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Help needed with Futurepunk-Setting ruleset


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I'm running into more and more troubles implementing meaningful rules options for the Futurepunk setting I've written. A quick sorry up front, as most of it is still in German.


It's supposed to be a game that has a higher focus on action and swift playability rather than meticulously crafted realism, but I'm running into walls here and there.

I think I'm doing it wrong in some certain points of the HERO-System modification.

But let me get to the point:


I'm trying to build a ruleset for a setting, that's part Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex and part Transhuman Space.

The basics are there, Cyberware generally comes with a -1 modifier to the points cost, since it's restrainable, needs upkeeping work, and needs to be repaired if damaged.

There's also a sort of "everywhere Cyberspace", the Augmented Reality, which enables a sort of limited set of mentalist powers, and is in general built by a mental illusions - self only power.

Weapons are smart, some even truly intelligent, reducing range modifiers, giving "indirect" advantages and the like.

Currently there are two compounds of powers (not necessarily compound powers) that bother me a bit.


First is how to build fully cyberized characters. I played around a bit with Multiform for that, but that quickly becomes so laughably cheap that a character could have several 500 pt cyberbodies for around 30 pts.

Of course it could be done by just straight out building the character as a cyborg from the start, and just let a cyborg character cost a lot of points. I don't know, maybe that's the best way to go, but it seems somewhat unelegant to me.

Or the cyberware is treated as equipment rather than as a power...

Having a full body replacement would also require a skill / tf just to display a characters ability to cope with his new body, and on top of that, I'd make a perk "licensed cyberbody user" mandatory if the cyborg in question doesn't want to end up as a brain in a jar when the authorities find him.


Another bothersome compound is "Telepresence". Or "Drone Rigging" for anyone who knows his Shadowrun.

Another Mind Link: Machine, Drones are then intelligent. So far, so good, but that'd just put a Drone Rigger in the co-pilot seat.

Duplication could work to some extent, but I'm not too happy with just using that.


On top of all that, Cyberware should be restrainable by a "cyberware entangle power" thingy, but I'm not sure yet as to how to build that. Or how to limit the cyberware in itself for it to be meaningfully affected. Make every single piece of ware affectable by High Range Radio Perception Flash could be one thing...


I'm just not sure if I'm doing this right. Or HOW to do this right.

Maybe as a little thing on top of it all:

I've introduced a somewhat alternative damage model:

1-2 points of BODY recieved in a fight only last until the end of the fight, representing light scratches and bruising. Also a character can't die from these wounds, but if BODY sinks below 0 from such wounds, a character is "just" knocked out.

3-4 points of BODY are light injuries, curable with a medkit and a successful paramedics roll.

5-8 points of BODY need medical care, a specialist, and probably a short stay in hospital.

9-up points are serious business and need treatment at a hospital and a longer resting period.


Just to quickly illustrate where I'm trying to go with this...

I'm not really trying to emulate a future reality, I'm rather trying to emulate movies / tv series / comics depicting such a thing.

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