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Posts posted by taylorar

  1. I've gone a bit darker with our campaign.  My players were recruited into a Supernatural Survivor Induction Program" ostensibly backed by the MCB but secretly controlled by STFU.  The players were exposed to a magical ceremony imbuing / cursing them with fey powers, and now they're working off their obligation to STFU chasing around the world dealing with as many nasties as I can throw at them.


    It's been a ton of fun, and incidentally, we've found the roll20 macros save a ton of time in combat.

  2. The link above pretty much covers all the issues.  Long story short, IMO, the MHIEH was a quick and dirty job.


    Technically yes, you can play the game with just the one book, but if you look through the posts on this forum you'll see a lot of "clarification" questions from myself and others that should be seen as an indication that it's not as easy as their marketing would like us to believe.

  3. So i'm in the process of building a boss for my my next session, and want to give him the ability to create images to camouflage himself (amongst other things).  The language on "Targeting senses" in the book is a bit vague.


    The table (page 123) indicates that creating an image that effects a targeting sense group is a 10 point power. 


    Here's my question:  Does the 10 point power cover all the sense in the "sight group"  So it has the ability to fool even players with infrared vision as well as those that rely on mundane vision?


    Seems a little overly powerful for only a 10 point power if that is the true interpretation.





  4. Page 38 is RIFE with un-explained stuff:


    1. Abomination - What is the effect of Reduced Penetreation (-1/4) limitation.  Also, why is making it Two Handed a limitation?

    2. Memory Readin - Why is retrocognition only a limitation, when thee book says its supposed to add 20 points to the power?  Isn't Skin contact the same as No Range? Why is this worth an extra 1/2 limitation?

    3. What's the point in dumping more points into Fast Draw, from the description on 98, it seems like it's kind off a support action that allows guns to be redied and clips replaced faster, but doesn't require a roll check.  

    4. Why is weaponsmith only 1 point? In the book they say it's 3 points to base it off a characteristic, 2 points to give it a flat 11- roll.  Where does it say anything about 1 point for an 8-?


    While I'm  at it:

    Page 244 -

    1. What the heck is a Damage Shield (Lord Machado's Acidic Secretions power).  What's the difference between an inherent power and a persistent power?

    2. I don't see any info on "Resurrection" is that an advantage or a separate power?

    3. in lord machado's skills, he has a +1 Overall, +1 what?  (Same thing with Koriniha +2 Overall what?) (Same thing with Martin Hood)


    Page 248 - Can someone explain Martin's Shadow Form: Affects physical world (+2) for 25 STR?


    Page 254 - Why isn't Susan Shacklefords "Create Vambire" a require's skin contact instead of no range, she's got to be sucking a person dry...

  5. I think that person who started this topic pointed a good thing.


    Book was not made well from that point of view. If people buy book that says "- Can be used as standalone. No need for other Hero System books." It is false information. 


    What they should have said is "Can be used to play most of the game, but don't worry, we're sure you won't mind not understanding everything once you try to get a good grasp on the mechanics. BUT if you're interested we have these other books....."

  6. So in looking at the power Dispel, our initially honed in on things like Mind Control, Entangle and the more offensive powers.  But started thinking outside the box and quickly went beyond the limits of the MHI book.


    Could Dispel be used as an Anti-buff?  Shut down a monsters Damage Reduction or Life Support?


    If so, how would that work?  Would the character have to re-roll each phase, or if he hits the first time, can he just keep paying the END cost?


    For things like life support, if you were to successfully dispel the life support on an undead creature, would that be essentially an insta-kill?

  7. Well, thanks for the background, but that actually makes me more frustrated.  


    If there was already a review of the source material that found the errors that wasn't included in the MHI book, that's just plain wrong.


    I'm not saying I expect perfection, but if a fan base takes the time to provide this kind of support and feedback, then Mr. Long should show them some respect and honor that feedback. 


    Especially when taking on such a rabidly devout fan base as the MHI readers. (I count myself as part of this demographic).


    **End Rant**

  8. The two statements are incorrect.  


    My Statement  might have been slightly exaggerated but wasn't incorrect:


    Page 54: Wargs have The Teamwork Skill 12-   ?

    Pages 256 - 298, most of the monsters have the Resistant Advantage which isn't explained in the book at all. 

    Page 269 - Gargoyles (and a few other critters) have the power of Do not bleed, no hit locations, no stun.  Where are those powers described and how are they built?

    Page 276 - How were the telescopic eyestocks of the Lindwyrm built?

    Page 291 - Why is the vampires ability to drink blood counted as an RKA?


    Don't get me wrong, I agree the system is awesome, but my premise that the book appears to be written  with the assumption that players have a familiarity with the HERO system is the most generous explanation I can give it.


    You've probably noticed that I've been very active asking questions on the forum, precisely because I have needed people to break it down for me.  But let's not ignore the warts, just because overall the system is really friggin cool.  I personally would love to see some adendum to clarify things

  9. I'm kicking around the idea of buying the PDF.  The description of how to handle combat related skills seems very inconsistent to me in the MHI book.  For example, "+1 HTH" and "+1 with Firearms" are not explained anywhere in the MHI book but are listed in the sample characters.  I'm not seeing that any specific weapon related skills are listed at all.  That being said, I've not familiar with the Hero system and haven't played it.  My experience is the old original D&D, AD&D, Top Secret, Traveler, and several other older games from the 70's to the early 90's.




