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My campaign!


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Ok guys since returning to the game i began my campaign using the time line form the heroes and henchman site.. a MnM source..


The Campaign idea is based on various marvel titles in tone...ie not too serious but not silly either kinda like Jim lee's Wildcats of the eary 90's.


the characters are...


Shamrock..powers similar to the one in old classic villians.. just kinda extra atletic boxer with lots of luck and an old IRA background. was in renewed fighting with the british when his building was bombed and he was the lone survior. since saw this as a sign and changed his ways..BONUS- played by an irishman


Onslaught.. think omega red... his powers derive from an amulet but only activate once he has taken body. he was an grad student on an archeolgist dig. mafia tried to shake down his rich politcal dad and he got shot trying to protect the father they killed. he injured many of they're numbers.. triggering his hatred for the mafia and his powers... his powers are mystical drawn from aztec warriors


Shatterbolt..industrial robotics engineer gained his powers when his flight went down(see timeline on heroes and henchmen)woke up from a coma years laters. however once he activates his powers he becomes pure plasma energy forcing him to wear a contanment suit or he'll disapate into the atmosphere. susceptabiliy 2d6 per turn once body has been taken..


4th guy... lord knows... the guy hasn't decided on an idea.... type of guy who thinks of the powers first not the charater..(we have a special word for that type...) think he's going with a guy that's a telakinetic with martial arts after buying fine manipultion.. so he can use his tk in an offensive strike at 30 str WHICH will surpass the 40 active point total/dc toal of 8d6... then again i'm always the guy picking on him, and stifling his ideas....hmph..


Issue 1


being said... the PCs begin at jfk airport in nyc...

shamrock is being escourted to the restricted area by custom officals (invalid identifcation)

while onslaught's there to meet a cop friend for lunch and shatterbolt is returning from across the country from a buisness trip.


also a supervillian known as Tremor is there getting transfered to a high security slam.


the 4th guy is at his base training with the main npc John Striker...

together they are looking for members to form a team to stop an unkown race form possessing people and taking over the world (think professor x and cyclops)... Very covert action stuff...


needless to say the power-retraining bonds don't work on tremor once his feet are on the ground..(bonuses to his powerpool) and starts destroying the tarmac and runways with his land-wave abilites.... generally raising hell

well the heroes end-up fighting him when onslaugt chimes up..."does this guy have unluck or something? finally breaking out of prison and having 3 heroes right there.." i said "he does now" then added it to tremor's sheet and awarded him with 2 xp. so Striker and the unnamed hero guy show up and offer them an escape from the media and a team offer for the unknown supers..


issue 2

starts with Shamrock and Onslaught in Caldwell's, a bar where Shamrock is to meet his boxing promoter contact. He takes Onslaught with him because of Onslaught's insecurity with his new powers.. a pint and downtime sounds like the right medicine...


they meet Angela a npc waitress there and Mickey (shamrock's first name) is done conducting business.. so they play pool while waiting for her to get off...


meanwhile Shatterbolt.. a buisness man and head of Winter manufacturing company has set up a meeting with John Striker, Patron of the team and head of Stiker Incorperated;

about proof of these aliens that take human hosts..


at caldwell's all hell breaks loose as a couple members of the mafia (think 10) come in after trailing onslaught's (secret id) for weeks. they don't know that onslaught and his secret id are one in the same... so the kidnap angela (thinking it's his girlfriend) and tells the pcs that they want Onslaught to come to Murphys junkyard at 3 am or the girl is dead..


well after the guys clean house the mafia spuds in a bar fight.. (using no powers mind you, well mickey doesn't really have powers) they call Shatterbolt at the base (who by the way was stood up cuz player #4 couldn't game) and go to the junkyard to rescue the girl...


needless to say.. she was in a trash compactor.. Shatterbolt nearly got hit with a crane operated wreaking ball while flying around, and the mob hired a cyborg brick by the name of Crusher Bogart to capture what they thought was only gonna be Onslaught. OOPS! They end up winning and saving the girl....


wedsday i will post the 3rd session.


About my game..


-the Characters are low-powered at 200 pts with 50 in disads

-no power may have more then 40 active points..

-defenses are up to 20... although Onslaught, our groups' brick-lite is rolling with 18 and shamrock is at the bottom with 11 regular 3 resistant (due to combat luck of course) but he does have 50% damage resistance across the board for simulated being Really lucky and such...

-we play bi-weekly on sun and weds look for updates soon after..

