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Product Reviews posted by Wiggydude

  1. Need some occult-based adversaries or groups? Well, Arcane Adversaries supplies all your needs. Well, not necessarily all your needs, but it's certainly a great starting point, whatever your favourite superhero RPG might be. It's has a good selection of groups and individual superheroes with stats that can easily be used as written or changed to another system. All in all, a worthy 9/10!

  2. First let me say that I'm not a Champions player or GM - I actually use a different systems (the 1984 Golden Heroes). However, I've purchased several Champions book recently to use as materials for my own games. Champion Worldwide is a fantastic book, no matter what your superhero RPG preference. Although focused on the USA, all the information can easily be used in whatever your native country is - I'm in Scotland for anyone who cares. As well as the core info there's a brilliant section - GM's Vault - that details the truth about the previous info. The various sections with hero and villain stats are easily swapped to your preferred system if you want and their background details are great. In short, this is a brilliant book and worth the money!

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