HERO System Discussion
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- 12 replies
Back by popular demand! This file, which is also available for free from the Hero Games Online Store, contains all the errata known to me as of today. If you find an errata in the core rulebook which isn't listed here, please PM me to inform me about it. Please don't post it here, because I may not see it. Sending it to me directly ensures that I won't overlook it. 6E Errata 2020-02-09.pdf
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 57 replies
In a previous thread we spoke about using Mental Powers with Haymaker and the implications and results of doing so. Should other Maneuvers be fleshed out to include Mental Powers especially Defensive ones? It is my opinion that non-mentalists should have at least some chance of interfering with an incoming Mental attack. So the following maneuvers should be made available to them. Mental Block (Mind Bar) - Uses OMCV vs. OMCV to allow the target of a Mental Attack the ability to block it. I like this one because it actually gives a character a reason to use OMCV (an otherwise useless Characteristic for non-mentalists). Mental Dodge (Evasive Will) - Gives …
Last reply by Hugh Neilson, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
I had an interesting situation come up in a session recently. One of the players thought Interrogation was an Everyman Skill. I gently corrected this, but it got me to thinking. How might choosing Everyman skills help in defining a culture or even a campaign? If I’m running a campaign and decide Charm is an Everyman Skill, how does that help define the campaign? Or if I did run a campaign where Interrogation was an Everyman Skill, what does that say about the type of world it is?
Last reply by Doc Democracy, -
- 41 replies
Ok, Steve won't answer this question. Why is Gestures worth -1/4 and Restrainable worth -1/2? What could be used to stop Restrainable that couldn't also stop Gestures?
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 185 replies
OK. I had it gently pointed out to me by @unclevlad that the pricing of REC on END Reserves was for pricing reasons - using turns rather than phases meant that the price was the same across every character rather than having to deal with the vagaries of different SPDs between characters. It occurs to me that SPD is one of the things I police most strongly in my games - higher SPDs are devastating in the right hands - my friend realised that when he allowed me to have a SPD 12 martial artists in an early game with our group. Even though he was dishing out very small amounts of damage, the fact it was autofire and AP along with the ability to move recover and …
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 8 replies
So, I've not been terribly active here since joining the forums. That's mainly because I hadn't yet read the rules and so felt I didn't have much to contribute. Now? Well, I'm still not done reading. I'm about 75% through Volume 2 (but past most of the major rules sections, and am reading the genre notes). That is...a brain-melting amount of info to take in. But cool. No other system had me thinking of ways to use it as I read. For example, at different times in my read-through, I decided I could figure out how to create a DnD Beholder, take players into the Matrix, and start deciding how to handle spelljammer style sailing ships. I'm not yet ready to sta…
Last reply by Ninja-Bear, -
Hello All! I am a new DM for this system and at the moment I am making characters to hone my builds and maybe even utilize them for my campaign (oho!) But I have come across a problem, I've gotten a bit... Multipower-happy, in which I utilize Multipower quite a bit when utilizing powers because, to me, it just makes sense when it comes to powers that are multifaceted in nature. I'll show some examples here and my thought processes behind it. This first bit is from a power that allows the person to control their own inhibitions and bodily functions, because it was so wide-ranging, I put it into a Multipower. Easy enough, but it makes me feel like I shouldn't…
Last reply by Hugh Neilson, -
- 20 replies
Good Afternoon Herophiles! I've been working on a few "Heroic" level campaigns as of late and was playing around with vehicles. Specifically cars in a post-apocalypse kind of setting, and starships in space operas. I've always been a big fan of modding stock vehicles for a character's needs (for example The Millennium Falcon), but also enjoyed the concept of "so much space" that's available to mod in. Because of this, I've been working on a placement system. When selected, the base chassis of a vehicle has (BODYx5) slots available, with items taking (AP/10) slots. So if you have a vehicle with BODY 20, that would give you 100 slots to play with. Say you want a p…
Last reply by Chris Goodwin, -
- 3 replies
I remember the supervillain group King's Gambit, a chest based supervillain team. The question is, how would you write up the ability called "Castling", where King (the leader of the group) exchanges places with Rook (the group brick) and vice versa?
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 6 replies
Ask me questions about Champions
Last reply by Sketchpad, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
If a speedster is able to control their application of damage to an object to a fine degree, they should be able to drill holes into an object with their fingers, cut a slot into a wall, or sculpt a rigid object... I want to represent this as a Transform, that transforms a rigid/brittle object into the same object, but with selective portions of itself removed... What degree of Transform would you class this as...?
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 1 follower
- 54 replies
If you establish a Campaign AP Limit, how do you apply that to a VPP? My understanding is that is should only usually apply to the slots and the Reserve of your AP. But HD calls the real cost of the Pool + Control Cost as the 'Active Points'. So does that mean that the Pool + Control if they were above the AP limit of a campaign would be forbidden? Or should you only look at the Pool? Certainly the examples in Champions 6e seem to indicate that the Pool is the element that must abide by the campaign's AP limit, not the total.
