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Posts posted by drfeh

  1. Re: Your takes on a magician detective


    Hey, I was directed to this thread by one of my fellow players in a former Pulp Hero game we were involved in a few years back. I created a very much Mandrake-inspired character who used ancient arts of meditation he learned on travels in the Middle East in order to perform astounding mental and physical feats.


    He might be more "magical" than you want, but you can at least look at him as a starting template. Oh, and he did indeed have a plucky sidekick, although she was an aviatrix, not a secretary. Her sheet is in the attached text file right beneath his.


    If you want any details on powers I'll try to check back to the thread later. Gestures were important for much of it... once Mandrake "gestured hypnotically" all sorts of crazy stuff could happen.



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