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the Evil DM

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Posts posted by the Evil DM

  1. I want to pick up some pulp style miniatures (metal figures, not paper ones), but the places i've seen that sell them are in far off exotic lands like England and Canada. Are there any manufacturers here in the US that have a healthy selection of Pulp figures?

    Thanks for the assist,


  2. Re: Thrilling Places question


    Well, Rob and I certainly had enough ideas to make the book about ten times longer -- one of the toughest parts of the project was settling on exactly what to include, and what we had to leave out.


    Unfortunately (a) various logistical constraints limit the size of a book like TP, and (B) generally poor sales of the PH line mean there's no chance of a sequel.


    All the more reason to release any additional content as a freebie pdf. Kind of a thank you to all your loyal readers. :D


    You never know, a couple of free Thrilling Places nuggets might spur a fence sitter to buy a copy.

  3. Re: Thrilling Places question


    How much of Thrilling Places is HERO specific? My game store has not picked up a copy yet so I have not had a chance to look it over...


    Thrilling Places can easily be used with any system.

    Here is a write-up I did for it from my Blog.



    Thrilling Places

    Rob Hudson


    Thrilling places is a supplement for the Pulp Hero line from Hero games.

    I’ve played Hero System games in the past and I acknowledge the company as one of the pillars of the RPG hobby but the system was never a favorite of mine. That said, The Pulp Hero line offers a lot to any fan of Pulp era gaming.


    Thrilling Places is the latest, and quite possibly the best product from this line.

    Written by Rob Hudson, Thrilling places offers over a dozen separate globe-spanning locations for Pulp era adventures, everything from a decrepit plantation in the Bayous of Louisiana, to a mysterious island home of a monstrous ape-god hidden in the South Pacific. Thrilling Places offers fleshed out locations, environments, characters and adventure ideas.


    A few months ago I made mention on the Pulp Hero boards that I thought the PDF price was a bit steep for a product that contained only 154 pages. I was wrong. I should have worried less about page count, and considered the quality of what was contained in those pages.


    Thrilling place is a treasure trove of ideas. Dozens of adventures can be launched from the locales offered in this book. My favorite location is the Grant building, a once grand, ten story office building that serves a variety of businesses such as a private detective agency, a pulp magazine publisher, an insurance company, and of course, “Joe’s Diner” a ground floor restaurant which is a favorite dessert stop for a local mobster. Just reading through the various descriptions, a dozen adventures popped in my head. And it’s the same with just about every entry.


    All the pulp genres are covered in Thrilling Places- detective, crime fighter, weird science, lost world, exotic adventure, and more. Thrilling Places give the necessary Hero System stat blocks for all the major characters, but this supplement is invaluable no matter what adventure RPG system you choose. Thrilling Tales is definitely worth the price. Two thumbs Way Up!

  4. I just recieved a boxed Justice Inc.

    I had no idea that there were two printings of it. the one I have here has a catalog dated 1984.

    the difference is the cover of the J.I. Campaign book.

    I had the one with a bar scene with pulp icons,that included what I assume were Hero game staffers.

    this one I'm looking at today is a crowded bar scene with many of the same icons but without the hero staff.

    there may be other differences, but that one was the most obvious.


    Nothing earth shattering but a heads up for collectors and completists.

  5. Re: The ElDorado Directive


    There is an autobiography of Louis L'Amour called "Education of a wandering man" in which the author tells of his travels and self-education during the 20' and 30's. rather than a standard chronological biography, L'Amour reminices and discusses situations in his early life as a seaman, boxer, miner, longshoreman, aspiring pulp writer, etc. in one anecdote he was a caretaker of a silvermine in the mojave desert region, where he was stranded and had to make his way on foot through the desert to the nearest town. It may provide you with some of the flavor of the times. I found it very interesting when he wrote a bit about the "Hobo" culture of the period where men would ride the rails from town to town looking for jobs. Even though it's officially an autobiography, you can find the book in just about any used bookstore with a western section.

    Good luck on your game.

  6. Re: FASERIP Pulp


    a couple of folks have emailed me saying that they were having a problem seeing the PDF.

    instead of clicking the link, right click on it and choose the 'Save Target as' option (this in Explorer v6). This apparently will save the PDF in a format can be read. sorry for the trouble, I just made 2nd level as an internet Adept.

  7. Hey guys,

    It's by no means my intention to undermine Pulp HERO but I wanted you folks to give me your opinion on a little side project I've been working on. It's Pulp, but it's not HERO. I have a link here to a draft I’m working on for a pulp version of the old TSR Marvel superheroes Role-playing game called FASERIP Pulp. Some of the stuff might even be useful to someone here as I went real light on the rules part and wrote more on flavor. Any comments would be appreciated.



  8. what kinds of gadgets have you ran across or created for you characters? stuff like:

    Power gloves

    Laser Ray gun

    Rocket pack

    Stun Ray gun

    Miniature communication device

    Portable Language translator

    Breathing device (artificial gill)

  9. Re: Pulp Comic Books


    Does it count if you used those awful dice that came with the boxed set with the blue book with a dragon on it?





    Dice? You had dice??

    In my day we could only dream of dice!

