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Crime Wave ZIP

Looking for something a little different? Well then Crime Wave the supervillain campaign is just what you’re looking for. Being the bad guy can be fun and a nice twist on a Champions campaign.
This product takes the supervillain campaign outline originally presented in Digital Hero #43 expands on it to help GMs crete a fun and different type of campaign. This product also includes a organization called The Arranger, this group can also be found in SIDs Report #8. This group is included to give GMs a tool to give a helping hand and a vehicle to use for their campaigns
Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures for The Arrangers.


About Crime Wave ZIP

Looking for something a little different? Well then Crime Wave the supervillain campaign is just what you’re looking for. Being the bad guy can be fun and a nice twist on a Champions campaign.


This product takes the supervillain campaign outline originally presented in Digital Hero #43 expands on it to help GMs crete a fun and different type of campaign. This product also includes a organization called The Arranger, this group can also be found in SIDs Report #8. This group is included to give GMs a tool to give a helping hand and a vehicle to use for their campaigns


Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures for The Arrangers.


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