HERO System Discussion
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Back by popular demand! This file, which is also available for free from the Hero Games Online Store, contains all the errata known to me as of today. If you find an errata in the core rulebook which isn't listed here, please PM me to inform me about it. Please don't post it here, because I may not see it. Sending it to me directly ensures that I won't overlook it. 6E Errata 2020-02-09.pdf
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 53 replies
Like a group of lions backing you off a cliff, pride comes before a fall. Now I may have mentioned this before but falling damage is all wrong in Hero. It just feels wrong and I think I know why. A terminal velocity fall is considered to be 60m/second (6E2 141). That does 30d6 on impact according to the rules, which is a lot. It is the equivalent of a 150 STR punch. Terminal velocity is somewhere between 53 and 80m per second, 120-180mph, depending on whether you are pancaking or nose diving, so that's about right: we can assume most people falling are trying to do so as slowly as possible. Kinetic energy is ½ mass * velocity squared, or 180,0…
Last reply by Sean Waters, -
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- 10 replies
Ok, got a question for you. I know it has been established that you can buy an attack power, give it "Area of Effect" (say, 3m, it's a close one), set it to "No Range", and "Personal Immunity", and anyone who comes into the Area of Effect of the attack power takes the damage. Now, since the power is "No Range" and "Area of Effect", you can now move and take the area with you. If you then move the Area Attack power over a target, the target will take damage from the area effect. No particular To Hit roll will be needed, since this is an "Area of Effect". Now, let's assume we have a movement power that allows you cover a large amount of d…
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 4 replies
Base power is an Energy Blast. Would you allow: a) Naked Advantage: STUN only. It's listed as a +0 Advantage, so in principle, it'd be...0 points. b) Naked Advantage: Reduced Penetration, as a +0 Advantage; as a limitation, making it 'optional' like this negates any limiting aspect. c) or in both cases, would you treat these as becoming +1/4 advantages, because they're now optional, and give, in a sense, distinct variants? The campaign notions: --killing even villains, unless they're just too much of a threat to others, is Bad. --collateral damage, to people or property, should be minimized. Again, not always poss…
Last reply by Tech, -
- 4 replies
I am going to import a NPC from a novel into my Urban Fantasy Game. Book series: Incarnations of Immortality Character: Molly the ghost First Book Appearance: On a Pale Horse In the novel, Molly is a ghost that was "imported" to a west coast US city to be a tourist attraction. She is originally from Ireland and was a street vender during the 1800's when she lived. She became a ghost and a mage in the early 1900 relocated her to the west coast city where the novel starts. In the novel if someone interactes with her, they would die with the next few days. Interaction means talking to or trying to attack and not just watching her pass by. Molly is aware of this c…
Last reply by DentArthurDent, -
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- 22 replies
How would you build Tomia's starfish style regeneration ability. Cut her into pieces and each piece will grow into Tomia. Obviously Regeneration along with Revival, but Absorption into Summoning?
Last reply by Hugh Neilson, -
by Tech- 5 replies
This is something that's come up in the campaign and I don't believe I've heard anyone address. If you have a power with an activation roll (say 14 or less) and you roll a Perfect 3/18 on the activation, how have you handled this?
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 25 replies
Hello Herodom! As some may know, I've never been a big fan of the Hero stat blocks, and have started working on something knew for my group. That said, I was curious about the community thought about a few things and wanted to ask a few questions. 1. How many pages is your idea Hero Character Sheet? 2. Do you think a sheet strictly for combat would be a helpful addition? This would contain all the charts and tables specifically for combat, and perhaps list various attacks.* 3. Do you prefer a list format, or do you like something more condensed (like have a paragraph of skills rather than one skill per line)? 4. What do you think is missing fro…
Last reply by mattingly, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Physical Transformation looks at Constitution. Mental Transformation looks at Ego. What stat to look for with Spiritual Transformation?
Last reply by unclevlad, -
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- 8 replies
Please check my logic and numbers on this power. Concept: Character throws a Acupuncture Needle to cause a mental Paralysis. Needle Paralysis: Entangle 2d6 Advantages: Takes no damage from Attacks +3/4, Works against EGO, Not STR +1/4 Active points: 30 AP Limits: Beam -1/4, Can be Deflected -1/4, OAF -1, Gestures -1/4, Inaccurate -1/4, Limited Power: Removing needle ends the Effect -1/2 CP cost: 9
Last reply by Ockham's Spoon, -
- 2 replies
How would you do a man who can generate duicates like a Russian Doll, with each duplicate being technically smaller and smaller and smaller? While there is a Tick character like that, I was actually watching with my sister season 5 if the Masked Singer (the one with Kermit as a snail for some reason...).
Last reply by Hugh Neilson, -
I'm building a duplication guy who is basically a normal bloke with maybe 100 points in skills and martial arts. I want a lot of dupes, what are some non crippling ways of increasing the number of dupes I can get with 375 points?
