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Uberworld - Alien Groups, Characters, and Pictures


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Here's the first of the aliens. BTW, if you're going to Rep, give the green dots to Tribe - I'm not collecting them.:)


Artwork for School is done by Tribe (Ben).









A pencil thin ray of negative energy appeared for an instance, instantaneously drawing a line from the cone-shaped spacecraft silhouetted by the shadow of Aquon 4. The anti-matter ray itself was difficult to detect in space under normal sensors, but it had a trace of counter-gravity which showed up on the sensors.


(That was a warning shot,) thought the subschool at the sensor station.

(And we'd best heed the warning,) thought the subschool at the damage control station, (we can't take on two Pursuit Carriers, four Battlecruisers, and two Destroyer Squadrons.)

(Aye,) added in the subschool at the propulsions station, (the course is plotted and locked in).


To outsiders, such communications would have seemed to not even occur for it was very fast. Not as rapid as the speed of light, electrons traveling in a copper wire, or even a neural reflex arc. But it was still very fast. After all, all the subschools were part of the Xerub Plook school. And agreement happened rather than having to go through the lengthy process of a vote. The subschool at the propulsions station, punched the buttons within less than a second of the self-conversation and reported, (the journey will take three months, but we have the fuel and there is a 97% probability that the Second Fleet cannot track us.)


Nearly instaneously, the subschool at the astrophysics station added, (and we are going to the third planet of a yellow sun's system - a world with warm rich waters...)


As the space warp field distorted the view of the universe, the entire school joined in the thought, (to spawn then to return and exact revenge upon those who do not see that Aquon can take its rightful place as masters of the galaxy. And for Xerub Plook to lead them to this destiny.)



The Aquon school known as Xerub Plook has diverged substantially from the nearly utopian community of Aquon. It has found in Earth a world of great oceans of warm rich waters - a perfect place to spawn and expand. It's goal is to return to Aquon to conquer the Federation's worlds then go on to conquer the universe. But this goal cannot be achieved by Xerub Plook unless it has help. While it knows about intersteller exploration and combat, it knows little of manufacturing. And so, it has taken on the identity of The School so that it can recruit greedy and power-hungry humans to help in its endeavors.



The School is comprised of the hive mind Aquonian Xerub Plook school within its Aquonian battlecruiser. The malleable configuration of the starship allows it to assume nearly any shape including one that appears to be a humanoid robot or a human being within a powered armor suit. As with most starships, the Aquonian battlecruiser comes equipped with an array of weaponry, defenses, and sensors that make it powerful enough to defeat most individual Earth superhumans and even a few superhuman teams. The individual fish within the school have lifespans of roughly a few weeks to a few years depending on how harsh the conditions are, but generally, births equal deaths. It is possible for the individual fish to go into a spawning mode which could double the population every month to two years depending on the richness of the waters and the safety from predators. However, Xerub Plook can do little else when in a spawning mode.



The Aquonian battlecruiser manned by The School is colored primary very light gray with the usual lines and running lights (albeit very small) that one might expect to see on a starship. There are windows, but they are tiny and serve as viewports for the individual fish of The School hive mind. When the Aquonian battlecruiser is configured to look like a humanoid, it is faceless and still shows lines and running lights about it. It is possible for it to be configured with a generic, but indistinct 'face', but such configurations are rarely used. At times, The School has disembarked from the battlecruiser and traveled Earth's oceans appearing as nothing more than a school of purple and green striped guppy-sized fish.


Click Here for the Character Sheet


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Atlanteans - Aliens in the Oceans of Uberworld


Here is the origins of the Atlanteans of Uberworld. I'll post a few of the Atlantean characters later. Art by Ben (Tribe).


Here is the web page for Atlantis and Lemuria





The Republic of Atlantis and the Lemurian Empire



The First Days In the year 3487 BC, a man pushed a light covering of ash over the charcoal of his furnace. The sunlight was fading as the sky took on violet and red hues. The small pool of copper had coalesced and contracted slightly as it lay on the slightly bowled cool sandstone. He removed the hot rocks using sticks and placed them into his refuse pile of depleted ore. A whistling noise startled him and caused him to look into the sky. But the source of the noise, a bright light that traced a line from the end of the world and over the town of Maadi, far outpaced the apparent source of the sound. He muttered a solemn prayer to each and every god that he could remember. Surely, only a god could travel in the sky with such speed and brightness. Watching the god continue to the other end of the world, the smith muttered prayers of thanks as he felt relief for not attracting the god's attention.


