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Spells, spells, and more spells!


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I copied these from the original message boards before they crashed. I wasn't sure if these were recovered or not, since I haven't tried to delve much into the old stuff, but I thought I would toss these up here in case anyone still wanted them. There aren't many spells here, and some of them are WAY above most people's Active Point levels, but there are still some interesting ideas here. Feel free to add your own.



I call it "sequester." With this spell, you can move any single small item out of reality (say, into another dimension or plane) and leave it there until you need it. Then, you can bring that object back whenever you want. There is a size limit, of course, and you can only have one item sequestered at a time. If you sequester something else without recalling the first item, you lose the first item forever.


I imagine this being used to smuggle a poisoned blade into a heavily guarded compound where everyone is checked for weapons at the door. I imagine it being used by someone to stash a set of lockpicks in case they are ever captured -- tossed in a dungeon and chained, just recall those lockpicks and get busy escaping! The possibilities are just about endless.


I haven't really built this thing just yet, but extra-dimensional movement with some appropriate limitations would do just fine, I think.





This spell creates a winged figure of fire that pursues its victim, attempting to burn him. As long as the target continues to run away or dodge, the firey figure will swoop and threaten, but not actually burn the target. For this reason, it is sometimes used by mages who wish to dispose of a foe without actually harming them (unless they stop, of course). Since the target must do more than a half move to avoid attack, their other options are severely limited.


Power : 3d6 RKA (energy)

Specific Modifiers : Trigger (+1/4, trigger is target using a half move or less - thus dodges only count if the target moves as well), Power stopped by water or non-flammable material (-1/4).

Active Cost = 56 points; END Cost: 6; Magic Roll: -6; Casting Time: 1/2 Phase.







The origins of the Dragon Slave are lost in the mists of time, although it is generally believed that the spell was originally created and used to kill a dragon, hence its name. Over the years, "dragon slay" (or "dragon slayer") was corrupted into "dragon slave" (or "dragu slave"), resulting in the spell people know (and fear) today.


The Dragon Slave is a spell of almost indescribable power. When cast, it call upon the power of the negative emotions (fear, anger, hate), as well as drawing power from the Dark Lord Shabranigdu in order to annihilate entire regions (the spell has been used to wipe out entire armies!). Continued use of this spell virtually constitutes selling one's soul to the Powers of Darkness, which can have serious consequences once the sorcerer in question passes from the realm of mortals.



While reciting the incantation, the sorcerer casting the Dragon Slave spell cups their hands together, containing a slowly growing sphere or red and black magical energy. Once the chant has ben completed, and the spell is ready, the sphere is hurled at the target, to detonate in a swirling mass of heat, flame, and destructive magical energy. The target area will then be blasted into dust, leaving a smoking plain behind.


The incantations for the Dragon Slave are as follows:


"Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows...

Buried in the flow of time... in thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness!

Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess!



Game Mechanics:

Power: RKA: 6d6

Advantages: Area of Effect: Radius 72" (+2)

Limitations: Concnetrate: 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Extra Time: Full Turn (-1), Gestires (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4),

No Knockback (-1/4), Can Only Be Used At Full Power (-1/4)

Active Cost: 270 Points

Real Cost: 83 Points

Endurance: 27 END

Range: 1350"

Time: 1 Turn

Skill Modifier: NA

Side Effect: None, but I recommend that you target it far enough away, and Don't Miss! Also note that

prolonged use of this spell can spell trouble for your mortal soul.


Notes for the Game Master:

First, don't take this spell seriously. Second, don't let your players have this spell. Third, don't use it on them, either.


Now that we have that out of the way... The Dragon Slave is taken from the anime Slayers, and is in this list mainly because it's the spell that Natasha Weischlange flubs in her quote in her appearence in Haymaker! 26. I also included it as an example of one of the mega-destructive spells so common to anime sorcerers. Both Slayers, and another anime Bastard!!, feature powerful, magic-slinging wizards, who command spells of devestating power namely Lina Inverse [slayers] and the famous Dark Schneider [bastard!!]).




For those Game Masters who wish to toss such epic scale spells at their players (or, at least, have them around) I offer the following:


Giga Slave

The Giga Slave is even more than the Dragon Slave. It uses the power of darkness coupled with a summons of the Lord of Nightmares to utterly destroy its target. Note that as the incantations state, casting this spell requires one to sell their soul to the Lord of Nightmares on the spot. This is not a good idea.


The incantations:


Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night!

King of Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee!

Swear myself to thee!

Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed...by the power you and I possess!



The Giga Slave should be considered an 8d6 (or more) Ranged Killing Attack, all other limitations are the same as Dragon Slave.





