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Dr Rotwang!

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About Dr Rotwang!

  • Birthday 10/07/1974

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  • Occupation
    Games Retail Ninja

Dr Rotwang!'s Achievements

  1. Re: pulp hero over opinions? Upon further reflection, I find that the book's cover is, at worst, not very exciting or evocative. I want to look at a pulp RPG cover that looks exciting, lurid and dynamic.
  2. Re: pulp hero over opinions? I wanna know if Storn was, like, busy that day or in Reno or somethin'.
  3. I built a character the other day who has a lot of unusual disadvantages, and it got me to thinking: there aren't any disadvantages that decrease your die rolls. Uh...okay, here's an example. Say I want my character to be quite nimble, so I give him a high Dex. However, he's had a curse placed upon him -- he can never catch something that's been thrown at him. (This is an example only, just for illustration.) The idea is that his Dex roll would be penalized if he's trying to catch a ball that someone threw at him. I'm not sure how to model that. Again, the point is not to give a character the inability to play Frisbee; it's to model a Disadvantage which penalizes a roll in some way. Anyone else butt heads with this yet?
  4. Re: Remind me again why the "Parry" maneuever gets an OCV bonus. ...good lord, I am stupid.
  5. You're not attacking with it; you'll use another maneuver next Phase. So what's it there for? I used to know, but now I forget. So I guess I'm not so much stupid as I am, um...well, me forget stuff.
  6. Re: Pulp Reading The Advntures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, or is that too obvious?
  7. Any advice, tips, tricks, etc.? I tried using Mr Killer Shrike's character conversion notes as a springboard, but my 2-hp kobold ended up with 10 BODY, and...that...seemed...wrong. Sure, I can just drop the BODY to, like, 3 or something (kobolds fall apart when subjected to harsh language or exposed to sub-par service at the drive-through). But has anyone any guidelines for doing such with other critters... ...or is it me & HERO Designer against the world? You know, like when the Russians invaded in '82?* Thanks in advance! *NOTE: This may have been made up.
  8. Wow. Okay, I'll be brief: In White Wolf's tremendously cool Adventure! pulp RPG, PCs have "Inspiration Points" which allow them to mess with the setting and plot ("Oh, no, I DO have a derringer in my purse -- even at the opera!") and such. They also allow for increased success in tasks (spend an I-point, double your dice pool!). How, then, to model I-points in HERO? The idea being that I can use the "Dramatic Editing" mechanic untouched from A! (points spent alter 'reality'), but also provide an increased success, a decreased amount of damage taken (maybe temporary rPD?), and other crazy stuff like that. Or do I even need to bother, and just give everyone free points in Luck? I dunno. Do you? Thanks in advance!
  9. Yeah, sorry. I'm at work and we were busy. So...if I'm not skilled at, say, Lockpicking, Lockpicking is not an Everyman skill, and is also not likely to succeed sans training...I don't get a roll, just to see if I get lucky? Maybe a House Rule that says "You can maybe pick the heck outta that lock on a 4-". I dunno. I guess it'd change from campaign to campaign, huh?
  10. I know I'm totally missing it, and I'm the world's biggest motard for it, but...how do ya handle those?
  11. Ah! Well, kung fu, JmOz! AaaAAaaaAAAaand if two people try to lift somethin' heavy? By the way -- the boom of the ship was made of wood, see?
  12. Last night, my wife and an NPC teamed up to throw the boom of a ship into a clay golem, knocking him off the ship. But, uh, I coudn't find rules in FREd for combined efforts. I found coordinated attacks, but not rules for, say, two scientists working together on a math equation, or two sexy pirate chicks throwing wood around. Your help is appreciated!
  13. Hm. Yesterday, while cleaning the bathroom, I was somehow moved back towards my "Orbital Heat" game -- best described as "Miami Vice plus cyberpunk on a space station". ... ...hmn.
  14. S'like telling an architect to give up on building houses because dogs are better.
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