The Last Hope, or Jolul Kl'kaal in the speech of it's inhabitants, sped, its outer shell heating with the ram pressure of re-entry. The metal and ceramic of the relatively volatile outer hull evaporated, keeping the interior cool. A series of superconductors took the remaining heat to the front core, heating tightly packed ice until a huge plume of steam shot out the front and sides of the front, controlled gasseous explosions that slowed the craft. But, the Last Hope was still too hot. The secondary goal of the mission would fail, then. But none of the passengers in the craft would know it for some time, yet. They were all in deep sleep as they had been for the past eight hundred and ninety six years. In creating the Last Hope, the planners needed to balance time and material. The secondary hull began to melt, and with it the majority of the equipment and computers necessary for the Taklit culture to survive intact. But, the primary hull, bearing the most precious cargo, six hundred of the best and brightest Taklit, was still safe... for now. The mechanical sensors of the primary hull sensed the heat and triggered.


Over the Indian Ocean, six pods shot sideways and one smaller pod shot backward, losing speed at the expense of the remainder of the craft - now a mere spindle that increased in velocity. The small pod continued to fall, impacting the ocean and sending up a great wave that would travel to the coasts of what would one day be Africa, India, and Indonesia. The larger pods sprouted large parachutes of klook'ket fiber and inflated plastic balls to protect it against impact, which, even against water, would otherwise jolt the precious cargo violently. As each of these pods struck the water, they bounced and then landed, bobbing on the surface and hissing as the last layer of thermal protection was touched by the cool water. At last, the plastic balls deflated and the pods sunk into the calmer depths.


The chambers, no longer computer controlled, each relied on the less precise mechanical systems. At various times, they each rapidly released coolant, bringing Taklit out of their deep slumber as if waking from a single night of sleep. Their eyes adjusted. Each knew that they were on a different world, no longer on Taklit. They didn't need the strange smells to tell them that, for just the previous day, they went to their last 'class'. There was so much that happened. If they weren't all selected for high psychological durability, the magnitude would have made each of them curl up into a ball. Each realized that many of their friends and family had perished while they were asleep, victims of a sun heating to supernova. Each realized that they were on an entirely different world. Each realized that their home, Taklit, was too hot to be inhabitable; in fact, all the water was likely evaporated by now. Perhaps a few people survived in orbit, but how long would that last?


The technicians, one of every twenty here, knew that the lack of electric power in the pods meant that the secondary hull, with all of the equipment and most of the food, was destroyed. There was a backup, but that would need to be found much later. Right now, finding food sources was of utmost priority. The emergency plan stated that the survivors would need to find a food source first. There was only enough for two days. They would need to find a place to settle, preferably one rich in food source. Agriculture would need to be established first - and rule of law. History and social anthropology were always theoretical, fitting reason to evidence. Only, this would be the first - and possibly only - test of the theory. They hoped that the theorists were right. They had to be right for the Taklit to survive in the universe. The worst of it was, most of the people in the craft were accustomed to advanced technology. There were only a handful that had experience living off the sea. And even they were in a different world.


The first months were difficult. This world had predators - vicious and voracious predators - the likes of which were unknown to Taklit except in encyclopedias. Such predators had all been hunted out or outcompeted by the people within the first two millenia of civilization on Taklit. The colonists defended themselves with improvised weapons and were, perhaps, lucky that out of the five hundred sixty four that survived the landing, only fifty three were lost to predators. They were gruesome deaths, but the losses to accidental injuries were even harder to take, especially those that had to be left behind so that the others could continue to move quickly.


The Founding

At last, they swam to a vast plain where the plankton was rich and fish of various sizes roamed about in large schools. The problem was that the large predators sometimes hunted there as well. Yet the people now were more adept at hunting and defense. By five generations, the K'Klick were nomadic folk with firm knowledge of the ocean that they now called home. The last of the colonists decided that the K'Klick needed to settle into an agricultural civilization before he passed, for fear that the people remain forever nomads.


On the western edge of the plain was a range of mountains, a smaller range ran to the north of the plain, some even broke the surface. After some exploration, the last colonist brought the people to settle there. Civilization could take root here. Kelp could be grown on the northern range. Crustaceans, molluscs, and other creatures could live on both mountain ranges. Fish could be herded as well, with the aid of porpoises. Shelter could be made to protect against predators. And the people would still be near to the plankton-rich waters.


The Age of Piracy and Civilization

In the next centuries, farming and herding techniques improved. The Atlick even learned that they weren't the only thinking creatures on the planet. Chance encounters brought them in contact with Phoenician and Egyptian sailors. A later chance encounter with a Greek ship brought knowledge of metal. But, true metal working was nearly impossible underwater. For the next several centuries, the only metal known to the Atlick were those lost by or stolen from surface worlders. Regular forays began to the surface world to sink ships to gain metal items.


