Fantasy Hero
Roleplaying in the wondrous realms of Fantasy!
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Building Arrylon 1 2
by tolen1- 1 follower
- 44 replies
An old man, leading a heavily laden donkey wanders out into the middle of a field. He takes a look around, sees he's close enough to other plots to get help when he needs it, but far enough out, he won't interfere with their work. "Yep," he says, "This oughta do it." He stakes his claim on the empty plot with a sign that says "Arrylon", and has an arrow... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Good morning! I hope everyone who has the day off as a holiday is getting to enjoy it, and those who don't get the day off, well I hope you're having a good day too. Last we…
Last reply by Steve, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
As I work my way through my Arrylon project and deal with a variety of issues of all types), I had an idea. I want to ask the group here their opinions. As the title says, I'm considering the possibility of using Adventure Modules from other sources. I know I need to convert it all, which is it's own set of problems. Has anyone else done this? In particular, I'm considering an old 1/2E DnD Module. If you have, what pitfalls should I look out for, how did you handle it, and which module did you use?
Last reply by tolen1, -
- 31 replies
Goren has a character with the following maneuvers 5 Darting Thrust ½ +1 +3 Strike 4 Nimble Lunge ½ +0 +2 Strike +2d6 3 Moving Thrust ½ -2 +2 Strike, Full Move 5 Retreating Parry ½ +1 +3 Block, Abort 4 Light Disarm ½ -1 +2 Disarm, +5 STR 4 Evade ½ +0 +5 Abort This style is designed to be used with a one handed weapon. Later he decides to to study the following 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 Str + 2d6 Shining Fist 5 Defensive Strike +1 +3 Str Three Fold Strike 4 Nerve Strike -1 +1 2d6 NND Pacifying Touch 5 Defensive Block +1 +3 Abort The Soft Wall 4 Martial Disarm -1 …
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 3 replies
So I am using Killer Shrike's Magic schools as a basis for my magic system, specifically Metier (a Traditional Type), Totem (a more Natural types), Alchemy (For Clerics as a basis for their magic and a supply of potions in the game) and Runecrafting (a magic based on Symbols/Writing and a source of a lot of magic items). So I am looking at the Metier Styles that exist and think That we can shake them up a bit. Each Style has RSR (Mandatory) and a set of advantages and limitations that have to balance out (+1/2 vs -1/2 for example) So I want to bounce a few ideas off you people. Preciat is a quick, dangerous and flashy style focusing on immediate gain and ap…
Last reply by Mr. R, -
- 357 replies
I've been putting together a list of real places on Earth that seem to have been created by some aspiring fantasy writer. I'd like to know what everyone else has tucked away on their hard drives or bookmarked. My List includes: Museum of the Dead Bone Cathedral Wieliczka Salt Mines The Gate To Hell Crater Lake Mirror of Heaven The links go to my personal site but most of them were originally buried in wiki or on travel blogs somewhere else. So, what cool fantastic sites do you know about?
Last reply by tkdguy, -
- 417 replies
What types of things that might come up in a fantasy game* ruin the immersive experience for you? I'm not asking you to come up with just anything that *would* ruin it, but what actually has ruined it. What have you actually encountered in play that disrupted your willful suspension of disbelief? *And you can also include things outside of games, such as fantasy literature or movies or TV shows, etc. For me, the main one is anachronisms - which is a very broad category. It includes all of the following: * Injection of sci-fi elements (Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, anyone?) I don't like ray guns and robots mixed with my rapiers an…
Last reply by Duke Bushido, -
- 64 replies
I saw a previous posting on this site and was curious if anyone has ever run a setting that wasn't a classic "middle ages" type game? Maybe a fantasy world that involved a setting from a novel or series of some sort that was fantasy in nature but not set in our real world and not using real world middle age history? (Chronicles of Narnia comes to mind.)
Last reply by tkdguy, -
- 140 replies
Suppose you were creating a setting based on mediaeval Europe. (Reluctantly or otherwise.) Where and when would you base your main area on?
Last reply by Michael Struck, -
- 8 replies
I have a mage system where using runes, magic items can be made. Now I am going with the idea that MI have the Independent limitation. So if you commission a magic item, the points have to come from someone--- or something. I am thinking of making some sources of magical material that can provide free CP for purposes of creating an item. Some ideas I have: Along Moreg's Brow (A mountain chain on the southern end of my continent) there is a river that runs along the spine. At one point the river go over a fall that goes down over 1 KM. A node of gems are at the top, and occasionally a gem will come loose and go over the edge. The mixing of earth, air…
Last reply by DentArthurDent, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
So I came up with this using Hero Designer First up a school that is used mainly by archers, but crossbowmen and slingers can adapt it to their weapon. 4 Basic Shot +0 +0 Strike, +2 DC 4 Offensive Shot -1 -1 Strike, +4 DC 5 Distance Shot +0 -2 Strike , +1 Segment, +6 RMod 5 Far Shot +1 -1 Strike, +2 RMod 4 Ranged Disarm +0 +0 Disarm, +3 DC to Disarm 4 Trip -1 -1 v/5, Target Falls The first two are to make the weapon more effective The next two are for when you really need to hit that far away target The last two are defensive. Yeah defensive, you are at range and want to keep it that way. …
Last reply by Mr. R, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hood ornament from a 30's era Packard. It's a cormorant, a sea bird that dives and swims to capture its prey. The tips...the bird has nothing like em...but they're actually part of the radio antenna. Yeah, the hood ornament functions as the radio antenna. Well, hey. For a fantasy critter? Make that a crest...and those are like displacer beast tentacles...with spear points. Poisoned, if you want that extra touch of vicious.
