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French Presidential Elections


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The French Humanistic Movement obtains a modest representation in the National Assembly (Asemblée Nationale)


In an historical day for the party the FHM has managed to get four of their representatives in the National Assembly after the elections of the 6 of May. According to declarations of Maurice Gernet, President of the FHM: “Once again is clear the preoccupation of the citizens before the advance of the inhumanity and the inefficiency of the present institutions in the task of protecting the true humans”.

They have promised to send to new president Nicholas Sarkozy a study of the reforms to resolve the not-human problems. Sarkozy always has been against the proliferation of vigilant action, reason why it is possible that the proposals of the FHM would be seriously listened.

The reactions to the declarations of Gernet did not wait a long time. From the well-known organization pro-superhumans Global Project they lament the words of the spokesman of the party and trust the good criterion of the Assembly facing the study of the proposals of the FHM.

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French Presidential Elections


Two days after the victory of Sarkozy in the French presidential elections, more than thousand vehicles have been set afire as a protest by the victory of the preservative candidate.


To the 592 arrested during the night of Sunday, they have been added 160 more. According to data of the police, 365 vehicles were set afire the last night, of which 49 by propagation, which they are added to the 730 burned during the night that followed the announcement of the victory of Sarkozy on its rival the socialist candidate Segolene Royal. That night they were arrested near 600 people and, last night, other 160.

There were confrontations between young hostile opposed to Sarkozy and the forces of the order in several cities last night, like Rennes and Nantes (the northwest and the west).


Today in Lyon (Southeastern) it took place the fourth manifestation anti-Sarkozy, with about 400 participants, from the election of which will be the sixth president of France next day 16.


The Bastille Square has been scene of confrontations between oppositors and the forces of the order during the two last nights. Fifteen people followed today under arrest.


The declarations of Maurice Genet with respect to the measures anti-superhumans have caused numerous reactions between the pro-superhumans militants who have added the opponents to Sarkozy.

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