    My entire group is in your same boat.  I bought the RPG because I love Larry's books but frankly, Mr. Long slapped this book together without taking into account folks like you and I.  Most of the monsters have been put together using rules that are not in the MHI book, and he was inconsistent in describing what rules govern the bonuses recieved by the characters in the book.


    The only thing I can tell you is that this forum has been a great resource for me to clear things up, and actually playing a session really helped as well.  I started a campaign where the first session was "training" for the new inductees.  I kept the combat very simple, but as we all played the mechanics worked themselves out fairly quickly.  After we were done, I pretty much had to let the entire team shuffle their characters around because the first session was so instructive, and we were all learning as we went.



  10. "+1 HTH" or "+1 with Firearms" are just final applications of combat skill levels. 


    Champions Complete:  Page 27.

    6th Edition: Volume 1 page 69.

    CSL’s have various costs depending on how versatile you want them to be.



    You can also increase a PC’s Characteristic directly.

    Champions Complete:  Page 18.

    6th Edition: Volume 1 page 40.



    OR if you don't have the other Hero books (like me) you have to muddle through it.  Here's my understanding of Combat Skill Levels:


    The more specific the attack type the fewer points it takes to buy a +1 OCV.  Trip Jones for example, has some serious bonus's associated with his tomahawk, but it doesn't cost very much because it's a single weapon type.  If he were to expand that to melee weapons in general it would cost more.  If he were to expand that to ALL attacks it would cost even more! So in the MHIEH books when it lay's out the tiers, it's (not very clearly) trying to give you guidelines for how narrow or broad your want those bonuses to apply.


    I'm beginning to discover that the secret for getting the most bang for your buck in this system, is to apply limitations to EVERYTHING.  The more specific you are about what a skill or power can or can't do the better.

  11. OK, so I'm looking at pitting my players against a boss with damage negation, and just for the sake of this discussion, let me present a hypothetical situation:


    Player is carrying a H&K G3 assault Rifle.  Fires a full auto burst (five rounds) at the monster's head.  Let's assume for the sake of the example that he hits with all five rounds.The G3 is a 2d6+1 or DC7.  With the full auto rules, each hit beyond the first adds 1 DC, so 4 addtional hits moves it up to a DC11.


    So to roll damage on the monster, (with a damage negation of 6 DC's) i subtract the DC's first, Moving damage roll down to 5 DC's (2d6-1) then apply the multiplier 2x for head shot, then subtract any resistant defense from the total.


    Did I get that right?

  12. The MHI book says it has everything you need to play, and it does.  The two Advantages I mentioned are not needed (and for new players I would recommend not using them even if they were included) to play the game.


    To turn around and accuse the authors of intentionally making an inferior product to trick you into buying another is just rude.  You wouldn't even have known Hardened and Impenetrable was "missing" if I hadn't mentioned them.

    ​As to the Resistant Advantage not being included, it is considered by many to be redundant with the Resistant Defense Power.  It is mentioned briefly on page 207.  Basically it is a +1/2 Advantage that turns PD or ED into rPD or rED.  I think it was a poor choice to not include the Advantage and then use it in many of the builds, but it is not needed to build a character and a poor choice does not equal you being ripped off.


    Alright,  That's fair.  I spoke out of frustration at trying to figure everything out.


    Thanks for the clarifications.

  13. I will issue a guess as to why Steve left out the Resistant Advantage.  If you add other Advantages like Hardened or Impenetrable to PD with the Resistant Advantage it gets weird because you have to pay for the new Advantage to cover both the PD and the Resistant Advantage.  It is a pain to explain and takes up room that is better used for other things in a book that needs to contain both the rules and a setting, and you can get the exact same mechanical effect using the Resistant Defense Power.


    Thanks for your feedback, but now you've caused me even more confusion.  Where are the Hardened or Impenetrable advantages in the book?


    I'm feeling like this book was severely gimped in an effort to make us purchase the core rule book as well.





  14. OK, so my group tackled the start of our MHI campaign this weekend via roll20.  It was pretty slow going as we are all new to the Hero system, but overall I think it was a lot of fun.  As part of their big encounter for the night, the group, playing as Trainees trying to earn acceptance into the MCB had to defeat a wight.  According to the character sheet in the book, Wights have Resistant (+1/2) for 10PD / 6ED, their Characteristics stats say they have 8 PD / 8 ED  (6rPD) / 6(rED), all told they've spent 20 points on their points.  I can't make heads or tails of this set up.


    The Rules say it costs 3 character points for every 2 points of resistant defence.  for 10PD / 6ED, shouldn't they have paid 24 points for resistant defense?  Why is there a (+1/2) modifier on the Resistant?


    In looking through other monster stats, I see that Resistant Protection is treated differently for each monster (or appears to be) and I can't figure out why!  It's driving me crazy.


    Any help would be appreciated.





  15. OK, so I've got my group creating their characters for our first stab at a campaign of my own creation (more on that later).  Many of them seem to be going with the Distinctive Feature by stating my "my character is really tall" or "my character has unusually bright red hair" etc...


    I'm cool with them letting their characters have the features and distinctions they want, but I'm having a hard time coming up with how this becomes a complication for them...


    Who cares if they're easily recognizable, they're not trying to hide from the law, they are the law.  How else can I use their distinctive features, that aren't necessarily repugnant, in the story.


    Unless I'm missing something I'm inclined to disallow the above distinctive features because it's not really creating a complication for them...


    Any help would be appreciated.



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