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Christmas Adventure Year 3


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So a few years ago I was inspired to start an annual Christmas Special Champions adventure.


Here was my first Christmas Adventure. Last years was not posted.


..and here is a draft of this year's Christmas Adventure...FYI I am looking for a Christmas theme death trap (Scene 3). Any thoughts?


Oh Little Children of Millennium City


Scene 1: Christmas Time of Year (December 1)


Ask players how their characters react to the holidays. Point out some “stereotypical” hero holiday behavior (i.e. Nighthawk, who does not celebrate and works, or Ironclad who knows nothing of the season but might like to embrace it and learn about it).


One player character will have the idea to do a Secret Santa gift exchange with the team. Have them draw names. Tell them they will do the gift exchange on Christmas Eve, and to be thinking of a gift.


One character will be contacted by a children’s charity organization. The charity is trying to raise money to purchase gifts for needy children throughout Millennium City. The organization is having trouble raising money because of the economy. The plan is to raise money to purchase gifts for needy children. The gifts will then be distributed to the children on Christmas Eve during a huge block party in downtown.


Scene 2: Helping the Charity (December 1 to 23)


Now that the team is involved in raising money for the children go around the table and ask them what they will do to raise money for the charity (Role play as desired).


Black Harlequin hears about the player’s attempt to raise money for the charity. Remembering his last defeat at the hands of the characters he plans to use the opportunity to embarrass the foolish do-gooder heroes and wreak havoc as only he can. He plans to kill the heroes and replace the charity gifts with killer toys of his own.


Black Harlequin sets up a trap for the heroes. He lures them to a warehouse with the promise from an anonymous donor to the charity for one million dollars. Once there, the heroes are captured by Black Harlequin. <>


Scene 3: The Christmas Death Trap (December 24)


The heroes wake up in an elaborate Christmas themed death trap. < The death trap will be located at an abandoned “Year-round Christmas store warehouse” outside of town.


After escaping from the death trap the heroes will do some investigating at the hideout where the death-trap was set. They will learn that Black Harlequin is involved. The will see he has hired some super villains to hijack the truck carrying toys to the block party. Of course they learn this and realize the block party is already underway!


Scene 4: The Block Party (aka. The big fight)

The block has been closed to car traffic and a lane has been made for a truck full of gifts to drive up to the big Millennium City Christmas Tree. There, a group of city officials and prominent citizens will greet the truck. This is a huge block party. With a mix of needy families (there to receive gifts) and some of the city’s upper crust to help with the charity work. The heroes were expected to be here, which is noticed by the media. There is a large stage where a band is performing, as the action starts. There is also a large Christmas tree at the center of the event.


Black Harlequin has hired a group of super-villains to help him out <> They were hired to hijack the toy truck, drive it to the party, and then pass out toys . The villains are not aware that the toys are killer toys. They were simply paid to do the job.


The heroes arrive as the Pulsar, Snow Blind, and Zepher are dressed as elves, surrounded by little kids passing out toys. Ogre, dressed as Santa, is at the back of the truck handing out toys to kids as well. Black Harlequin is on a nearby rooftop watching, he will likely see the heroes approach and alert the villains. The villains will activate their powers and wait to initiate combat when they see the heroes.


As the combat turns in favor of the heroes Black Harlequin will activate the killer toys and then attack. At this point the hired villains will try to escape as their personalities allow. The killer toys include knife wielding baby dolls, flying saucers with ray guns, and acid spraying fire trucks.


This scene will end with the heroes saving the day and recovering the stolen truck full of toys.


Scene 5: Secrete Santa


The next scene the characters are all sitting around their Christmas tree, that evening. Have them go around and tell what gift they got the other characters.

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Re: Christmas Adventure Year 3


Thanks for the idea. Here is what I came up with for the "Christmas Death Trap".


Scene 3: Heroes Roasting on an Open Fire (December 24)


The heroes wake up in an elaborate Christmas themed surprise. The trap will be located at an abandoned “Year-round Christmas store warehouse” outside of town.


As the heroes wake up they hear Black Harlequin singing a song.


Heroes roasting on an open fire

When you awake you find yourself roasting on an open fire. You are in a large steal room, tied and hung from the ceiling by heavy chains. A large open fire roaring below. <>


Jack Frost ripping at your nose

As the first character breaks free, water starts to spray the room, extinguishing the fire. Then the room instantly turns ice cold (some type of chemical reaction hero scientists might deduce). A large snow man comes out of a hidden chamber and attacks. Ice on the floor (-3 dex rolls) Jack frost can have some cold based attacks. He seems to target your nose??? 75% damage reduction.


Yuletide carols being screamed by a choir


As the large snow man is smashed up above you a platform appears with five carolers. They appear to be ties up with some type of mechanical face mask on. A sonic attack begins to emit from the carolers. A 2d6 NND entangle, you can not hear and all skill rolls are at -3. Defense is ear covering, which Black Harlequin would have removed.


And folks beat up by Eskimos.

As soon as the sonic attack starts a door opens and an Eskimo for each hero walks out with a bat They walk over and start to hit the heroes. The Eskimos have hearing protection. Eskimos could have the following “clubs” 6d6 HA, 3d6 NND (shock), 2d6 HKA Spiked, (tailor the club the hero’s defenses).


Everybody knows a turkey and that has mistletoes,


A large robot turkey comes out and launches missiles from it’s toes .


Help to make the season bright.


A blinding flash attack starts I might make this a transform attack that if left undefended against, permanently blinds a target.


Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow,


Six baby dolls fall from the celing, attached with rope. Their eyes glowing of course. The babies start to count down. At zero they explode – 4d6RKA


Will find it hard to sleep tonight.


Gas attack. 4d6 continuous NND


At this point Harlequin assumes the heroes will succumb to his gas attack and continued the song as the heroes fall unconscious.

The Harlequin is on his way

He's loaded lots of toys and goodies to slay.

Every mother and child is going to die,

At the block party there’ll be no deny


And so I'm offering this simple phrase,

To heroes from one to ninety-two,

Although its been said many times, many ways,

A very Merry Christmas to you

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