Also known as Hellowen or Hell'O'Ween, this spell summons up raw magical energy, which is then hurled at the target, superheating the air, boiling water away, and melting stone upon impact. It is capable of destroying entire armies, and leaving a region as nothing more than a smoking crater.


The incantations:


Divine Guardian of the Seven Keys!

Sage from beyond,

take the seven keys

and open the gates of Hell!

Turn my enemy to ashes!



This spell is from Bastard!!, and is pretty much identical to the Dragon Slave, except its range and power is roughly twice that of the other spell. Thus, it should be about an 8d6 RKA, with an extra doubling of the Radius of Effect, and one level of Increased Range.





This appropriately-named spell summons the elemental forces of Earth and Air together to into a destructive climax of tremors, earthquakes, shockwaves, lightning, and high winds, which eventually annihilate everything in the blast radius in a huge explosion.


The incantations:


Elementals of Earth and Air!

Seal the ancient pact,

Fulfill your obligations!

Universal explosion!





Goruk stepped cautiously into the chamber.. his blood thirst temporarily overwhelmed by uncertainty. Standing at the end of the room by the bay window was an elderly man with a staff and beard. With a quick movement that belied his elderly appearance, the man flicked his arm in the direction of the gory Orc declaring "By Feelsin's Arrow I slay thee!". A Luminous yellow bolt of solid energy flashed from the man's pointing hand across the room and smashed into the ravager, lancing through his thick armor. With a cry of rage and pain, the Orc was hurled bodily by the force of the bolt backwards, and impaled solidly onto the door. The screaming orc rended himself further as he struggled to free himself from the bolt lodged through his midsection, and the aged man walked over to stand before him and say "You have given your share of pain to the people of my village.. Now it is your turn to know pain.."


Adjust power levels to taste

* 2d6-1 AP RKA No Range Penalty, Sticky

* 10" Flight usable against others, triggered by RKA doing Body, only in a straight line directly continuing the path of the bolt's flight

* 5d6 Entangle with Backlash, triggered by Flight carrying target into a solid object, and the bolt doing body damage to the object.


Season with gestures, incantations, skill roll, etc. to taste..




1. Phase Magic. The SFX are that the mage can send things to and from alternate dimensions, although I don't allow actual dimensional travel. The unique spell in this college is Desolid, only to abort, charges that last one phase.


The character looks up and sees a big axe coming for their head and so they simply remove themselves from this universe for a few seconds while the axe swings harmlessly through them. They are still affected by Lightning powers.


2. Mystic Martial Arts. Technically, this isn't magic, but uses a skill roll based on KS: Anatomy. This duplicates effects like from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. There are powers like...

A. Flash vs. hearing and/or sight and touch.

B. Entangle based on Ego, Entangle does not take damage.

C. Clinging

D. Missile Deflection

E. RKA Penetrating, only vs. inanimate objects. (Break door, bricks with your head, etc.)


3. Drakas Blood Mage. These mages learned their magic from Dragons. Theyr spells are very powerful, but they have a cost. Many of the spells cost the caster Body damage. THey have spells like...

A. Chains of fire. Entangle, linked to a penetrating or NND RKA, only as long as they are entangled. The fire sometimes has charges with a duration.

B. Fire within you. RKA NND Killing, duration of 1 turn.

C. Fire Breath. RKA, Any Area effect, no range. THey just blast a path around the battlefield, starting right in front of them.





A Tragedy in Three Parts



The King in Yellow is a play written sometime in the mid to late 18th Century. It originally appeared in French, but all copies of the book were burned. Currently, the only available edition is an English translation from c. 1895.


The play itself is a very surreal and dream-like drama. It features a complex and hard to follow plot that centers on the King in Yellow (the main character), and a love triangle between him and two of his closest advisors. There is also treachery, Machiavellian politics and the threat of war added to the mix.



What makes this play so interesting (and terrifying as well) is that the play is not really a play at all, but in fact a powerful spell. Simply perusing the play will leave the reader lost, confused and disturbed. Watching the play is a different matter entirely.


First the viewer (and the actors) will feel compelled to remain where they are and witness the entire production, regardless of their surroundings. But, as the play progresses, deep-seated emotional urges will be brought to the surface, and the audience will respond accordingly. Fights will break out, as well passionate sexual encounters. Audience members may join the play, or enact out portions on their own. Some may break down screaming and crying, while others, filled with despair, may kill themselves. At the completion of the play, chaos will reign in the theater.


The actors will be affected as well, but in their case the combination of the spell's effects usually means that they identify with their roles to a great degree and instead of performing the play, they live it. As there are several duels and fights in the play, it is likely that one of more actors will end up injured or dead.