-I run contests inbetween sessions.. our first one is to design the base.

like location..equipment etc... but just ideas... no stats. they can use any medium alike art and write-ups then we'll do a secret ballot.

winner gets either 10 exp or a 5 active point maxiumun boost..


if you guys have any ideas for adventures..(that means you hermit) please post them so you can gm them too!

i Will post Pictures soon..Shatterbolt's player is an artist who's done comic work.

his website is http://members.cox.net/1379

and his name is James. He does commision work so drop him a line..

please let me know your ideas and thoughts on what i should do about my 4th player and anything that comes up...

it's great to be back in the community...


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Re: My campaign!


Becareful with that word. I design all my characters by deciding on powers first then build the character around those powers. I am far from the POWERGAMER type. However, I don't think POWERGAMER is a dirty word unless it disrupts the game. Not all POWERGAMERS disrupt the game.


4th guy... lord knows... the guy hasn't decided on an idea.... type of guy who thinks of the powers first not the charater..(we have a special word for that type...)
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Re: My campaign!


i hear you rayman.... you're right.

but i certainly wouldn't accuse one of it unjustly either..

myself and some of the others are just more character/origin based when we create characters. but like you said everyone does start loosely with what they want their guy to do first...


on other notes..

do you guys think that 40 active points in enough against 11-18 defense range? i mean our RESISTANT defenses are lower like 3,8,9 (except Onslaught who's our mini-brick) cuz we wanna be vunrable to small arms fire but combat still seems to drag as no one as off yet has a killing attack.. you think i should increase the offense to 45 or 50 pts to help speed up combat?


thanks guys..

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Re: My campaign!


Combats might take a little longer. I think you will see more specialty type attacks and haymakered regular attacks.


I play in a campaign with standard Champions parameters. Many of the characters in the group have defenses in your range. Some, like my character The Bug, are much lower. However, The Bug relies on his Shrinking ability (DCV 16; Martial Dodge that to 21). The 2 or 3 Bricks/Demi-Bricks teammates sport much higher DEF than the others. The majority of the team can be dropped after 1-2 hits. Our combats don't last too long. Maybe a single turn or turn and a half.

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Re: My campaign!


Sounds like you have a good campaign going. My first campaign was around your point level, and went on for several years.


They played low powered characters, usually built around a single power. Tactics and teamwork became very important.


I think your defenses are about pretty max, for your power level. 20 is pretty high for 8d6 attacks, IMHO. Of course this will change with experiene, since attacks will probably be bought up.


One strategy I used was to introduce a couple of NPC heroes to the teams, generally to fill in weak spots or to provide them with some kind of superpowered transport. It also gave me mouthpieces, for when the players were about to really screw up (shich at that power level, can be deadly)


Some of the Dark Champions stuff could be very useful to you, as it provides a lot of ideas on how to make real world stuff dangerous to superheroes.


if you guys have any ideas for adventures..

Not familiar with the MnM time line, but I'll give it a shot.


1. Shamrock gets sent on a secret mission by the Pope. Being a good Catholic boy, Shamrock naturally responds, taking along his posse. Since the Catholic Church is everywhere, this gives you the option of changing settings for a bit if the players get bored.

2. Onslaught: Starts having "blackouts" where he can't remember what happened. Meanwhile, someone is going around killing people with powers similar to his. Is he responsible, is it the amulet, or is another person with powers drawn from Aztec warriors?

3. Shatterbolt: Discovers other people in comas in a nearby hospital, all with powers like his. Who is keeping them from awakening, and why? The Aliens? The government? The Disney Corporation?

4. Mystery Man: Not sure what power level you are using, but PSI from the Champions books is right at your power level. They would be easy to work into a telekinetics origin (he could be an ex-member, have amnesia, or be the result of an experiment they did)

5. Crusher Bogart (the cyborg): Angry about being defeated by the group, he plots his revenge against them...cyborg style. Those who have known identities will find thei cars and milboxes wrecked. Those with Secret Identities will see nasty things spraypainted on the sides of buildings by hired street kids. And when they finally track down Crusher Bogart, he has his friend videotaping any fight...so he can sue them for assault.

6. Angela the Waitress :): No killing attacks you say? Thinking that Angela has knowledge about the team, the baddies kidnap her and subject her to an experimental truth drug (purchased on the black market by a random rogue nation). The powers activate her latent powers...the power to exhibit a crushing force at no range. WIth these powers she becomes the new superhero...the Compactor!

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Re: My campaign!


Great Ideas Ghost!! that's good stuff.


yea... the timeline i'm using isn't a sponsered MnM one just a collabreation of ideas from another person's website, and some off my own.


so crusher might be a little pissed after all they did leave him a car compacter to wait for the police.


yup you're right the mafia is probality gonna really be after onslaught now.. but after 2 failed attempts (1 in his origin and once last adventure) they've taken one hell of a beating..


i think i wanna explore they're personal lives more...


and also you guys are right 20 max armor is too much for 40 act pt game!

keep it coming!!

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