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Fear Aura


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Hullo All! :)


I want to build some critters that innately emanate a palpable aura of fear as a passive ability. I know that fear effects are covered by Presence Attacks, but how would this be built? My first guess is buying some extra PRE as a power that's Persistent and Uncontrolled, with a limitation Only for Fear-based Presence Attacks. I'm also inclined to pop the Standard Effect rule on there.


Am I going in the right direction? Either way, do you have any suggestions?

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Re: Fear Aura


Standard Response: This is HERO, what is the "In Game Effect" of this power?


Does it make them more susceptible to fear? Change Environment or Suppress would be appropriate (probably vs PRE or EGO, depending on how you plan to create a fear attack).


Does it ACTUALLY scare them, causing them to run away? Mind Control (AOE, only to cause target to run away), maybe Based on PRE instead of EGO, or AVAD NND (Defense is successful EGO roll or appropriate Psych Lim) or something like that.


If you are wanting it to constantly do PRE Attacks you probably need some sort of trigger effect on some amount of PRE (especially if the critter doesn't have to do anything and it works even while unaware).


Personally, for a "fear aura" creating creature I would do it as "Suppress PRE, AOE, 0 END, Always On, only for defending against Fear Based PRE attacks". Then have the critters throw a PRE attack at the start of the fight. Anything else, RAW, results in anyone in the AOE having to roll for fear every phase the critter gets, which can bog down the game considerably. If that is the effect you want you can go for it of course.

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Re: Fear Aura


Actually 5th ed has a "Fear Infliction" power as an example of Mind Control:


Mind Control: 10d6, Telepathic (+1/4) (62 AP) Set Effect (Run Away as fast as you can -1/2) cost: 41 points


All you would have to do is set it as a persistent ability, give it some kind of AoE effect (I'd say explosion so that it gets weaker the further you are from it, making you less likely to run if you're 30 meters away versus right next to it) and 0 END. It'll be expensive, but you could reduce the effect since 10d6 seems awfully powerful unless this thing is supposed to be some kind of Elder Demon that'll make even the most hardened hero soil themselves.


The difference between this idea and what psyber624 suggested is that this would be more 'long-term' since it'll require breakout rolls from the targets and also potentially force them to run back to the fight for a few turns. The PRE idea would work for the current phase and would have to be re-used each turn (to a lesser effect).

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Re: Fear Aura


My biggest problem with the mind control version is that mental powers are incredibly effective in your standard HERO game. Few characters buy up DMCV, EGO, or MD. So that would likely be just as effective against a normal person as it would be against a superhero (as their respective stats are about the same in those areas). At most you MIGHT (as a GM) push the effect level needed up a notch or two (Stating normal humans wouldn't mind running away, but most heroes are against it, and a few (with psych lims or reps) would be totally against it.)


And speaking of which don't forget that mind control is sort of an all or nothing style power, so weakening the dice can quickly take it from incredibly effective to nearly useless in a hurry.

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Re: Fear Aura


Either option will work so I guess the real sticking point is how 'scary' this thing is supposed to be. With animals a PRE attack would probably be the best option but if you're talking some kind of hell-spawn that would cause near insanity just by looking at it, then I think the MC version would be more appropriate. As with most things, the proper way to build it is entirely based on the nature of the power and what kind of effect you want it to have.

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Re: Fear Aura


Okay, a little more info on the in-game effect and campaign level info. The campaign will likely be Normal Heroic level where the characters have access to mental powers. The creatures (there will be many types of differing degrees of power) are from a different universe with different physical laws. There mere presence is so off-putting that weaker-willed individuals tend to be cowed with fear--running the gamut from fainting, paralysis, running away, etc. (Hence why I initially assumed a PRE attack.) The effect is not a conscious effort (some of the creatures have animal-level intelligence or less), but rather a side-effect of being alien to this universe and its physical laws (this, and the desire to roll less dice, is why I'm considering the Standard Effect). The more "powerful" the creature, the stronger the fear aura is likely to be (the weakest are capable of scaring the bjeebus out of most Normals but rarely make the heroes anything but uncomfortable, regular adversaries may make the heroes uncomfortable or hesitant and occasionally fearful, and elite types may make the heroes run for cover.

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Re: Fear Aura


This sounds a bit more in the realm of supernatural rather than basic fear. I'm thinking something like an H. P. Lovecraft kind of creature. Since you're talking about weak-willed individuals I think the MC might be better simply because of the nature of the characteristics. PRE is pretty much charisma, confidence, bravery, and the ability to impress/awe people. EGO is mental fortitude and strong will. If you're dealing with something that's otherworldly and beyond human comprehension, even the bravest of individuals may curl into a quivering ball simply because this is something that they've never seen or dealt with. If we were talking about a snarling bear, then that would be PRE since that's straight bravery but with this we're talking something terrible that would probably have a long-lasting effect on the mental well-being of the target.


I've been planning a Lovecraft-style horror adventure and I've been asking myself this same question. I'd go with the MC simply because I think the longer effect is more appropriate for this kind of fear. I mean, seeing a monstrosity from the nether dimensions would probably take people more than a phase to get over.

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Re: Fear Aura


That sounds like a Mind Control, Area Effect, Always On. Then you apply a bit of handwavium to the situation. Compare the SER of your Mind Control to the target's ego. If the SER is > EGO, the target is merely uneasy (no game effect), if > EGO +10 target is cowed (looses half phase as long as under the effect), if > EGO + 20 target runs away until succeeds with a breakout roll, if > EGO +30 target is reduced to a gibbering madman, unable to leave the target area he will continue to lay in a heap screaming his head off. No breakout rolls possible till he is removed from the effect (and likely to suffer long term psychological damage as well if an NPC).


I would still make attack rolls with this so that it doesn't automatically affect everyone in the AOE, and would allow normal DMCV (instead of DMCV 3 as normal for an AOE effect). To speed play I would probably do 1 when they enter the affected area, then only do one whenever something has a cause to make them scared again (Suffered more than 1-2 Body Damage, Stunned, ally defeated, etc.)


This is really more of a plot device than anything so you don't have to actually spell it out in HERO creation terms. Just state how it works and be happy with it.

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