Game Mechanics:

Power: Mind Control: 20d6

Advantages: Telepathic (+1/4), Area of Effect: Radius 80" (+2), Invisible Power Effects (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2)

Limitations: Single Command: "The Play Must Go On" (-1/2), Gradual Effect: 3 hours (-2 1/4), No Range (-1/2), Requires extended Ritual (-2), Subjects must be able to view play (-1/2)

Active Cost: 425 points

Real Cost: 63 points


Power: Mind Control: 20d6

Advantages: Telepathic (+1/4), Area of Effect: Radius 80" (+2), Invisible Power Effects (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2)

Limitations: Empathic Mind Control: Heightens deep-seated emotions (-1/2), Gradual Effect: 3 hours (-2 1/4), No Range (-1/2), Limited Conscious Control: Random Outcome (-1), Linked to First Mind Control (-1/2), Requires extended Ritual (-2), Subjects must be able to view play (-1/2)

Active Cost: 425 points

Real Cost: 51 points

Total Cost: 114 points

Endurance: NA

Range: 0" range, 80" radius

Time: 3 hours (minimum)

Skill Modifier: NA

Side Effect: See Description


Notes for the Game Master:

Here's how the spell works: Anyone viewing the play takes 1d6 of Mind Control every 9 minutes. The initial Mind Control serves to keep the viewer's attention on the play itself, while the second basically induces madness. Note that the first Mind Control is a simple command, and should only be required to exceed EGO to be effective. The second Mind Control is far more insidious, it will gradually build to an EGO +30 level, pushing the target to more and more extreme actions.


Both versions of Mind Control have Invisible Power Effects, meaning that the character is unaware of where the Mind Control effect is coming from (if they are even aware of it at the time). Also, the second version of the Mind Control may or may not require a +10 modifier that all the target's actions are their own idea, depending on the Game Master's wishes. The target will only have hazy memories of what they did, and will wonder why they did them.


The area affected by the play is huge, covering a circle some 500' in diameter. People at the fringes may take less dice of effect, while those at the center may take more. Note that a 500' circle is probably larger than many theaters, but the spell was written at a time where plays were performed in the open air.


The spell requires extensive props, a stage and actors; this is where the "Ritual" (-2) limitation comes from. One needs to be able to view the play as well, simply being in the radius will not cause one to fall under the effects of the Mind Control (although if you are back stage, odds are you'll be affected in some fashion).


As a final note, the spell is 0 END, which means that once the play is over it will take some time for the effects of the Mind Control to wear off.



As written, the play will affect both the actors and the cast. It is possible to perform the play and not be affected, doing so requires the actors to take specific precautions. These precautions are left up to the Game Master, but usually require that each actor and stagehand wear some form of protective talisman during the play. If this option is used, "Personal Immunity" (+1/4) should be added to the play.


Breaking out: Note that any targets will get a breakout roll as soon as the initial die of Mind Control hits. As it is unlikely anyone will fail such a roll, most will not be affected by the first few dice. It is recommended that the following method be used regarding the breakout rolls in this case: as more dice are added on, they "retroactively" affect the breakout roll, so that the character may "come out of it" briefly, but unless he makes his roll by a significant amount, eventually the spell will drag him back in.






This spell enables the caster to conjure a live tiger from a paper facsimile. To cast this spell, the magician must have a leaf of fine paper inscribed with magic symbols, several strands of tiger hair, and origami or similar paper-folding skill.


The caster folds the paper with the hair enclosed into a hand-sized figure of a tiger. As he folds the paper the magician speaks to it, describing the circumstances under which the spell will activate, then blows upon the paper to imbue it with life.


The paper tiger can be left behind as a guardian of an item or area, or as a trap for pursuers.


Summon: 233-pt. Tiger (based on Hero Bestiary stats), Variable Trigger (+1/2).


Requires a (DEX-based) Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentrate 0 DCV (-1/2), Extra Time: 5 minutes (-2), OAF Paper/Hair (-1), Expendable (-1/4), Fragile (-1/4).


Active 115, Real 19, END 11, Skill Roll -11.


Optional Tiger Enhanced Senses: UV Vision, Discriminatory Smell.

Only Useable with Trigger (-1), other lims as above.

Active +10, Real +1, Skill Roll -1.


Reducing the Extra Time and/or Concentration Limitations would make the spell more effective in combat situations, particularly if the magician has some means to control the tiger, such as a Mind Control spell. You could pay for this change by adding a Side Effect (-1, full points in Summon: if the Skill Roll is failed the tiger appears immediately and attacks the summoner).






Designed to take of advantage of the unique relationship between shadows and the objects that create them, Trap the Shadow serves to render a person immobile by pinning their shadow in place. A powerful and very useful spell, Trap the Shadow is favored by those magicians who involve themselves the enforcement of the law, and the investigation of criminal activities.



