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Posts posted by Ogwar

  1. Is there another source for templates?  I like the MHI Template, and that got me thinking what about "common" profession templates.  LIke Cop, Elite Soldier, Teacher, Computer Programmer, teenager.  These seem like common places for people to start with character Gen.  Applying those templates at creation makes it easier to manage.


    Jow was a Navy Seal and on a mission with them came in and found (People from books not spoiled) had fought of deep ones.  Knowing things that go bump in the night are real he signed up for MHI.  (Stats for Elite Solider [Navy Seal] 40 points, Stats for MHI 44 points) I bet you are really close to stating out a starting character.


    I see a lot of templates under Hero Designer but not a lot of "Stat block" writeups for these Templates.  If there is not a repository for this information, could I make some up and post them here for critique?



  2. I just got my .pdf of MHIEHRPG and am still waiting for the print copy to show up.  The 2 pages really helped.  Like Sisko8198 I am new to Hero.  I played Champions back when I was in the Army in the 1980's.  So it has been long enough for me to forget everything except "it was fun".  I have been stuck in d20 systems since then, mostly Pathfinder, with a fall from grace of 4th edition...but that is a tangent best left for later.

    It was actually Larry's books that has my group talking before and after our weekly sessions.  We all loved them.  So We are all buying the MHI book and the GM is getting the 6E books for reference and the Beastiary.


    Other than "sit down and work through it" are there any other references we should grab?  A GM Reference Screen?  Software for quick lookups?  We aren't opposed to laptops at the gaming table.

  3. Hey Tasha,

    Rather than stating what wouldn't fit, what is your opinion?

    If you are the new lead on the East Frisco team, who would your dream team be made of:



    From my limited U.F. reading I can see Harry Dresden fitting into MHI as a consultant, but not a permanent hero.  His adversity to technology would wreck havoc on Skippy's flying machine.

    I think Carl Kolchak as a "knows the truth" reporter who joins the team is also a great addition.


    Both of those guys are from Chicago and I think they would be fun to add in.


    Personally my dream team would include:

    Father Lankester Merrin [He is the priest/archeologist  from the Exorcist]

    SSG Timothy L. Kellner [arguably one of the greatest long range shooters of all time]

    Doc Savage [before he was a Superhero and just a doctor, martial artist, archeologist, and all around great guy]

    Kate Libby (a.k.a. Acid Burn)...it's my dream team and I want a hacker on that team...it might as well be Angelina...of Course I think Laura Croft has possibilities, but only one Angelina at a time

    Indiana Jones Scientist, Archeologist, whip master and a nose for bad stuff

    and me...


    I have a priest, a shooter, a doctor, a hacker and Han Solo...I think my team would rock.

  4. Carl Kolchak is a GREAT answer.  I used to sneak in and watch from behind the couch.  I think my Mom knew I was there, but as long as I pretended to hide, she pretended to not see me.


    What about the Iron Druid, Atticus, by Kevin Hearne?  He and Oberon could definitely fight some monsters.

    I would also think Harry Dresden fits into the MHI world quite easily.

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