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The Jolrhos Codex [Print+PDF+HDC]

15 in stock
At 270 pages, The Jolrhos Codex is a huge compilation of Christopher Taylor's Fantasy Hero ideas and work spanning several decades of gaming and writing. The first part is an introduction, containing an examination of the Hero rules in a fantasy campaign, detailing thoughts and methods of creating spells using the Hero Toolkit. When combined with the detailed Spell System outlined in the Player Guide GMs and players have everything they need to have magic in their fantasy campaign.

The bulk of the Codex is spells, naturally. There are three sections: Magic, Bard Songs, and Priestly Rituals, each section listed in alphabetical order. Lastly are the appendices, with a small bestiary of creatures and structures referred to only in this book, a magical thesaurus, thoughts on building magic, and more. Includes 272 PDF plus extensive HDC files.


About The Jolrhos Codex [Print+PDF+HDC]

At 270 pages, The Jolrhos Codex is a huge compilation of Christopher Taylor's Fantasy Hero ideas and work spanning several decades of gaming and writing. The first part is an introduction, containing an examination of the Hero rules in a fantasy campaign, detailing thoughts and methods of creating spells using the Hero Toolkit. When combined with the detailed Spell System outlined in the Player Guide GMs and players have everything they need to have magic in their fantasy campaign.

The bulk of the Codex is spells, naturally. There are three sections: Magic, Bard Songs, and Priestly Rituals, each section listed in alphabetical order. Lastly are the appendices, with a small bestiary of creatures and structures referred to only in this book, a magical thesaurus, thoughts on building magic, and more. Includes 272 PDF plus extensive HDC files.

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  • $5.37 - USPS Media Mail (7-14)
  • $9.57 - UPS Ground (3-6 Days)
  • $10 - FedEx Ground (3-6 Days)

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    0 in × 0 in × 0 in
  • Weight
    1.8 lb
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