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 0 replies
Just wondering if anyone has the male and female "Strong man " character sheets they could forward. It would be greatly appreciated
Last reply by Thorkin, -
- 4 replies
I tend to enjoy playing most rpgs more by converting them to Hero 5e. I just know Hero 5th really well and so it makes GMing them not a drag to run. (I like 6th too, I use it, but for running other systems in Hero, 5e is my go-to.) Is there a document or thread here on the forums that showcases package deals etc. for playing Vampire this way? Anyone tried it? Is there a mechanic that will be spoiled by moving it to Hero? PS: I've played Vampire: The Masquerade and I know the World of Darkness lore: I'm just thinking Heroing it will be more fun.
Last reply by Duke Bushido, -
Skill Levels 1 2 3
by Sean Waters- 3 followers
- 70 replies
It was mentioned in another thread that the cost of skill levels might benefit from a bit of analysis, so let’s do that, starting with Combat Skill Levels. +1 OCV costs 5 points but you can get a skill level that gives you +1 OCV for 2 points. Sure, it is limited to a single attack but if your character is MegaBlast whose only offensive power is his MegaBlast, that is a bargain: you’re probably never going to use your OCV for anything else. We can pretty much guarantee that is someone is buying 2-point levels they are only planning to use a single attack most of the time and, in a game with hit Locations, are going for Head Shots all the time. Al…
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 35 replies
Planning a Star Wars game and reading the rules for ships with larger sizes provide a bonus to the OCV of ships attacking them. I was wondering if there should be a penalty for large ships to hit smaller vessels. Because at present the Death Star could hit a single person as easily as it hits a planet which to me seems a little off. Was thinking of applying the Size OCV bonus as a penalty to larger ships when attacking smaller ships. Was wondering what people's opinions and ideas are?
Last reply by Duke Bushido, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Just wondering how many folk allow the optional pro-rating of REC so the END trickles in over segments or phases rather than at the base REC/turn? I cannot see the purpose of forbidding the purchase of REC/phase if you allow the pro-rating to occur. Doc
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
I Wonder Why... 1 2
by tolen1- 2 followers
- 25 replies
I finally got my copy of Volume 1, and I'm working my way through. I have a couple of "Why?" questions... Disclaimer: I haven't finished reading the core books yet, so maybe it gets explained somewhere...at least the attack question, anyway. Why is it called "Bump of Direction?" There's gotta be a story there... Why is an attack roll OCV +11? Why not set OCV higher by default instead of making more adding for players (not much, mind, and not difficult, but...)
Last reply by Hugh Neilson, -
- 10 replies
Hi there everyone. Short-time lurker, first time poster. I am planning on running not one but two Hero System 6e campaigns in the coming months, both of them in different high fantasy settings. Something I'd like to be able to do in them is allow my players to acquire magic items much like they might expect to in Dungeons & Dragons, while trying to keep in mind the difference in feel caused by using the Hero System (or any points-based power-based system, for that matter) I've read through the item creation rules in Fantasy Hero, and the idea of just paying character points to get a new power in the form of a magic item seems redundant. On the other hand, …
Last reply by Sketchpad, -
- 18 replies
When a player is using a skill, when is the best time to make them roll it. Would there be times that you could just give it to them without a roll, or should they always be rolling. So hey GMs, what are your thoughts.
Last reply by Christopher R Taylor, -
- 21 replies
Is there a rule for similar skills? For example: Epah has Electronics at 14-. Epah may use Bugging and Security Systems at 8-. I played 1E and 3E for years and 6E a bit, but we had so many GMs and so many house rules, it often all runs together.
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I have always been mesmerized by the snapshots of (potentially) other campaigns that are scattered throughout rulebooks. Many is the time I have looked closely at an image from one of my Champions books and have been inspired by the implications of the image to craft an entire adventure. Case in point: I was looking something up for my 5e pulp campaign and I came across this image: From page 313 of Hero System 5e Revised. I mean: what the &%$ ! What is the context of this image? It's clearly an intelligent ape of some kind, running from a gladiator-type fight with a dragon-snake..? The gorilla dude is dropping his sword…
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 4 replies
I was thinking of a substute serial numbers filed off version of Beamline for @tiger's Argent thread, and figured turning into a "deadly" energy ball form would be good to make him different enough from make this theory villain different from Beamline. So the big question is...how would YOU make the energy ball form? Would it be a multiform (form one: various energy blasts, former two: Desolification and affect real world surface energy blast and flight)? Or some other way?
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 22 replies
Hello Herodom! As some may know, I've never been a big fan of the Hero stat blocks, and have started working on something knew for my group. That said, I was curious about the community thought about a few things and wanted to ask a few questions. 1. How many pages is your idea Hero Character Sheet? 2. Do you think a sheet strictly for combat would be a helpful addition? This would contain all the charts and tables specifically for combat, and perhaps list various attacks.* 3. Do you prefer a list format, or do you like something more condensed (like have a paragraph of skills rather than one skill per line)? 4. What do you think is missing fro…
Last reply by Sean Waters, -
- 37 replies
I'm looking for thoughts and feedback to help decide on changing the CV calculation from DEX/3 to DEX/5. I would probably drop Martial Arts, as I already feel they're too cheap, and this would make them more so. I know I have to review all of the combat manuevers to see if they should be changed. I don't think Skill Levels will need to be repriced; but I'll check anyways. I'm considering because of previous DEX/CV arms races. Would this help? Make it worse? Chris.
Last reply by Ninja-Bear,
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