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SID Report #31 - Uber-Gotter [PDF+HD+Mini]

S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. It's the database that government agencies use to keep track of various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed, and the S.I.D. Bulletin is a flyer that highlights new solo villains. The same care is taken in our S.I.D. Reports. All known history and abilities are given in this series of small products that introduces new villains and heroes to your campaign.
This installment introduces a new villain organization: Uber-Gotter. With ties to the horrors of WWII, this group is planning on starting a new "improved" Reich. For while won’t repeat the horrors of the past, they do intend to take over as much a the world as possible! Of course, it's also possible that they’re just another bunch of deranged edgelords that unfortunately have super abilities. It's hard to say; so possibly they're whatever you campaign might need.
This 60-page PDF includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniature. For use with Champions and Golden Age of Champions.


About SID Report #31 - Uber-Gotter [PDF+HD+Mini]

S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. It's the database that government agencies use to keep track of various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed, and the S.I.D. Bulletin is a flyer that highlights new solo villains. The same care is taken in our S.I.D. Reports. All known history and abilities are given in this series of small products that introduces new villains and heroes to your campaign.


This installment introduces a new villain organization: Uber-Gotter. With ties to the horrors of WWII, this group is planning on starting a new "improved" Reich. For while won’t repeat the horrors of the past, they do intend to take over as much a the world as possible! Of course, it's also possible that they’re just another bunch of deranged edgelords that unfortunately have super abilities. It's hard to say; so possibly they're whatever you campaign might need.


This 60-page PDF includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniature. For use with Champions and Golden Age of Champions.

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