By the time of the Dark Ages on the surface world, the Atlit had discovered how to work soft, unalloyed metal in sheltered furnaces on underwater volcanoes. It was difficult and, eventually, lethal work, but important and well-paying. The culture had developed into a nation of craftsmen and farmers still retaining their republican political system with electors elected from villages and towns to represent them in Atlita City.


It was at this time that the lost Scrolls of the Ancients were found - fancy script etched on preserved seal hide. A cult formed, based on one writing telling of a 'machine' that seemed to grant wishes. The charismatic leader of the cult quite suddenly left with three hundred Atlita on a search of the origin of the people. And they weren't heard from again - at least to several generations of Atlita.


The Age of Conflict and Industry

After the passage of several more centuries, Atlantis was a thriving civilization. For the most part, they now avoided the surface world, having mastered the alloying of steel underwater.


Then one day, a large cable dropped across part of the Republic causing a ruckus in the Senate. After much debate, it was determined that Atlantis needed to know what was happening 'up there'. They were in for a shock. The world had changed. There were cities, large cities where once towns stood. Giant ugly clouds formed pillars into the sky. Surface world ships moved without sails. No longer were swords and shields the favored weapon. Less elegant things that propelled metal and sounded like thunder were what surface worlders used to kill each other.


But when the pilfered weapons were taken underwater, they failed. While Atlanteans could make the weapons and the bullets, they couldn't work underwater. Unfortunately, that was when the Lemurians returned. A small party of two Lemurian Knights of the Stone along with their Servant-Soldiers found the route back to Atlantis, and instead of returning to Lemuria as they had been tasked to, they decided to bring back some loot and glory. With their lightning weapons, the Lemurians cut down two dozen Atlanteans until porpoise riders were able to bludgeon them unconscious.


Interrogation of the Lemurians revealed that the cult had found a thing that they called the Philosopher's Stone, which allowed the Priesthood to ask for wishes to be granted. The Knight's armor and weapons were some of the granted wishes. In some ways, Atlantis had been lucky that the Knights were so desirous of glory. They knew that eventually, they would have to face Lemuria again. By the time that an invasion army was spotted making its way to Atlantis, they were better prepared. The lightning weapons still were nearly indefensible, but by that time, Atlantians had explosive-propelled harpoons that allowed their numerical superiority to turn the Lemurians back. But the cost was great. Roughly ten percent of the population perished in the first Altantean-Lemurian War. And then, the surface world was at war.


It was not long before another invasion by the Lemurians occurred. This time the Lemurians were better prepared and did not underestimate the Atlantians. But, by another chance, a metal mechanism that appeared to be vaguely humanoid appeared, calling itself the Parts and the Whole, and threw the orderly Lemurian advance into a chaotic retreat, not by attacking, but by disrupting their movement and communication.

With the help of the robotic guardian that was sent by the ancestors to protect them, Atlantean science began to become more refined and adapted better for underwater work. A period of exploration, socially and geographically resulted from desire to learn of threats (including Lemuria) and a desire to understand their place in the world. Several colonies with various religious and political structures were made in the oceans and seas worldwide, but in the end, most failed because resources were needed by Atlantis for the continual series of war with Lemuria.


Currently, Atlantis is nearly at the same state of technology as the surface world. Electric furnaces and hydrophobic chemicals allow for more efficient manufacturing. The transatlantic cables have all been 'tapped'. So, Atlanteans can surf the internet for information. Still, few of the surface world knows about Atlantis.


Atlantean scientists have surmised that the Philosopher's Stone of the Lemurians is an advanced communications device whose signal is indetectable by current technology. They also guess that there must be a satellite somewhere that was sent by the ancient Atlantean ancestors who came from an unknown planet around an unknown star. The current thought is that the satellite holds highly advanced technology that seems like magic to the Lemurians and that the 'wishes' are merely a vague knowledge of some ancient code that commands the satellite or the Stone machine.


While Lemuria is a heriditary monarchy, it is the Priesthood that wields the power. The caste system is firmly established and follows the hierarchy (highest to lowest): Imperial Family, Priesthood, Knights of the Stone, Servants, Peasants. Social mobility is difficult except through merit promotions during warfare. The society is otherwise akin to religious oligarchies such as that of Iran.


Atlantis is a republic with each township or city district electing an Elector. Electors meet in the Senate and choose a set of ministers, the highest ranking of which is the Executive Minister. All residents of Atlantis are allowed to vote if 20 years or older.