    We had a pair of six siders that we stole from a Yahtzee game, and we thought ourselves blessed!

    You kids don't know how lucky you have it.

    I remember waiting in line three days (in the snow) on the Rumor that the local comic store was getting a shipment of four sided dice in stock.


    Boxed sets with dice...Humbug!

  10. One thing I try to inject into my pulp games is a bit of authenticity and maybe even some actual history where I can. One player paid me the compliment once that my games were actually educational. I don’t go overboard on the research and if it suits the story I’ll throw historical fact out the window and remind my players that we are on “Pulp earth” not real earth so they don’t bombard me with details and uncover my mistakes. Surfing around today I found this site dealing with the Naval contingent of the Hong Kong Police.



    While most of the information is contemporary, some of it may be useful in helping a GM role-play procedure or even serve as a great background for an exotic pulp character.

    The following was taken from the site and illustrates a skirmish level encounter between HK police and some real Chinese Pirates. The encounter plays out like it was written for a pulp adventure.


    The Battle of Shek Pik

    But some cases were reassuringly traditional in nature. In the summer of 1949 one of the more notorious pirates of the Pearl River delta decided to careen his junk near a small temple at the mouth of a stream which curled round a hill into the sea at the foot of Shek Pik Valley on the south coast of Lantau Island.

    He might have got away with this insolent incursion had he not decided to extract a little `tribute' from the nearby villages at the same time, for as he prowled the upper end of the valley with some of his henchmen he bumped into a police patrol from Tai O. Shots were exchanged and the pirates withdrew to the temple, for their junk could not be refloated until the tide rose. Meanwhile the police patrol radioed back to Tai O for assistance. First on the scene was Launch No. 3 commanded by Inspector Schirjetski, joined shortly afterwards by Launch No. 4 under Inspector Blackhurst. The pirates were now trapped, but were still a long way from surrendering.

    A force of some twenty men was hastily assembled from personnel available at Marine Police Headquarters and rushed to the scene aboard the former Air-Sea Rescue launches 21 and 22.


    Among them was the young Marine Police Constable 3479 Cheung Sik-hung. This was his first major action, and he was never to forget it:


    "Each of us was armed with a .303 rifle, a fifty-round ammunition bandolier, and a revolver. We landed at Shui Hau (over the hill from Shek Pik) and then advanced on the temple to meet up with some of the crew of launches 3 and 4, who had brought their launch Bren Guns ashore. The pirates had moved onto the hill behind the temple by this time. We surrounded the hill and there was a long fire-fight, but after their leader was killed the rest surrendered."


    Two of the pirates, including the leader, were shot by Schirjetski. The leader died as he had lived: a revolver in one hand and a hand-grenade in the other. Ten of his men survived to serve long terms of imprisonment.

  11. Re: Help me create a Pulp Island.....


    One of the islands in the area could be the secret base of a multi millonaire scientist who embarked on a potentially harmful course of action. jungle adventure, wild animals, secret bases, loyal guards, hi-tech wizardry etc.


    another island could have a secret japanese or Nazi naval base. and maybe the villagers on that island are being enslaved for labor. one escapes and beseeches the PC's for help.

  12. Re: Help me create a Pulp Island.....


    The big chinese Exploration Fleet ?

    Hmm fancy Idea.:eg:

    Of course the Legion of Crime or the Dragon Mandarin could be also interested in this....

    Just add chinese Pirates.....


    Did someone say "Chinese Pirates"?




    They had a Pirate kitbashing contest on another site, everyone went the "Pirates of the Caribbean" route. I gave my entry a pulp twist.

    If you have a South Sea island Chinese Pirates are a must.

  13. Re: Pulp Comic Books


    "Girl Genius" rocks ! Another(older) "pulp" type comic (if you can still obtain it) is "High Roads"(From D C/Wildstorm' date=' 2003) A quote from the blurb on the back. "What do you get when you combine an American hayseed, a washed up British thespian, a failed kamikaze pilot and Hitler's former mistress ?"[/quote']



    Man, i gotta get a copy of that!

  14. Athena Voltaire



    Crash Ryan

    Doc Savage

    The further Adventures of Indiana Jones


    The Phantom

    The Scorpion

    The Spider

    The Rocketeer

    The Shadow

    The Crimson Avenger

    Dr. Spektor

    Dr. Occult


    Brother Voodoo

    Union Jack

    G.I. Spy

    Batman and tarzan (Claws of the Cat-Woman)


    What other comic book characters or comic book series from the (70's to present) would you consider Pulp?

  15. Re: Popular Mechanics- Wow


    What is that third one supposed to be? Is it a floating airport or something? I always loved PM. Very good stuff. Thanks for the link!




    could be a villians mobile base, safely hidden in international waters.


    have your team of Pulp Heroes take out THAT secret lair.


    I could build an adventure around it...

  16. I have the day off today -Thank you Veterans- So I decided to work on some pulp resources.


    I'm always on the lookout for Wild vehicles for the game. check out these snips from the covers of Popular Mechanics.


    this stuff was all taken from covers ranging 1915-1950. It's all Pulp baby!


    The first one is my Favorite.




















    for more Pics- go here

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