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Sci-Fi, Psionic, Horror, Char Changes


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im thinking of running a new sci-fi game in hero system 6th ed, i was thinking somthing with alot of psionics and also horror type themes. for it i was looking at changing the characteristics to suit the game better i want some opinions on the changes:


STR - as normal

DEX - as normal (except it dosent determine initiative and costs 1pt)

CON - as normal

INT - as normal

EGO - as normal (mostly see PRE attacks)

PRE - as normal except PRE attacks different*

SPD - used to determine order of combat & roll vs roll for held actions (in heroic games where speed only differes 2-4 i prefer not to use it so instead im using SPD like dex if it only determined combat order and dex vs dex offs for taking actions)

OCV/DCV/OMCV/DMCV - as normal (mostly except PRE attacks)

PD/ED as normal

WD - (will defense) defense against "real" mental attacks e.g. fear (PD of the mind)

MD - defense against psychic attacks (like ED of the mind)

REC - as normal

MREC - mental recovery (REC rate for mind & courage)... id like a better name

END - as normal

BODY - as normal

Mind - the "BODY" of the mind (temp mental breakdown if 0, insanity if -value)

STUN - as normal

COUR - Courage stun for the mind

* PRE attacks works like using STR for attacks 1 die per 5 val .etc except it uses EGO instead of CON, WD instead of PD, Mind instead of Body and COUR instead of STUN.

also when purchasing psionic powers its a +0 AVAD to attack the mental stats instead of normal ones eg. killing attack can be vs rMD and deal damage to Mind & Courage instead. obviously getting defences for both is relativly easy thus the +0 for example slippery mind for rMD/rWD instead of combat luck. cybernetic brain implants insted of armor... you get the idea.

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