In order to cast Trap the Shadow, the magician must have handy a throwable object with which to pin the target's shadow. Daggers, darts, knives, and other such weapons are quite suitable for the attempt, and are the object of choice among sorcerers who intend to cast the spell. The object is held in the hand, charged with mystical energy, and then hurled into the targets shadow. If the cast is accurate, the shadow will be pinned to the ground, and the target's feet will be effectively immobilized. Note, however, that the rest of the target's body will be quite free and still able to act.


Game Mechanics:

Power: Supress: 6d6

Advantages:Versus All Movement Powers (+2)

Limitations: Target Must Have Clearly Defined Shadow (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4),

OIF: Dagger, Knife, Or Other Thrown Weapon Of Opportunity (-1/2), One Continuing

Charge of One Hour (-1/2), Range Based On STR (-1/4)

Active Cost: 90 Points

Real Cost: 30 Points

Endurance: 0

Range: varies

Time: 1/2 Phase

Skill Modifier: NA

Side Effect: NA


Notes for the Game Master:

The Limitation "Target Must Have Clearly Defined Shadow" means that the spell can only be cast in the presence of a strong light source. The means that it is virtually impossible to cast the spell at night, or in a dimply lit area. Note that having too many light sources will also render the spell useless. The spell can be banished by creating a strong slight source that eliminates the pinned shadow, by eliminating the light source that is creating the pinned shadow, or (if the target is outside) waiting for the sun to move and thus shift position of the shadow along the ground. The "Range Based On STR" limitation means that the spell's range is limited to the distance the cast can throw a knife of dagger.


The Game Master can have fun describing the side effects of the spell's not fully supressing a target's movement. Having the target's shadow twist and stretch (since it is pinned to the ground) as the target moves away is one suggestion.



Game Masters may want to restrict the spell to targets who are already touching the ground. This would be a -1/4 Limitation.




Mirror, Mirror

Summon Mirror dimension "Evil Twin" of person who looks in the mirror (cost based on the highest power level in the game) Tiggered when someone looks in the mirror (+1/4) Invisible Power Effects vs. all but Detect Magic (+3/4) Fragile IAF Any Mirror (-3/4, 1 DEF, 1 BODY) Extra Time: 1 turn (-1) Gestures (-1/4) Incantations (-1/4)


Notes: The mage can cast this spell on any mirror available. If some unwary person (like a PC) looks in a mirror affected by this spell, their counterpart from the mirror dimension will be magically transported to their location. The insuing fight is sure to keep the victim occupied while the mage makes good on an escape or prepares another spell.





2d6 Aid, All Characteristics (+2), Only to improve skill/combat rolls (-1)

Total Cost: 15


2d6 Drain, All Characteristics (+2), Only to reduce skill/combat rolle (-1)

Total Cost: 30




I've always done a Sleep spell with single-command Mind Control: Go to sleep. Base it on CON if you like. It's usually pretty easy to gauge how likely someone is to want to go to sleep -- if it's midnight, sleep is something the lonely guard is already inclined to do, while in the middle of a fight most characters are violently opposed to going to sleep.




Ah. But one of my supermages spells is a windjet spell: 18d6 Dispel vs. Knockback Resistance, Does KB (+1/4). It only costs 67 Active Points (we play a 70 AP max), and almost any foe is gonna be sent flying by this. And for 66 active points, you could have a 11d6 Dispel vs Knockback Resistance , Does KB (+1/4) Double KB (+3/4)




The way I used to do a Sleep Spell in 4th Ed was a STUN Dispel. It's fairly cheap, and all-or-nothing. Either it puts you to sleep (exceeds your STUN) or it doesn't. And once you wake up, you're back to full STUN again.


But in 5th, you can't Dispel a Characteristic. Bummer.




Sorry that I don't have the names of the people who posted these, since I only copied the text and not the names. My apologies to everyone who isn't given their proper due credit.




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A couple of rough spells (not completed game mechanic wise) for the college of Air



when a mage of air wishes to tell someone something that no one else should hear, he uses this spell. The person can be as close as next to the mage or as far away as across a battlefeild.

A person next to the mage with very acute hearing can overhear what the Mage whispers, as the mage must actually whisper the message.


Whisper: 6d6 Telepathy, Standard Effect, Only for Sending (-1), RSR (magic roll), gestures, incantations, instant (doesn't stay hooked up)


Sheild Wind

Mages are extremely vulnerable in combat. Air Mages have developed this spell to help them survive better against arrows and other missles that they'ed be shot with to nuetralize them.


Sheild Wind: +4 DCV vs. Ranged Atts, RSR (magic skill), gestures, incantations, constant (? is this needed for a spell?)



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