Last reply by DShomshak, -
- 8 replies
One of my ongoing goals/challenges is to introduce Hero System to new players at game conventions, who often feel overwhelmed by all the data and game details. Here's a character template example that I've tinkered with that has all of the information on one sheet. Some design notes based on previous player feedback are the following: 1) There are no acronyms and everything is spelled out as much as possible. OCV was modified to "Total Offense Value" that includes all OCV bonuses from skills. The applicable modification was done for DCV. 2) Skills, Talents, and Perks were consolidated and I only covered the main skills and attributes. If I covered …
Last reply by DreadDomain, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Was checking on what people would think is the best way to have characters with magic utilize END for their spells. Do you think it would be best to just have them use their regular END, have an END Reserve, have spells not cost END (perhaps charges), or what else.
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 19 replies
My sort of campaign I have been working on has six HTH Martial Arts. The First two are weaponless and are your classic soft redirection style and a very direct punching style. The other four are dependent upon one handed weapon, dual wield, Sword and Board, and two handed weapons (see below) But I was thinking about adding a pair of ranged styles. So has anyone used a RMA in their game? How was it? I would like maybe two styles, so any suggestions on how to differentiate them? Or am I over thinking it?
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 32 replies
Just checking to see what people think about utilizing Hit Locations and other enhanced combat steps in Fantasy Hero games. Do you think that they are needed because they make the combat more realistic, or do you think that they just make things to complicated and slow.
Last reply by Ninja-Bear, -
- 16 replies
Has anyone written up stats for the Killer Rabbit featured in the classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail (clip link included as a refresher)? In one of the scenarios I'm developing for an upcoming game convention, the players bounce around the multiverse in the pursuit of an evil wizard who's stealing magical artifacts. Along the way, they come across a fleeing King Arthur and his knights ("RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!") who are being pursued by the Killer Rabbit and can't stop him because the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch was stolen. I'm starting from scratch with the write-up for a rabbit in the 5th Edition Bestiary, so some ideas about the ballpark of his …
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 5 replies
Has anyone here run or played in a game set in the Atlantian Age? I don't see many posts here about it and I think it might be my favorite sourcebook. If you have, tell me all your stories!
Last reply by GDShore, -
- 0 replies
(I plan to share some details from a new campaign here if there is interest.) After years of not running a Fantasy Hero game, I brought my old group together to create new characters and start on a fresh campaign. I used my own fantasy world setting and added in plot elements from the Frostgrave miniatures skirmish game. If you’re not familiar with Frostgrave, it’s set in an ancient city called Felstad that was overcome by a cataclysm more than 1,000 years ago that destroyed much of the city and buried it in ice and snow. The winter curse has finally faded and the city has begun to thaw, uncovering the ruins and artifacts of the former great civili…
Last reply by MordeanGrey, -
- 2 replies
How many of you use these to devastating effect in your games? I was talking with some friends about 1E D&Ds "# of attacks" (the old Claw/Claw/Bite) - a Multiple Attack as I see it - and of course the Level Drain attached to sheer damage of many of the Undead, e.g. 6E Wight with "Life-Draining Touch", "Paralysis of Fear" and "Claws" as a Combined Attack.
Last reply by Scott Ruggels, -
How many potions? 1 2
by Mr. R- 1 follower
- 27 replies
I have a Potion making archetype in my world. But how many potions can an individual carry? I ask because 1) each potion maker can make a limited selection, but can make multiple of one type. 2) each potion has will take up a certain amount space due to the containers. I am assuming each potion has about 200 ml (about 6 oz) and since I am postulating a bronze age setting, so metal containers are VERY rare!
Last reply by Lawnmower Boy, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Last reply by Susano, -
- 1 follower
- 33 replies
Cross posting this from the Random RPG musings thread... The discussion was about magic being treated pretty much as a science and whether there might be a way, that does not ruin gameability (difficult) or place impossible burdens on the GM.
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 46 replies
I'm overthinking Swords and Sorcery again. This time I'm stressing about characters that are pirates and bandits. While it doesn't appear in actual Conan stories, it's stated that a fair bit of his career was spent doing morally reprehensible things. Essentially he was the kind of person that would be a villain in a more morally focused game Actually that is interesting A lot of games could be about fighting Conan types
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I was flicking through my Deadlands books the other day and was taken (again) with the mechanics surrounding the fear in the area. Supernatural creatures in an area have their abilities boosted when fear in the area is higher. Heroes can reduce the fear factor by defeating creatures and then visiting local communities and telling tales of that. It means that the big, powerful creatures in high fear areas cannot be tackled directly because they are too powerful. Heroes need to engage with minions, slowly whittling down the fear factor. Only once that fear factor is reduced could the heroes consider taking on the local big bad. I recko…
Last reply by Christopher R Taylor, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Someone mentioned DLC, but I'm not seeing it anywhere. Also, does HD include the Powers book? That I would definitely want if it does not.
Last reply by Simon,
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