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Posts posted by majinonifox1

  1. On 3/10/2018 at 9:21 PM, Roth said:

    What kind of online resource are you using for roleplay?  Also I'm more of a 5th edition player/ GM not 6th.   What genre?


    From what I understand, the difference between 5th and 6th is small enough that things could be picked up quickly. For online resource for roleplay, the game is local right now. But once the jump to online was made, we could do Discord, we could do Roll20, MapTools, not really all that picky. Nor is the roommate.

    On 3/12/2018 at 2:33 PM, grandmastergm said:


    Hello Majinonifox1,


    I would most certainly be willing to run an online HERO system 6th edition game for 2-3 players.  I might even be able to get another player if you'd like.

    We would certainly welcome your GMing. And it would not go amiss having another player to join us! I'll message you contact info privately so I don't get spammed by bots on here or something.


    Sorry it took me so long to get back to these. Once that message about checking Roll20 popped up, I'd lost hope because I had tried Roll20 first... XD But on the off-chance, I just checked today and see 2 people potentially wanting to GM! This makes my day in so many ways!

  2. So I know this is my first real post on here, but I figured I might as well give it a go as all other avenues have been exhausted.


    I am currently living with a roommate that... well, to be honest, he will not quit about getting someone to run a HERO System game for him. Specifically 6th edition. Now... I am no GM. I have told him thus. Yet he is basically just kinda aggravating and incessant about me running a HERO System game... so I caved. I'm currently running a local game for him and another roommate... but I am running so far out of steam, it's not even funny. I have bare minimum knowledge of the system enough to even play a character, much less run it.


    So here is my call. I have talked with my roommate about this. He's not exactly a proper people person, but if you're running a HERO System game, I'm 99% sure he'll be your best friend. Currently, he's been paying for the game and I'm sure he'd be willing to extend that courtesy to anyone willing to run an online HERO System 6th Edition game for 2 to 3 people. Looking for those experienced in the system and can deal with crazy, out-in-left-field builds and wacky ideas... who would not mind receiving a cash benefit per week of running said game. Please respond... I'm burning out here...

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