Last reply by Hugh Neilson, -
- 4 replies
If a hero has an END Battery and a power can use either personal END or the END battery, would a Drain vs END be capable of draining the END Battery in this case? I'm inclined to think you still need to buy Drain vs END battery, but I wanted to check.
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 0 replies
I was looking through some of the DC to Hero 6th conversions in the download files. It looks like an export template was used to create the .doc files. IS there an export template that was used on these characters and if so is it available? ---- Edit ------------- Never mind, I found the file and it's not an export template.
Last reply by Alric66, -
- 4 replies
Recently picked up PDF of Autoduel Champions from the 2/3 edition days. I was wondering if anyone has actually used the vehicle rules in the game for HERO in place of the normal ones and how it went.
Last reply by greypaladin_01, -
- 29 replies
Has anyone considered figuring our how much other dice would cost to buy in Hero for the various different powers? d4s, d8s, d10s, d12s, and d20s
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 10 replies
He's a big ol' alligator guy In terms of combat, I want him to have a bite -> grab with jaw -> death roll sequence I would also like to give him Integumentary Sensory Organs (when something gets close to them in the water, they can sense it and snap their jaws at it) In game terms, he has a Detect, adjacent, 360 degrees. I'd like for him to get a triggered brief ping when someone enters this radius, giving him an extra phase where the sense is also targeting, rapid x10, and can trigger him to jump to the source of the ping and attempt a bite (the bite can "missfire" by being forced, even if he doesn't want to just whip around and bite some rando) I'm …
Last reply by unclevlad, -
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- 12 replies
I am going to run an urban fantasy game with magic system where a spell caster can via doing certain extra actions gain dice for boost the active power beyond the normal limit. This is something i think that all spellcaster will get without costing them character points for roleplaying out what their character is doing. examples: They use a special material that is used and is nor normally needed Or use Special focus item that is not normally needed or Take extra time to make a ritual out of the spell casting Wearing a ceremonial robes of going sky clad Casting during the correct astrological event. now should i make this …
Last reply by Tanis Frey, -
- 234 replies
It was suggested that maybe we create a thread for new people who are posting and especially for lurkers. So here is what I would like to suggest everyone post as an introduction: How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)? What was the first tabletop RPG you played? What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed? What are you currently playing/GMing? I hope this thread gets pinned.
Last reply by Kokoro, -
- 314 replies
I am pleased to announce the launch of the HERO System Mobile app on both the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. You can install the app by searching for it in your app store or by using the links provided. The app is free to use, ad free, and respects your privacy. Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.herogmtools App Store - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hero-system-mobile/id1352750917?ls=1&mt=8 Amazon App Store - http://a.co/byom955 This project is an extension of an export template I wrote a few months ago. I had so much fun writing that template that I decided to develop a full app. …
Last reply by Kokoro, -
- 1 follower
- 149 replies
Why do you not like them? I am sure it has been considered by many but... I realy like the HERO way of doing vehicles, in fact I like them better than any other system I have played in except maybe the Pure War Gaming Systems. Bringing this up because of this thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32414
Last reply by Sketchpad, -
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- 13 replies
Trying to help a player build this and I am stuck on the "correct" way to build this. I have no issues with handwaving an answer and we have already done so to move forward but trying to figure out how the official build would look. Concept: character has a magic bonded pistol that they can summon to their hand as full phase action as long as hands are free, but the weapon can be disarmed. It requires bullets to fire and works like a normal pistol, however the character can charge personal energy into the weapon to enhance (change to rED). Multipower 45pts Active (Magic Gun) Retrainable (using this in place of Focus to reflect the weap…
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 2 replies
I was poking around with my various editions of HERO books (including New Millennium and other Fuzion games) when I had an idea that I can ALMOST wrap my head around, but feel like I am hitting a wall. I am fully aware this is NOT THE DONE THING for Hero, but want to see if this is something that I can make work. Hopefully some outside input will help. While I do think this change could still maybe work at the superhero level, I feel it probably is mechanically best in the Heroic levels of the game. Specifically for things like Star/Fantasy Hero and similar. I am trying to do several things at once.. which is probably why I am getting stuck. …
Last reply by greypaladin_01, -
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- 25 replies
How do you do time travel and associated phenomena? Here’s how I do it. Imagine time is like a tree and you start at the base of the trunk. You can climb the tree but it has branches and when you reach one you have to decide whether to follow the branch or not. Your choice will determine where you end up. There might be other trees. If you climb into one of them because the branches touch it will be really difficult to get back. Technically you could also follow the tree below ground but that’s really hard and often pointless: the past you visit that led to the present might not be the past you remember, and if you go deep enough t…
Last reply by Beast, -
- 4 replies
Good morning all (or evening, or whatever it is where you are...) I'm getting close to hitting the "go" button on my campaign with my friends, so after all of the research and reading and putting bits together, I decided it was time to go back and review the most basic rules, especially in regards to how combat works. I'm looking at the Damage Class Table. And I'm confused. The first three columns are pretty straightforward, and make sense to me. It's everything else after that. How are those columns applied?
Last reply by tolen1,
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