Champions International: Chíquador [PDF]
A small nation on the Atlantic coast of South America, wedged between French Guiana and Brazil, Chíquador has long been known as a hotbed of corruption and crime. As the long-ruling Presidente for Life, General Lorenco João Garrastazu e Silva, nears the end of his life, who will replace him — and how badly will the struggle for the presidency tear the nation apart?
Champions International is a new series of settings for Champions 6th Edition, exploring the world of Champions! With Chíquador being the eigth installment in this series, this PDF is 32 pages of new Champions content written by Steve Long himself.
Champions International is a new series of settings for Champions 6th Edition, exploring the world of Champions! With Chíquador being the eigth installment in this series, this PDF is 32 pages of new Champions content written by Steve Long himself.
About Champions International: Chíquador [PDF]
A small nation on the Atlantic coast of South America, wedged between French Guiana and Brazil, Chíquador has long been known as a hotbed of corruption and crime. As the long-ruling Presidente for Life, General Lorenco João Garrastazu e Silva, nears the end of his life, who will replace him — and how badly will the struggle for the presidency tear the nation apart?
Champions International is a new series of settings for Champions 6th Edition, exploring the world of Champions! With Chíquador being the eigth installment in this series, this PDF is 32 pages of new Champions content written by Steve Long himself.