaming service in two years. Employees found out they might be laid off through the news. You want to know what happened? They hired a guy from their park division to run the company during a pandemic and he screwed up, picking guys that had no idea what they were doing. And all of them were forced out. CES
  19. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to censure Rep Rashida Tlaib for calling for a cease fire from Israel. Rep Becca Blaint filed a censure resolution on Greene for being a liar. CES
  20. he was also two face and the first villain Duncan McCloud faced. CES
  21. Santos had cover from McCarthy for a long time. As soon as McCarthy was dismissed, a lot of the other people from NY posted up a resolution to expel Santos. They were trying to put it up so the new speaker would help get rid of him. And then he was indicted again but the crimes were fraud and theft. CES
  22. Cape Fear 5 1975- Wes wondered how long they had watched the paper to grab him. That took some patience. He supposed that they had known he had escaped and survived to finish the job. And they knew he was a reporter. Linking him to either paper would have been easy to anyone who knew who to call. The fact they had taken Marsden the same way had not escaped his mind. He wondered about that. He pulled on his clothes off the road and looked around for a place he could hide until he could sneak away. He didn’t like the fact that they waited for him. He thought they had known he was going to be at the paper. If they had, someone had told them he was going to be there. Could Clancy have sold him out? He thought about it as he marched across the countryside. Had Clancy sold him out? Had he sold out Marsden? There was a way to test the theory. It was simple and direct. If he was right, he didn’t know what he would do about it. He wasn’t much of a vigilante. Dropping people off a building seemed too much like work. He wondered if Clancy had put any extra money in his bank. That should be easy to check with his skills. Everything was starting to be computerized. Banks were investing millions to switch their old record books to networks that could be reviewed instantly. He doubted they could keep someone like him out. All he needed was where Clancy banked, and what his file number was. Then he could just ask at the bank for the account statement. He doubted he could steal the passbook from Clancy since he didn’t know where the editor kept it. But he did know that Clancy kept his checkbook at the paper in his desk. All he had to do was get inside and get a check from it. The rest would follow from that simple move. He paused as he contemplated what he was thinking. He had made a bad move breaking into Delveccio’s place and stealing his ledgers for the evidence he needed. Now he was thinking about doing the same thing to one of his managers on the suspicion that the guy had tried to get him killed because he was a mole. He had no proof that Clancy had done anything. He might be letting paranoia run away with him. Did his new condition lend itself to being paranoid? He might be cracking up. And what did he do if Clancy was crooked? First he had to know for himself. He could look at the bank records. He could call Clancy and tell him he was free to move, and wait to see what happened. He could tell Clancy that he was at his place, and wait to see if goons showed up. He liked that. It was simple. And if they showed up, he knew Clancy was involved. He didn’t know what he would do if he did confirm things. He wasn’t particularly violent, so he didn’t want to beat the editor while he was calm and thinking. That might change if he got angry enough. The first thing was proving his suspicions. He might be wrong. It might still be bad luck that goons showed up the same time as he was arriving to deliver his story. They might have been watching the building. Wes looked around. A piece of civilization was ahead. If they had a phone, he would be able to call Clancy and tell him he was okay. He could fly to his place and wait for the goons to show up to pick him up. He had to figure out where he was before he made any calls. He didn’t want to give the goons any clue where he had gone when they found the trunk was empty. He had to fly home and set up before they showed up. He could watch them looking for him while he thought of his next move. He doubted he could call the police on anyone. It was a thought. Wes found a road sign that told him he was ten miles out of the city. He nodded. Now all he needed to do was make the phone call and see what happened. He also had to consider that the phones at the paper were bugged. He didn’t know what to do about that, but it could clear Clancy if he could find them in the phones, or buried anywhere else in the office. Once he called, he would know in a few hours if someone was handing Delveccio information from the paper. He didn’t know if Clancy was involved, but barring someone else knowing about him getting to the paper and a hidden mike, it was the only explanation for what had happened. He could test that too. He just needed Clancy to pretend to call from a phone not at the paper. How hard could that be? Would Clancy figure out he was being tested with this scheme? That was the spot he didn’t know. It all depended on how stupid they thought he was. They would think he was really stupid if he fell for the same scheme again. So he had three real options. Delveccio had someone other than Clancy in the newsroom giving him information. Or, Clancy had sold him out with a phone call. Or, they had watched the building until he had shown up and took him to do the things they wanted to get the stolen records back. He doubted he would look the same after they were done with him. He believed he would have wound up at sea like Marsden with more injuries from the beating he would have taken. He decided to call Clancy from home to make his call more authentic. If anyone traced the call, they would see the call came from his apartment. He flew home in his flat form. He let himself in with a spare key he had hidden in a gap behind the outside light. He looked around at the row of tiny cabins pushed together. He didn’t see anyone watching the place and he was happy about that. Time to go to work, Wes. Once you know one thing, you can ask about others. Stealing the ledgers without telling anyone had been a good idea if there was someone on the paper telling