The Atlanteans

Atlanteans are a piscoid alien species from an aquatic world. On their original world they evolved to a generally humanoid form. They are very comfortable in the water and much less so in air. Generally more bulky than humans, they also have large eyes that enhance their dark vision. Both the Atlantean and Lemurian languages are derived from the Ancient Tongue. Clicks and long vowels predominate the language because of their better long distance carriage. Hissing consonants are lacking because of their difficulty in water.


Area of Operations The Republic of Atlantis is bordered on the west by the midAtlantic Ridge, to the north by the Azores islands, and roughly a triangle inclusive of those boundaries. Of its many former colonies, only two remain: Coral City near Midway Island, and Watch City about halfway between St Helena and Ascension Islands. The Lemurian Empire is centered on the Ninety East Ridge of the Indian Ocean near the Cocos Islands. Lemurian scout and raiding expeditions have encompassed the globe, but they seem especially interested in Northern Australia where they believe that parts of the ancient vessel landed at the locations of the Henbury craters.

Goals The Republic of Atlantis seeks to have peaceful and concealed coexistence with the other inhabitants of Earth. While they also seek to learn more about their ancient (pre-Earth landing) heritage, they realize that the home of their ancestors no longer exists or is no longer habitable. The Lemurian Empire seeks to conquer Atlantis and bring them to 'understand' their religion. After that, they would like to conquer the rest of the world.

Reputation To Atlanteans, the Lemurians are backwards barbarians. To the Lemurians, the Atlanteans are soft, self-righteous heretics who don't believe in the Power of the Ancients. Both cultures do not interact with the surface world much. The vast majority of surface worlders believe that Atlantis is just a legendary place; and most haven't even heard the word 'Lemuria'.

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Re: Uberworld - Alien Groups, Characters, and Pictures




Here are the Skellarians, the only set of aliens (other than the Earth resident Atlanteans) that have been fleshed out for Uberworld.

Original concept by Noah (The Arc). Drawings by Ben (Tribe).




The Skellarian Empireskellarianslogo.jpg


The planet Skellar was once a world much like Earth during the Cold War, with numerous independent nations mostly aligned into two large blocs of superpowers and their subordinates. On the verge of nuclear destruction, a miracle happened. They were invaded by an alien race known by their historians as the Iglaglic. The major governments were subjugated and Skellar was made a colony. Guerilla warfare was still prevalent after a decade of domination by the Iglaglic. There was a political stalemate with the Iglaglic holding the urban centers and open areas while the guerilla factions held the areas where terrain helped them hide. But economically, the guerillas were dying because the resources were being held by the invaders.


Guerilla commanders agreed to meet despite their ideological differences and the Pact of the Warriors was written after four months of surprisingly peaceful debate. Four major guerilla offensives were launched and many Skellar died, but, because the enemy was spread apart and because of the genius of High Commander Brok Gugnor, Center City was liberated as well as the nearby foundries of New Markola and Old Markola mines. The Pact held and the other three commanders continued to use their faltering troops to put pressure on the enemy while nearly all resources were shunted to High Commander Gugnor including all of the technicians and scientists that were still alive.


Soon, the Skellarians were not only able to use Iglaglic technology, but they were able to manufacture high technology weapons and other equipment. The three other commands eventually were completely annhilated by the Iglaglic, but it was too late for them. The new Skellarian Army was nearly a match for the Iglaglic in technology and more than a match for them in manpower. Skellaria was soon free.


Unfortunately for the rest of the galaxy, the culture that emerged was militaristic, nationalistic, and aggressive. To the Skellarians, expansion not only made them wealthier, but it also provided them a greater buffer. Never again would Skellaria fall to aliens. The first action taken was the use of solar-antimatter mines to destroy the homeworld of the Iglaglic as well as their sun. Fortunately, for the rest of the galaxy, that was an Iglaglic technology that was unmastered by Skellaria.


With the destruction of the core of the Iglaglic hive mind, all of the hives became unsentient animals once again. Skellaria quickly conquered three Iglalic colonies quickly and began a build up of their military. Over eight generations, they have achieved their current domain. The last two of these generations have been less successful and the territorial expansion substantially slower. The primary reason is the indirect opposition by the Union of Civilized Worlds. In addition, the Skellarian Empire has made contact with the equally expansionistic F'plrara Confederations.



Home to 6.7 billion Skellarians, Skellar is the fourth planet of seven in the Cazik Star System. It is a primarily tropical planet, slightly warmer than earth and with approximately similar proportion of water and land. The atmosphere is also similar, a consequence of convergent planetary development within the habitable zone of the Cazik Star System. Being a geologically older planet than earth, Skellar has a denser core which gives it a surface gravity of about twice that of Earth.