Delveccio who was investigating him. He hoped he was wrong. He didn’t want Clancy to be calling the mob on him. He wanted to hand in his story and move on to the next. And he had no idea what he was going to do if Delveccio’s mob showed up at his place. He would have to have words with Clancy if that happened. He doubted he could commit violence on the man. It had been a long time since he had tried to hurt someone intentionally. Maybe he should think about turning the ledgers over to the police, or the Feds. He doubted the locals would do anything, but maybe he could get someone to look at the operation and draw some of the heat off himself. He reached for his phone. He needed to make this call before he chickened out. Then he could make his next move to try to get out from under with his skin intact. If Delveccio’s men showed up, it showed that he couldn’t trust the paper to help him out of his problem. He would have to think of some way to get the mobster off his back that didn’t involve being filled with holes and set on fire. He called the newspaper and asked the switchboard to connect him with Clancy’s desk. The night editor instantly answered the phone. “I had some problems coming in with my story,” said Wes. He moved to keep an eye out one window while he talked. “I am at my place getting some clothes together. I am going to have to take off for a while until the heat goes down. I’ll let you know when I get back in town.” “What do I tell the boss?,” said Clancy. “We were counting on that story.” “I’m going to leave it and the ledgers in the bedroom closet of my house,” said Wes. He went to the closet and took the clothes out of it and bundled them in a bag to take back to the hotel. “I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.” He placed the bag next to the door. No one was outside yet. The longer he waited, the more likely he would run into Delveccio’s stooges. He needed to get somewhere he could watch the door without being seen. “I have to go, Clancy,” said Wes. “I will call when I am back in town.” He took his bag and flew over to the roof of another set of row houses across the street. He laid down to keep his outline out of sight as much as possible. He wanted them to go in without figuring that he was waiting on them to show up. Wes watched his watch as he waited. He planned to give the goons a couple of hours before he headed back to his borrowed room at the hotel. Either Clancy, or someone close to him, told Delveccio where he was, or they didn’t. He wasn’t going to wait around all night to see which it was. He really hoped Clancy showed up to get the story in person. Then he could watch what happened without any problem. The most likeliest thing to happen if he did show up, was he left with the box of shoes. The rest would be making sure he went back to the paper and opened the box. That was the only way to make sure Clancy hadn’t tried to get him killed. Tracking the leak if he could clear Clancy would be a small problem, but it could be doable with the right bait. He couldn’t string any inside man along for long before he became suspicious that someone was suspicious of him. Then he would bail and let know Delveccio know he was blown. Two cars rolled up outside of his house. He recognized some of the men who got out and started for the front and back doors of his place. It looked like Clancy had turned him in. He should have known he couldn’t trust the night editor. What did he do now? How many other papers did Delveccio have his fingers into? What happened if he approached someone else with what he had? He needed to think about going full on vigilante. He couldn’t let Delveccio hunt him across the city. He had to turn things around. He couldn’t run forever. He had to get to his room and stow his baggage. He needed to make sure that his registration was still legitimate as far as that goes. He had to fix things if it wasn’t. Then he had to get something to eat and think of how to get out from under. He had not ever thought things would go this way. He had thought reporting was the way that he could change the world for the better. He had never thought that he would have to put on a mask to protect himself. He needed to think about how he wanted to go ahead to deal with Delveccio. He definitely wasn’t going to be able to do anything through the system. He decided that going down there and busting those guys up for breaking into his place would get him nothing. He might have a small twinge of satisfaction but he would still have the same problem. He was on the run from a criminal chief who wanted him dead and he had no way of fixing that except by doing something like drowning him in the ocean. He wasn’t ready to do that yet. He needed clothes he could wear when he was flat. He needed another permanent place to stay. Eventually someone would get wise to the hotel dodge. When that happened, he was out of a base of operations. And he needed a way to get Delveccio to confess to his crimes so the mob boss would be off his back. He had no idea on how to do that. He needed ideas and he had no one to talk to about this. He needed to look into what other masked men did if he wanted to be one himself. He couldn’t use the newspaper morgue. Clancy would call the mob on him as soon as he showed his face. He decided that he could use the library to do what he needed to do. Old papers were kept for a bit, and there was a microfiche reader with older prints than that. He could read up on other masked men and see what kind of methods he could use to help himself out. He would have talked to Mister Robot, but the adventurer had been killed with his team of allies years ago. No one knew what had happened to Animal Boy, or if he was still around. The Mark had vanished from the spotlight. Wes had no way to call him, or anyone based out of the East Coast. The closest active hero to him was the Rockets. There had been talk that the second one was moving east to join a team, but no one knew for sure. He made a note to look for a way to call either one. Maybe they could give him pointers, or point him in the direction of someone who could help him. That would be better than flailing around waiting to be caught out in the public and shot dead before he could use the tattoo to heal his wounds with the transformation. Wes transformed and flew off into the night. He still had things to do. //344609
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