Skellarians are reptilian beings that have a vaguely humanoid form. As with Earth humans, Skellarians have five fingers including an opposable thumb as well as five toes. They are slightly taller than the average human and see with two compound green eyes.



The Skellarian Empire is an expansionist interstellar nation. Under the Skellarian High Command, they have already conquered two worlds and seek to conquer more. For the Conquistador Force on Earth, the immediate mission is to 1) establish an advance base that will serve as logistics points, and 2) gather intelligence about how best to invade Earth.



earthforcescommander1.jpgDarg Elsaml


A veteran of the Advanced Scouts, Darg Elsaml was but a whitehand at the time of the conquest of Regnlon IV. After numerous missions, he eventually achieved the rank of company commander. It was then that his cohort was assigned the duty of scouting the F'plrara colony on Hisgol II. Without orders, he saw an opportunity and took his company on a strike on the enemy defensive base when the F'plrara forces were on field exercises.


They successfully suprised and overcame the bored garrison and found themselves in control of the base. After Commander Elsaml communicated the success to his commander, a nearby assault legion was quickly assigned to take the enemy colony. Elsaml's company held out for four days and Skellaria soon controlled the strategic colony. The scout company had only six hands of soldiers remaining and those were all wounded, including their commander.


Elsaml was given an instant promotion to Force Commander and spent the next few years rebuilding and enlarging his company into a force. Finally, his unit was tapped to establish a base on a very rich world whose inhabitants called it Earth.



Force Commander Elsaml is prone to studying things to death until he is comfortable and feels a thorough understanding. If, however, he sees an important weakness that needs to be exploited immediately, he will take advantage of it. He is a professional soldier, as are most Skellarians, and feels both his men and himself expendable for the mission. At the same time, he strives to be recognized by the High Command and sees his future as being one among them.



Darg Elsaml is an experienced commander who has a good feel for all levels of command. In combat, he wears his Scout Commander Armor that provides protection, stealth, and decent firepower.



An imposing Skell, Darg has an impressive scar along the left side of his face as well as other scars in nearly all places of his body. He wears his military tunic about the base and dons his armor when going on raids or scouting missions.


Click Here for Darg Elsaml's Character Sheet


skellarian1.jpgSkellarian Advance Scout


The source of the sounds were clearly coming nearer to the temporary water source for the base. High pitched repetitive sounds and squeals as well as a mixture of medium and low pitched sounds that could be an alien language. The dense foliage of the forest muffled the sounds, but that didn't matter. No one on this garrison understood the barbarian gibberish. *Drumbeat one. This is Drumbeat five.*


*Go ahead, five.*


*Alien indigenous sentients approaching.*


*Standard orders, five. One out.*


An abrupt explosion of feather-winged wildlife swept over the pond and flew in a large circle and once again before landing in the protection of the undergrowth again. The alien-speech was closer now. And it was clear that there were two or more of them approaching the pond from the overgrown trail.


Drumbeat five's squad leader signaled with his hands. First team quickly and quietly took up positions on the sides of the path. Two scrambled up large vine-laden deciduous trees. The other two found ground positions that also provided good fields of fire. The rest of the squad faded back into their perimeter positions. And just as soon as all stopped moving, they all blended in with the foliage, virtually invisible.


As the two aliens turned the bend of the path, the larger one pointed to the pool. A wild chattering of alien speech ensued followed by the repetitive sounds emanating from both. Their fieldcraft was sloppy and a deaf histag would even hear them trampling through the forest. But that did not last for long. The sounds of the aliens were cut short as First team opened up with their Cross-Fire Blasters.


The two aliens were tossed into the sharp, but shallow ravine and covered with brush. Squad leader called, *One, this is five. No casualties reported. No aliens escaped. Five out.*


It was just another day in the life of an Advance Scout.



Believing that they are the best of the best, the Skellarian Advance Scouts are prepared to risk their lives so that Skellaria can conquer and grow.



Skellarian Advance Scouts are veteran light infantry troopers specialized to building and securing advance bases on industrial worlds for which the Skellarian High Command has designated for conquest. They are equipped with Cross-fire Laser Blasters, Personal Deflector belts, and Light-Bending Harnesses that provide excellent scouting capabilities.



While the Advance Scouts look like other Skellarians, they wear a broad Personal Deflector belt and a Light-Bending Harness over their tunics.


Click Here for the Advance Scout Character Sheet

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